ITT are invited : non cucked citizens
Fuck European gun ban
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I don't like guns. My uncle has a concealed carry liscense but it's always easy to fucking see because he keeps it in the back of his pants. If someone attacked him by surprise he would have no time to use it and they would just get a free gun. It's pointless for people to carry guns all the time, we just need more police presence to deter shooters.
Nice try DRM
Good to see some euros left with a spine
your uncle is an idiot
Ya 12yo spastic. Put the thing in your mouth and pull the damn trigger
You two go together so perfectly.
Yeah, and we let idiots have all the guns they want here. It seems pretty ass-backwards.
>i and those i know are incompetent, therefore everyone must be incompetent
Not everyone, but I'd sat at least half of gun owners are. There should at least be stricter requierments on who can get one.
wish i could get any guns what so ever without 500 background checks 50 permits and 5 gun safes.
Thats a shit opinion, m8. Too bad its statistically unbacked and based entirely off of the personal anecdotes of an autist on a rhodesian rhinoplasty imageboard and his retarded uncle.
>Falling for easy b8 posts
Back to ///reddit/// you go!
Hahahah. Gun ban.
Good luck EU faggots. We have more guns per capita than the rest of eurocuckland combined and you'll take my gun from cold dead fingers you muslim cunts
>/leftypol/ faggots
>/leftypol/ faggots
>/leftypol/ faggots
>/leftypol/ faggots
>/leftypol/ faggots
Point Out LeftyFags
Do Not Debate LeftyFags
Too afraid of firearms to actually own one.
I'm sorry if I offended you please don't be mean to me
>tfw you realise the ban only stops you BUYING guns
>not MAKING them from everyday objects
You faggots don't have gun rights. "HURRBLURRF WE KEEP RIFFLES IN OUR CLOSETS" yeah sure whatever hey, faggot can you legally open carry that rifle strapped across your back down the street and into a grocery store? Because I can! It's stupid, and the cops would show up and bitch and whine - but I can do it. Because it's a free country.
I'm not leftypol though...
Nice hi-point fucking frog.
>he says from the country that literally invented the Sten gun
Too bad the design schematics aren't in a .pdf on the internet isn't it
Hi-point makes fine guns. They shoot bullets, don't break, and are cheap. For a frog such things are fine. Theyre just very ugly
You on the other hand are responsbile for the shittiest weapon ever made.
Know your superiors
t. Maker of the Sig-550
I have been going to a shooting range every month since before I found Sup Forums and I was so happy earlier this year when they published a project law, a new criminal law to be precise, that allows the use of asymmetric force during self defence if you are at home (basically you can shoot people that try to stab you and shit).
I'm so glad we are moving towards this. If they pass it I will probably try to get a gun permit and buy some nice pistol. My budget is 2k euro, what can I get for it?
No. That defeats the purpose. Shall not be infringed.
Kill self.
I read once that the French insurgency crafted Sten and/or Grease guns from car parts during WW2, using schematics airdropped by the Allies.
Is this true?
Swiss people actually can carry their guns around in some cases.. Some cantons allow carry, and some allow transporting rifles to ranges strapped on their backs. Also, American gun laws are retardedly strict if you consider your constitution states SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.. Your legislature shits all over that. Why don't you worry about that, instead of Europe?
>mountainjew bringing the bants
enjoy your V& muhammad
Meybe people would be more willing to listen to you if you weren't such a HUGE BULLY
Thats not really a hi-point. Its a Beretta
>You on the other hand are responsbile for the shittiest weapon ever made.
>I'm so glad we are moving towards this. If they pass it I will probably try to get a gun permit and buy some nice pistol. My budget is 2k euro, what can I get for it?
>2K fucking euro
And here I sit with a fucking $350 Bulgarian Makarov on my desk.
What happened.
What the fuck happened.
>My budget is 2k euro, what can I get for it?
A lot. I have no idea what the gun market is like in your country, but my dick hardens at the thought of the pistols I could buy with 2k. Basically any decent pistol will run you about $300 for mil surplus to $500 for better surplus or a brand new pistol. Going higher the goods just get better.
Of course you'll also need ammo, any extra mags, safe, cleaning supplies, etc...
Good luck with your search.
>Hi-point makes fine guns.
t. nigger.
Pic related should make the burgers cry. A straight pull ar15ish rifle that shoots .223 and .300 blackout and a 10 round mag.
>I read once that the French insurgency crafted Sten and/or Grease guns from car parts during WW2, using schematics airdropped by the Allies.
Easily. The Sten was designed to be built on a fucking kitchen table, pretty much. Fuck it's still happening:
Dude, its pretty easy to get a gun if you are willing to go through the appropriate training and licencing.
The fact that you idiots have shootings every other day has everything to do with muslims, and nothing with gun laws.
Nice! Waiting for permits to clear for a 9mm, should happen in January... Only rifle and .22 pistol until then.
Actually not all that difficult to get permits here, but a very long wait compared to how it used to be.
Depends on the state
>Your legislature shits all over that. Why don't you worry about that, instead of Europe?
Because we're winning the argument so hard that we're now looking to export it back to Europe again. I remember when Concealed Carry was rare, but now even Illinois - fucking Illinois, still one of the most left-wing states in the country - passed concealed carry recently. It's literally just California and Hawaii holding out against shall-issue laws now, and gun sales have been at record highs for a long time now.
We're winning so hard even the WaPo is whining about it:
>Some cantons allow carry
>Pic related should make the burgers cry. A straight pull ar15ish rifle that shoots .223 and .300 blackout and a 10 round mag.
>10 round mag
Oh, Australia. May you one day rise up and throw off the leftist fucks who have enslaved thee.
But hey, look at the plus side.
Neither of us are responsible for the L85...
Maybe I would care if you weren't such a huge PUSSY.
A mak is a fine, reliable weapon. I ought to get one myself.
We have no need for straight pull systems or small mag capacities in burgerland, at least in some states. But it does seem like a nice rifle.
Fuckin nice. Thanks for the article.
How do I go about it?
What ban are u talkin about nigga?
>shoots .223 and .300 blackout
those require two different barrels nogunz.
Obviously they chamber it in both.
Hi-points are fine and still less ugly than that monstrosity
Nice bb-gun ahmed.
Everyday objects such TEC-9?
dude sorry to bust your bubble, but were alt-left, not some sissy larping liberals who throw stones in star bucks windows. unlike liberals, we aren't afraid of shooting guns, and we're well versed in mixed martial art take downs.
we aren't the loving liberals you THOUGHT you knew, were liberals raised on revolutionary Marxian ideals who ARENT afraid of YOU or getting our hands dirty, and we don't fear your fucking words or not being PC. we won't tolerate intolerance anymore.
but by all means keep up the fantasy you have Cletus because eventually reality is going to hit you like a ton of bricks, or more accurately, a tornado of fists. expect us. :^)
Nice pasta.
>Mag limits
>FA is illegal
Why do hamburgers still think their gun laws are good? You have very shitty restrictive gun laws. A random patchwork of laws.
The only thing you have is CC. In return though you have a nigger and spic population necessitating CC. Lose-Lose.
lol, Cool pasta.
>>Mag limits
>>FA is illegal
Neither of those things are true.
That's not very honest to pretend your service weapon is your personal property
you wish you're Swiss, cletus. take the proxy down, bae. no one is going to arrest you for being a Nazi online
Firearms Act of 1934 and the Firearms Owners Protection Act of 1986. These are colloquially called “NFA Weapons
Sure thing.
>pic related
>one state has "banned" standard cap mags
>this means theyre illegal everywhere
>thinking f/a are banned when you can legally own one with a $200 tax stamp and a few months of waiting
I thought you mountain jews were supposed to be smart.
Geneva here
At least we have the Jeunes Tireurs
- Join shooting club
This is the first and foremost thing. I was going to write a wall of text on prerequisites for applying for your own gun(s), but check this page instead:
Just about all pistols and revolvers in Sweden are for target shooting only so you really do need to join a shooting club as a first step. They'll let you borrow a gun so you can get started shooting, usually for just the cost of the ammo you use.
Check around with friends and family how to get in touch with a gun club, or use the interwebs... You'd be surprised how many of us gun owners are out there, we just keep a low profile.
Hmm in the shooting range I go to a 9mm costs like 0.15 euro o believe so buying 100 rounds (if it's even legal) should be very cheap. But we can't waste the ammo without reason, I can't just go and shoot in the woods. It's strictly for self defense and that's why I'm delaying the purchase.
You can only buy FA's made before 1986.
I specifically said your laws are a patchwork of shit.
I never thought you americans were smart, so no worries about your mistakes.
Why not just move to Morge or Vevey or Biere. Seriously. Why would any Swiss citizen live in the third world french shit hole that is geneve
>TFW you work for the guy that invented it
>You can only buy FA's made before 1986.
You want to explain what part of that makes them illegal or do you just want to admit youre a stupid nigger?
>implying him just having a gun wouldn't scare off criminals from trying anything
KEK! Gun cucks BTFO!
I use bow and arrow!
I always give headshots to gun cucks with my bow in h1z1
Fa registry closed in 1986 m8.. A mac10 will cost you 4000 for a decent one, and ARs can be in the 20k range. They're legal, but the hassle and price are ridiculous. MG42s and similar historic weapons are literally cheaper here than in the US because we can still get ones registered post 86 on collectors licenses. US gun laws are hideously restrictive and silly. Try importing a sig550 from Switzerland and tell me you're free.
Awesome. A gun thread for Europeans. My Mossberg 500. I plan on applying for my Firearm's Certificate very soon so I can get something better.
>Why not just move
I just don't want to leave it to the libshits
so you're an uneducated right wing dullard in Europe. you're cletus with a Nazi language basically .
like i said, lull yourself to a false sense of security.
what is there a ban to european weapons? please pol explain me.
Also beretta has a factory in tennessee
I would love to own a gun but I'm fairly sure it would put me on about 56 registers
He's an obese mexican, he's not intimidating anyone.
Well. If you cannot own something, it is illegal. You cannot own FAs made after 1986. Those tiny few you are privileged with the left-given divine intervention to own are ludicrously expensive and rare.
I own a brand new FA Sig-550. I paid 1,100 CHF for it. In your country this item would likely sell for 30k. Assuming it could be bought, which it cannot be. Because
God bless
Theyre expensive, not hard to buy. Its easier for me to buy a full auto firearm than it is for you to own any firearm.
you can only post in this thread if your country is in the top 3 when it comes to guns per capita.
A shotgun certificate is honestly more a case of money. A Firearm Certificate is apparently more difficult, but you can focus on that after acquiring your shotgun license.
Keep shifting those goalposts.
>Nazi language
Geneve is lost mate. It's at
I knew you had a sense of humor Hans.
Even if it is dryer than a teardrop in a volcano.
Sorry. Forgot to add cause I was gonna make as eperate comment, those are from my barracks. By no means can a regular citizen have these.
You still havent backed your original assertion. You didnt say post 86 machine guns were illegal, you said all fa firearms are illegal
>You must also prove to the chief officer of police that you’re allowed to have a firearms certificate and pose no danger to public safety or to the peace.
>A shotgun certificate won’t be given or renewed if the chief officer of police has a reason that you shouldn’t be allowed to have a shotgun under the Firearms Act. Or if they don’t think you have a good reason to have, buy or acquire a shotgun.
Just cuck my shit up
This is an old pic. I have few more guns at the moment.
Sure. Let's rephrase that to say on a spectrum of legal to not legal, FA's are a cunts hair from illegal in the states. Because they are. They're in the hands of collectors. To argue otherwise is just silly. You're arguing you're happy with having your rights taken away right now and that it's "not that bad"
A real patriot would agree that the law is leftist bullshit and you need to hang the pussies that are taken away your god given right to self-defense, the right from which ALL other rights are derived.
Unless you live in a big city, this shouldn't be too much a problem. I mean I'm from some rural shithole in Northumberland and I got OK'd. TA and military personnel can own handguns too which is based.
How did britian come to have such cucked gun laws?
The cucked part is rifles with barrel length over 12 inches require a Firearms license. Any can calibre up to .50 BMG, they must be bolt action, and carry a magazine of no more than 5 rounds.
The Dunblane Massacre. In the Bill of Rights 1689 (where the Second Amendment comes from), British protestants can own firearms for their own protection.
They forgot the "shall not be infringed" part though.
Firearms ticket?
>shifting the goalpoast this hard
I never said the situation is ideal but there are cases making their way to the supreme court right now. I was just pointing out that you have no idea what youre talking about.
And no, there are plenty of machine guns that are not in the hands of collectors.
>you have no idea what youre talking about.
You're an idiot.
The step over a Shotgun certificate.