This webm proves satanic jews won the war against white people
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Have a red pill
Women are whores when they are free to do so. Not realy news mate.
The only decent woman in 2016
I was fucking looking for this video to show in the thread good work user. Brings tears to my eyes
Well, he has some points.
But ban it and give more power to the (((Government))) doesn't solve shit.
Yeah, makes you feel disgust and emptiness.
Men are also degenerate bastards who fuck women and create bastards.
What we need is children to grow up with stable and loving father and mothers.
>old testament
Pick one.
What do you find bluepilled about the old testament?
Old Testament is for kikes.
the old testament is jewish propaganda
there's a reason jesus came here
>American education
Those aren't arguments.
I don't see the Jews today following the Old Testament.
What, specifically, is bluepilled about it?
oh shit is someone about to defend the old testament?
can't wait for this
As predicted in the Old Testament.
if someone gives me this womans address or name or number i will abscond her to switzerland. get her citizenship. and placer her lovingly upon a throne of methamphetamine for the remainder of her natural life she will only know the true power of swiss wealth and luxury. I will make of her my wife and queen
>What we need is children to grow up with stable and loving father and mothers.
Humanity is doomed.
Silliness. Jesus quotes from the O.T constantly. Christian life is best life. Religion is necessary for a stable moral society. The ritual brings communities together. Traditional society needs religion. Pagan religions no longer exist, and at the very least Christians hate Jews if they're proper christians.
>Isaiah 9:6
For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the world will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
meant for
>Christians hate Jews if they're proper christians.
i wish, all i hear from my brothers and sisters at church is Israel is our ally and jews are the chosen people
so why did jews reject him?
Are you guys retarded or just baiting? I don't think you guys ever read the Old Testament or know what religion Jews follow
More stuff by the guy that made that video here.
I've only gone through a couple of the other ones and they're not as political but they're just as eerie.
praying for terror attacks every day and every night
Because they could not accept that the Messiah would come to sacrifice himself for everyone.
They wanted a messiah who would kill all of the goys for them.
They couldn't accept the true Messiah.
You should know this.
Don't let the Jews claim the Old Testament in your mind. They don't actually believe in it.
Have YOU read the Old Testament?
They are of their father, the devil. The sons of Cain.
The Canaanites intermingled with the Hebrews after the Hebrews moved into the land of Canaan. First they were slaves and servants to Israel, but slowly rose to priesthood through deception while Israel was enslaved by 3 different empires; Babylon, Assyria, and Rome.
This is the potency of Jewish propaganda. Do your part to subtly seed the truth. Jews killed Jesus, no matter what that they say that is inescapable truth. Use that as the wedge to drive your conglomeration into taking the red pill.
Good christians despise Jews. The are the sin. Revelations calls them the synagogue of Satan.
They're just being edgy Atheists. Either libtards or just newfags.
Believe in God or not, that's up to you. But if you reject that Christianity is fundamental to real european culture, that it is absolutely necessary for us to awaken to traditional homogenous society, then you are a fool.
Mr Rogers and Bill Ross are the only reasons I second-guess taking PBS taxdollar funding away.
Too bad the original video archive is gone, used to be a lot more. Guy/guys doing that stuff are kooky yet intriguing, wish I knew more about them.
>not realizing the bible is the most anti-semetic book in the world
Some Jews follow the Old Testament, other Jews follow the Tanakh, or Talmud. Not sure what the Talmud is. The Torah IS the Old Testament.
Monkey fuck off women are whores not because of jews
Ironic women think they're "free" but are really slaves to degeneracy
keep calm and SHAKE YOUR BOOTY!
>Some Jews follow the old testament
This is only true to an extent. The current belief they have about the old testament is so wildly warped, to them it might as well be a different religion than what Judaism most certainly was before Christ.
You cannot show a Jew a scripture like Micah 5:1 without him getting red in the face, and infuriated.
Religious "Jews" today may as well be New Age loonies.
The rest of them are liberal faggots.
You aren't even human. Keep your 'opinions' between your self and Allah nigger-chink.
A jew that follows the old testament is like a Jew that loves mein kampf.
This is the truth. The O.T is basically just a warning to all peoples that the Jews are an evil people that need to be subdued
It's not ironic, it's intentional and sad. We have failed them by not being strong enough to kill the Jew
I'm so fucking glad that my girlfriend learned a legitimate form of exotic dancing and not this bullshit. It's so boring.
Torah is only the Deuterocanon
Holy shit thanks, I've been searching for this for a while now
I mean Pentateuch
>Libertarian detected
The government isn't innately bad. (((They))) only have control because, in part, people like you.
The government should have power. It losing it's power is what caused this.
If we are all equal in the yes of the Lord, then why didn't He make us equal?
Sexual iberation as a form of control is literally the theme of Shinsekai Yori.
Great series if you like weab shit.
You're right..
It's like trying to clean up/rebuild during a hurricane. What can we even do now at this point? Maybe ai-waifus really are the future
But even then jews will find a way to ruin them
this, i'm a middle eastern christian the bible and the old testament are two separate things.
Jesus said that he came to correct the old testament because it is filled with hatred and murder and all sorts of weird shit.
>Gives man an innate desire to fuck and kill, then expects them not to fuck and kill.
What kind of sick game is he playing?
Mathematically it's about 50% men's fault.
This is the problem with the nigs. Not really anything else.
Christianity was created to genetically sabotage the white race and transform them into a slave race. It is reverse eugenics. It teaches us to nurture the weak and to punish the strong. It feminizes men by teaching them to have compassion and empathy like a woman. It pussifies men by teaching them that violence is wrong.
Christianity was also effective at reducing our population by teaching us that it is wrong to have sex outside of marriage and that adultery is a sin.
Chrisitianity is anti-male, anti-human.
Judaism is the superior religion because it teaches its followers that they are the superior race and that all others are to be treated as animals.
>White women want equiality and freedom
>With equality and freedom they choose to act like fucking animals, making that kind of heat-reproductive-tribal-african "dance" with tribal and ultra-degenerated music.
Most christians I know are as sex craved and unmoral as the agnostics I know.
People are all the same, religion doesnt matter
Funny, the only swiss national I've ever met let me dress her up and take pictures of her for meth and DMT. We ended up having sex. She was a 10/10 qt who claimed to have a death cult out west and we talked all night before she caught a bus back to Alberta.
Also this vid got me going for the fleshlight in ten seconds flat.
Nigger shit is always boring as fuck. Unsophisticated monkey bullshit.
Micah 5:1 why?
I only not long ago realized that my whole young life was manipulated by porn.
I was always less motivated to get girls than my friends, like a dickless person.
It's hard to stop watching porn, but I'm trying.
I want to escape this hell.
Very smart, Japan man.
Tell me, how is Nintendo in your area?
Only because women can't keep their legs shut before marriage.
>cock is still flaccid after watching the webm
i love this video. everytime i listen/watch it, i feel as if i am LARPing in some small middle of nowhere town like the ones you see in the US horror films, listening to my radio and peering through my window into the darkness, clutching my firearm, smoking my backwoods back to back don't get it misunderstood.
it's just so deliciously paranoid. it's actually a really great art.
You clueless morons talking about the OTAND muh Jebus need to STFU. Yahowsha (muh Jebus) was Torah I b servant and said he didn't come to abolish or change the towrah. You cucks follow Paul, the wolf in sheep's clothing, the benjamite, who says the opposite of what year Jebus and God said. God fucking HATES you people. For any who isn't a dumb christcuck go to blessyahowah.com. Muh Jebus hates all of you too and none of you are going to heaven you worthless sacks
get a woman to admit it is 50% their fault. never happens. women don't feel true conviction.
Jesus and the Devil are the same person.
The only reason why women act like this is because of sheer amount of privilges that have been given as an opportunity for them especially a pool of thirsty men for them to fish.
Sever those and they'll be more refined.