What are yout thoughts of Richard's bid for congress? He'll build the second wall!
We can provide the hacking services if needed.
What are yout thoughts of Richard's bid for congress? He'll build the second wall!
We can provide the hacking services if needed.
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If you voted Drumpf congrats on being an idiot.
Your mom also voted for him when I promised to let her suck my dick if she would.
Love good old Dicky Spencer tbqh
Make Whitefish Great Again
I don't think he'd win but I'd support him for it if I could.
>We can provide the hacking services if needed.
Russia is literally the savior of the white race, this is the power of memes.
Let's see how he deals with the plague of kikes attacking his mom first.
kek is this real
just try and stop me fuckboy
why does Sup Forums hate him again?
Yes, it habbened just now.
At this point the only ones who hate Spencer are nu-right cucks, ANTIFAs and far-right IronMarch edgemasters.
I'd vote for him, to bad i don't live I Montana. Some one like him would never win down here in SC, too many blacks.
Sup Forums doesn't only nu/pol/ redditor trumpdick suckers that haven't left yet do
thought so. that whole "hail trump" thing was kind of cringe and dumb but hardly worthy of all the hate he was getting
he's fine as long as the only race mixing he accepts is between white and asian gold digging bitches obviously
exactly this, Spencer is a bit of a dork and ofc there'd be some autistic LARPers in attendence at NPI. There was no real need for the hate he was getting and the amount that story blew up.
And the good thing about Hailgate is that it really exposed who is really alt-right and who were just opportunistic Jews, pussies, shills and crypto-liberals riding the alt-right brand and namesake for their own gain by scaring them off and/or disavowing.
I'm moving to Montana within the year and you literally cannot stop me
This. Never disliked Spencer but that hail Trump was just plain autistic and made me cringe hard.
All those "OMG Spencer is hurting us!" threads were shills trying to scare us away from the alt-right.
I'd say a good amount of the hate here was shilling with shitposters piggybacking off that, more than half the threads were about it at one point there's no way that was genuine.
Is thia their final stand? Do you have your rope ready for when it's official today?
FUCK spencer and FUCK American people
Kek, it's actually real.
Love the "democrats are the real racists" line. Richard has made fun of people saying that before. Obviously for the keks.
yeah they were on full damage control
alot of it was shitposting but alt-lite trump shills were very real. And probably were even more prevalent than actual CTR. They were great at getting Trump elected but now they are tasked with "deradicalising" Sup Forums and shifting our overton window leftwards to establish and maintain a credible online trump defence force.
Now that Trump is elected though we have to drop our uncritical euphoria and cheerleading and keep a close critical eye on him to keep him in check and call him out when he doesn't deliver.
Their final stand is weak, it'd never stand a chance to 「The Wall」.
He is an autistic LARPer stormfaggot, not just "some" people attending. He reinforced the left's smear campaign against the alt right, which pretty much IS the right now. He's either a massive idiot or a plant.
How can you be so braindead that you can't see how he isn't hurting the movement by associating it with Nazism?
I'm just a humble slav and I made one of those threads, all I want is for western civilization to be saved from itself and we can't do that when someone even remotely influential like Spencer goes out and reveals his power level like an absolute retard.
>and reveals his power level like an absolute retard.
Two problems with that.
>He didn't, Hail [leader] is a common phrase
>Even if he did, so what? They still think you're literally Hitler and that isn't changing just because you attack Spencer
You're using SJW tactics and ill informed. There's nothing nazi about wanting white people to have their own countries - Asians do, blacks do, Hispanics do. Whites won't if this immigration continues.
What about a GoFundMe campaign to hire a lawyer?
That event went perfectly. Whether he meant it or not what it did was get him exposure and news outletd want to speak to the "ebil literal nazi hitler". And then they have him on and he says things that are perfectly reasonable, rational and he comes across as well-spoken too.
>He didn't, Hail [leader] is a common phrase
"Hail Trump, Hail our people, Hail Victory"
Sieg Heil isn't a common phrase, it's associated with Nazism.
>Even if he did, so what? They still think you're literally Hitler and that isn't changing just because you attack Spencer
He got literally zero MSM coverage before this event, zero. Why let the left paint a narrative so damn easily and almost discredit the entire movement? Nobody wants to be associated with stormfag garbage, except for stormfags themselves, and there is not enough of them in the world to fuel an entire movement.
if you can't be prepared to face a smear campaign from the media that barely anyone trusts you are a weak-willed faggot. Now is the perfect time to reveal your power level. If not now when will the opportunity ever come around? If you stay shy of the press and are scared of the potential of yourself or the movement being called a racist or a nazi now you are no worse than a cuckservative like Jeb Bush or a liberal and playing right into their hands of what they want you to do. It's just weak and ineffectual. The media smear almost anyone to the right of Hillary or Obama an evil white rayciss supremist nazi, what they think is irrelevant and normies jump on the train of whatever is in vogue and if enough people reveal their power level like its just a normal thing they will just go along with it.
ITT falling for the jew divide and conquer
He seems like a genuinely good guy I don't share a lot of his views and the interview on CNN was horrid so I'm not going to go out of my way to support him from grass roots but if he's serious about that kind of career and has already gotten the ball rolling I'll show some support.
He said "Hail Victory", which translates to Sieg Heil you uneducated cunt. People will find out about that and completely disregard the movement as neo-nazis, you can't accomplish shit without having the average middle class person on your side, and most people disapprove of Nazism, not because it's a shitty ideology, but because it's socially one of the biggest taboos there is.
I am not saying that's the case, I am saying that there shouldn't be any smear campaign in the first place. Don't give them the ammunition nor the gun.
>and if enough people reveal their power level like its just a normal thing they [normies] will just go along with it.
Please tell me you don't ACTUALLY believe this. Racism nor Nazism won't become the norm, not in at least 200 years.
Fuck taboos, you still hold your white guilt implanted into you by (((them))). Nothing we're saying is Nazi at all, it's all a smear job by the (((media.)))
White people need to be proud of their history, accomplishments, and culture again.
>Sieg Heil isn't a common phrase
Did he say sieg heil? No.
>Why let the left paint a narrative so damn easily and almost discredit the entire movement?
But he doesn't discredit the entire movement, the MSM already painted the narrative and everyone thinks we're nazi's.
Fuck off with your PR shilling to the republican party neocons.
People like me and Richard believe every race and ethnicity can not live in the same country peacefully, so we conclude it'd be better for each race and ethnicity to have their own countries. We're ethnic nationalists.
Why do you think I hold my white guilt "implanted" into me? I am a nationalist first and everything else second.
Sieg Heil is a fucking Nazi saying, believe it or not.
>White people need to be proud of their history, accomplishments, and culture again.
Go run for any public office with these kinds of platforms that you or Spencer hold, like deporting all blacks or violently genociding them if they refuse to leave, I dare you. You won't get more than 2% of the damn vote, in any state.
>He said "Hail Victory", which translates to Sieg Heil you uneducated cunt
It also translates to "Hail Victory", remember how Trump said we wouldn't stop winning? "Hail Winning" sounds retarded.
>Racism nor Nazism won't become the norm, not in at least 200 years
If racism can't become the norm, then explain BLM then faggot.
>I am saying that there shouldn't be any smear campaign in the first place.
There will be a smear campaign regardless of you giving them ammo nerd. You might as well go out and participate in the conversation and make some waves or get walked completely over by the narrative because you were too scared to pop your head up.
We need to make it the norm
Now is not the time to cuck out
You have to go back
>or violently genociding them if they refuse to leave
Wow, you really are a leftist aren't you.
What does Hail Victory translate to?
>the MSM already painted the narrative and everyone thinks we're nazi's.
Perhaps, but they had no solid proof. Now they do, and it's out there.
And it's a Nazi term, which is what I was saying. I'm not saying it's bad or good, I'm just stating the objective truth.
What does Hail Victory translate to?
>the MSM already painted the narrative and everyone thinks we're nazi's.
Perhaps, but they had no solid proof. Now they do, and it's out there.
Also, honest question, why do you think I'm some sort of shill? What made you come to that conclusion?
And it's a Nazi term, which is what I was saying. I'm not saying it's bad or good, I'm just stating the objective truth.
>like deporting all blacks or violently genociding them if they refuse to leave
Spencer has never advocated for these platforms nerd stop trying to shill here.
I see your stupid shill Czech flag in Spencer, TRS and Hailgate threads concern trolling every night.
>What does Hail Victory translate to?
Hail Victory.
As I said, fuck out you PR cuck.
what the fuck
woops, wonder how that happened
It's what Spencer said in an interview, don't shoot the messenger.
He has said blacks should be sent back to Africa.
>why do you think I'm some sort of shill?
Because you're literally PR shilling.
>woah man, you need to cuck out on everything or else they'll paint us as a Nazi even though they already do that
He could've said "I would prefer to live in a white country" and you would STILL think it's a bad message.
>oy vey he's polluting the movement
>the movement connected to: Pepe (who's often dressed as a nazi), people who send images of Trump gassing Bernie, a fucking podcast called The Daily Shoah
He's never advocated genocide, at worst violent removal (read: deportation against your will).
Yes, he has. He also said that it might come to a violent conflict if they refuse.
>PR shilling
So you don't think PR matters at all? Woah dude, you must be some political mastermind who looks beyond the concept of PR.
Random twitter accounts don't really make up the movement, the message and the ideas do, which have indeed been polluted by Spencer's LARPing.
Because it will. Diversity + Proximity = War
>So you don't think PR matters at all?
Look at Trump, they called him Hitler every day since he concept of the wall came up, he won. PR is irrelevant.
>the ideas do, which have indeed been polluted by Spencer's LARPing.
The movement is literally aiming for a white ethnostate, how did Spencer pollute it? At worst he shit in an outhouse, there's already a metric ton of shit in there.
If you're turned off by some guy saying 14/88, Seig Heil or Hitler did nothing wrong then you're clearly an alt-lite faggot.
So don't fucking do it then, make them integrate or leave, and stop third world immigration completely. It is both constitutionally impossible and immoral to deport people based on their race, which by itself is also hard to define due to how genetics work and a white person might have 20%-30% black genes, in which case I don't know whether you stormfags would deport them too or not.
>make them integrate
What part of Diversity + Proximity = War don't you understand?
>Look at Trump, they called him Hitler every day since he concept of the wall came up, he won. PR is irrelevant.
I'm pretty sure you're trolling at this point, nobody can be this stupid. Yes, he was called all these things except that they had no proof, evidence or basis, which only strengthened his persona of being anti establishment and pro- the people, and it worked out very well for him. Why do you think he won Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan, fucking Michigan? Because of his PR as someone who the establishment hates and tries to smear without any evidence. It worked very well amongst the angry middle class voters who have had enough of the political establishment ruining their ways of life.
I have literally never heard of what you're describing.
Fucking kek
>Yes, he was called all these things except that they had no proof, evidence or basis
Saying Hail Victory isn't proof either you PRcuck.
Funny that because it was a major section of the post you replied to.
>Saying Hail Victory isn't proof either
Advocating for the deportation of blacks, asians and any non-white races openly is proof enough to your average normie dumbass. Also saying Sieg Heil in public helps.
I don't believe in keeping non-integratable people in the West, if they assimilate into the culture and work hard I don't see a problem with them living here, other than muh racial purity and muh demographics, which would naturally shift back to majority white if we deported all the non-integrated people and stopped third world immigration.
>Civic nationalism
Not even once
>Advocating for the deportation of blacks, asians and any non-white races openly is proof enough to your average normie dumbass
That's the goal so what are you saying, we need to cuck on everything?
Holy shit, I'm actually trying to discuss something with a (((civic nationalist))).
get out of here shill you are here every single night shitting up threads
in the future everyone itt reading this:
ignore all Czech cuck posters that shit up Spencer and alt-right meta threads with concern trolling
Obviously he's controlled opposition and his brain has been hacked by Putin. CNN told me so it must be so.
Your only (non)argument at this point is calling me a civic nationalist, you're no different than SJW's for shaming someone or disregarding them because of their ideology, I don't do the same to fascists or natsocs, I have listen to what they have to say and reply with legitimate arguments.
>every single night
I haven't posted in a spencer thread for about two weeks or so. Also what the fuck is your proof of me being a shill?
>Your only (non)argument at this point is calling me a civic nationalist
It's a pretty big argument when your ideology is literally a meme.
Tell me, where has civic nationalism ever worked?
>muh SJWs
Oy vey, did we hit a button?
Civic nationalism still leads to white displacement at a slower rate.
This is correct. While some mock the MUH PR people, they are right to an extent. You NEED plausible deniability to get the normies. And you NEED the normies to get elected. See Trump vs Duke elections.
Tell me, where was civic nationalism ever properly implemented in your sense of the ideology?
Not the kind I support, with the elimination of the welfare state, a ban on third world immigration and a deportation of non-integrated people, white populations in pretty much every single Western country would only go up.
>Tell me, where was civic nationalism ever properly implemented in your sense of the ideology?
I see you're going for the socialist strategy. That strategy works about as well as civic nationalism.
You might consider it a strategy, but I'm just asking a genuine question, and you don't seem to have an answer.
Is spencer even a national socialist? I never got that impression from him.
Until the socialist system collapses.
Well, he wants to either deport all minorities or just put them in concentration camps and genocide them, also doing a Nazi salute and saying Sieg Heil in public seems pretty natsoc to me.
America was pretty civic nationalist once the "whitey only" bits were removed from the constitution. How did that work out?
Not necessarily nationalist, but the "civic" portion: Europe, NZ, Australia, fucking South Africa.
None of these countries are doing well right now because of minorities, and civic nationalism ends up exactly the same because here's how it works:
>Import good non-whites
>they have kids
>their kids return to the mean
>the kids are retarded/hate whites/etc
>they almost always vote left
>they almost always have a huge birth rate
>end up with bigger government
>nationalism is stripped
>civic is stripped
>America is now Mexico
The joke is it doesn't work.
Ok ignore my post, you're clearly just a shitposter. I'm done.
America was doing great until the 60's where third world immigration started to become prioritized over first world immigration. Also, if you had stopped to read any of my previous posts you'd know that I support a complete ban on third world immigration and asylum. The only reason why all of the things you're specifying are happening right now is not because of civic nationalism, not at fucking all. It's due to importing non-nationalistic third worlders that don't integrate.
What post have I ignored?
Ignore the shitposter, he's a white nationalist.
>ignore the shitposter
You're actually so pathetic that you can't even defend your beliefs and resort to ignorance instead.
>h-he wants to genocide non-whites!!!
>what do you mean I'm a shitposter? You just can't defend your beliefs and resort to ignorance
He's said that it'd come to violence if they refused to leave, I consider that genocide.
>violence happening because you're doing something they don't want to do means you're literally genociding and gassing jews you literally Hitler
Fuck you're an idiot, I'm out. Again.
Given that he'd be targetting a specific ethnic group via that violence, that is the literal definition of genocide.