Why don't we just economically isolate our countries and create an economy based on the production of goods and...

Why don't we just economically isolate our countries and create an economy based on the production of goods and services?

You all elected the biggest idiot on the face of the planet, Donald Drumpf.

>Unironically supporting a globalist Candidate in 2016 who wants to take your job away and give it to slaves in china

Now fuck off your shitting up my thread

Because thats stupid, you don't create any growth with any other countries

You're basically just shuffling money into different places

Plus the more competition in a free market, the better the product

Also fuck trump

He couldn't run a country sized pizza hut

And pizza related maps?

>Because thats stupid, you don't create any growth with any other countries

And this is a concern because?...

You simply are causing slower growth than you would with trading with other countries

Plus, capitalist nations that produce goods and services mainly import a lot of goods and resell them on their own markets

Without that ability to import you slow the potential growth of an economy

Please read Thomas Sowells book on economics, I used to have this extreme isolationist mindset until I went into economics

imagine how easy it would be to get lost inside a country-sized pizza hut

typical drumpf supporters

can't even find their way in a pizza hut

But regular people are still suffering?

Because russians and arabs have all the fossil fuels our economies need.
How retarded are you that you cant answer that shit yourself?

Different guy but theyre gonna suffer more if the economy is worse. Free market capitalism is objectively better than isolated regualted capitalism

And? People always suffer no matter what economic principle is instilled in a country

Exactly. He couldn't because he is morally superior to Shillary, who ran an entire nationwide '''''pizza chain''''' along with her goons.

Speak for yourself you fucking 0oil

How has importing arab this and Arab that working so far??

But sometimes it's just too much.

autarky might work for some countries, but the classic argument is that trade makes everyone better off because of specialization

Pretty good? I mean look at the wealth in western countries compared to the rest of the world. If any, we fucked the arabs over.

Weren't too many people suffering in natsoc Germany until they went full retard

Fuck off faggot

Socialism helps more poor people in capitalist countries than capitalism does

Poor people look at places like Venezuela and realize "Holy fuck socialism sucks, I don't want that shit to happen to me" so they go and get a job

Fuck off capitalist pig

Still proves my point

People will always suffer

Fuck me

Because then jews couldn't parasite off of or demoralize the native host in which they suck from.

Lol? There was a huge economy crisis, which was probably one of the main reasons hitler even had a chance to get in charge. Also they were bothering everyone who dared to publicly speak out for anything that they didnt like... kinda like libtards do today(just that they literally did beat them and threw them into jail)... oh and they euthanized the brother of my grandfather cause he was suffering from spasticity, but they were kind enough to continue sending my great-grandmother letters in his name until about 3 years after his dead. Very nice people.

Serious about the brother?

This cunts in every thread. Must be sitting there hitting f5 on the catalog.

Ignore the wanker.

that's a cutest spider I have ever seen.

I bet all spiders in Australia are like that.

I wish I was an Aussie.

Yes. As far as i know they came up with some bullshit story about the hospital being bombed about 1940/41 but hospital archive had no entry about him since early 38 so the guys told my great-grandmother he was killed about 38 in some sort of eugenics programm. Fact is she received letters until they told her that her son died because of allied bombings, so they had ppl sitting there (most likely jews and other prisoners)writing letters to cover that mess up. They were an "honorable" family btw having 2 other sons serving, so i guess they murdered just any retard and cripple and didnt have the balls to publicly admit that policy.

The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.

City people all voted for Hillary.

Autarky doesn't work you retard. It didn't work for Napoleon, it didn't work for Hitler.

Fucking pay attention in school instead of shitposting on your phone.

>City people all voted for Hillary.

That's the Problem

> it didn't work for Hitler.

Yes it did you fucking neckbeard