Why are Jews so ugly? I have yet to see an ethnicity with a more repulsive face and body. Atleast niggs have athletic bodies to compensate for their fugly monkey faces but Jews are just a very sad sight.
Why are Jews so ugly? I have yet to see an ethnicity with a more repulsive face and body...
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>tfw you have Semitic feature and a Jewish first and middle name, yet your parents INSIST you are not at all, and there have been many red pilled dinner table conversations about Jews
The Reptilians and Sand People buttfucked them into Judaism. Hebrews are 25% sand. 50% Reptilian. 25% Spiritless Man Flesh.
Doesnt he look like Elaine on Seinfeld?
Jews evolutionary strategy is to make money and attract women with resources, they don't need to be good looking
Pretty close, they must be related
part gnoll
This guy looks like a fucking ugly monster
This pic sums it all up perfectly.
>He's never seen an Australian Aborigine
I'm Jewish and I'm attractive
Ashkenazis are fugly and prone to genetic disease but they are extremelly smart.
What... the fuck... is that thing
He probably scares away small children
no you're not
He gives me hope that even ugly people can get famous
pics or it didn't happen
No. Let's not judge animals by the way they look
Yeah but he's not a dog eating shitskin. You on the other hand...
idk, my favorite jew girl is hot enough
Inbreeding among the (((White))) jews because they've kept to themselves for so long causes them to be ugly. Most attractive jews you see are half goyim or non (((white))) ones.
That guy is American, not aussie. Look at his shirt.
He looks like what happens when you take the liquify tool in Photoshop and pinch someone's face all the way in. How the fuck does he eat or breathe when his teeth look like a wave and his nose is curved so far into his skull.
He lives off of children's nightmares
Punishment from God for killing his son.
>god's chosen people
>born hideous and weak with countless genetic defects & diseases
really makes you think
We don't eat dogs, you fucking roach. We eat aborted chicken fetuses.
some pharistocrats are ugly but this is really just cherrypicking.
Wats it taste like?
Is that the Jew beast that lost its shit at some guy playing an instrument on the streets of Jew York?
Pretty much like egg except juicier. The juice is the best part
Ugly on the outside and inside
It's the inbreeding
Gotta keep that pure jewish bloodline "clean"
I'm shuddering right now mate.
>I'm Australian and I shitpost
>short philtrum
>decent china and jaw
>not balding
>has height
How can 1 man defy all aesthetic theories.
Wherever i am i must Shitpost.
>Why are Jews so ugly?
You're cherry picking
is that a goblin op?
Because you select for the worst looking ones.
The few hot Jews are usually heavily mixed race. The purer ones really look inhuman.
Its like his mother fucked a fruit bat with jerry curls.
She's got as much Cherokee in her as she does Jew
Not cherry picking the Jews that are attractive aren't Ashkenazic Jews or are less than 50%. Full blooded Jews are fugly and I'm talking about ethnic Jews not some white family that converted 2 generations ago
If that's an ethnic Jew then I'm a fuckin space alien. Learn how to tell them apart faggot
i hate being uglier than OP's pic. Even worse I'm only 25. no gf ever needless to say
This is your porn Jew.
At least you can grow a beard...
>why are jews so ugly
>non ugly jews aren't real jew
there you senpai
Not all of them.
Tfw this guy has a hot gf.
Why. I don't enjoy looking at ugly people in my spare time.
>T*rk saying this
casey n reminds me of the fine bros
>uglier than the guy in the OP
it's honestly almost impossible unless youre some kind of burn victim or other
its known jews from russia swapped their babies with russian native babies in hospitals baka
jews are slimy and they suceed by finding a backdoor and a niche. As such, concepts of beauty were never required or prioritized to create offspring.
You're right. Jews are a lot like actors but not all gigs, like let's say being a banker, require being a hot Hebrew.
that, plus the inbreeding doesn't help
That... thing on the right looks like Lurch's failed abortion.
She is not that pretty.
Shit taste. Disgustingly absolute.
Holy shit i love the muppet show
Why was she even popular. You have to mute all her videos because she sounds so awful
European Jews are absolute cancer, like 90% of them is inbred.
Why? She's qt
At least your parents didn't name you Jude after the fucking song
Dude we don't all look like Casey Neistat. He's a literal goblin.
Someone post that disgusting jewbitch with the fridgemode body.