Susan Goldberg of NatGeo is glamorizing a tranny 8 year old on next months cover. I really do not want to fall for the jew meme but it's pretty fucking hard with all of these coincidences.
These sick fucking jews are at it again
Drumpf can't be president, ever, EVER.
news at 11
Gonna really soften the impact/excitement surrounding "trans acceptance" if they push it the exact same way every time...
Every fucking time
Exactly why I am starting to believe the jew meme
As a Psychologist nothing boils my blood more than 'transgendered' children. More often than not it was just a simple curiosity of theirs that got pushed on by their oh so accepting parents.
They're being brainwashed by their parents and the media. And everyone is pushing for children to transition earlier and earlier. Nothing sickens me more.
Even worse, alternative treatments are considered shameful. There is nothing to be considered except evaluating to make sure they are transgendered, then recommending transition. No treatments to help them feel more comfortable in their own bodies. Oh no we can't make them feel shameful.
(((their))) time is nearing its end.
This is child abuse, they start this sickness since young age.
Thank God Putin banned this Jewish filth.
You could state a boycott campaign.
I really think it wouldn't take much to destroy most news MSM at this point.
"Save our childrren"
"Whites targeted for cultural genocide"
"Subversion of our childrren"
Remember it's always been the case you get young kids who cross tomboys or trying in their mothers heels's a fucking phase.
This propaganda is trying to turn a child hood phase into gender reassignment operations.
Name every editor and journalist involved in this shit..and don't bother saying they are predominantly Juice...people will eventually notice the surnames.
The next step is pedophilia
I warned you about the jews man. But you wouldn't listen.
Do they have a degeneracy-gene or something? They are obsessed with anything that creates confusion and destabilizing societies and ends in degeneracy.
Do they want a chaotic world? Will it be easier for them to rule? Idiocracy?
Get used to it!
O'malley's got it. These kinds of behaviors are just phases. Everyone remembers having odd interests as children. You grow up. Parents have funny stories to tell people.
About five years ago I told them if they kept up with every issue being nothing but bullshit social causes that I'd drop 'em, I gave them a year and dropped them.
Actually if you look into it, it's all a thinly veiled sham owned and operated for profit by the Grosvenor family, and always has been.
What the fuck America? Haven't you done enough to fuck over Europe? Now you spew out more propaganda? What the hell? An 8 year old tranny? Have you all lost your mind?
These bastards know exactly what they are doing. You'll get politically correct brainwashed parents taking little johnny, who tried on his mothers lipstick to the local shrink dr Silverman..who will prescribe hormone therapy and castration.
It's a whole new market to exploit the dumb goy.
The fact they are targeting immature childrren who have not formed their identities is fucking diabolical child abuse...this THIS is the pizzagate that they are openly fucking doing and people are taking it.
Time to read up, there is scientific evidence to support biological transgenderism in addition to run of the mill mental disability sexual fetish stuff. There is no consensus that this could not be biologically induced and then justified to utilize different pronouns.
you seem obsessed with this image
get some new images, we've seen it
you mean like having a cartoon with a gay baby in it to make the concept "funny" and eventually normal.
>in addition to run of the mill mental disability
What the fuck do you think mental disability IS?
>Will it be easier for them to rule?
This. It's all they care about. They herd people like animals, they try to manipulate the goyim into becoming degenerate and easily controlled.
>encouraging your naive baby boy to cut off his dick and pump himself full of hormones is "good parenting"
The only good thing to come of this is that these kids will die off before they're ever able to further propagate their parents' stupidity.
That's a pretty hot whatever it is. When will it be old enough?
We're not done here.
Not by a long shot
"Gender Revolution" aka "Why everyone hates liberals and Hillary lost the election".
Follow the money.
Think about how (((they))) started the pharmaceutical industry...I watched a documentary on it.,
They sent out a questionnaire to every US home asking to tick boxes concerning how they felt emotionally under different circumstances.,
The responses were normal..because we all feel sad or angry etc under different circumstance..however they used these normal responses to con people into accepting the meme that they were all sufferenung from psychological disorders..then the marketing campaign on TV for every type of med under the sun came and boom you have a trillion dollar industry and people hooked for life.
Didn't the cunt who invented ADHD recently admit is was a money making racket too.
This transgender crap is the latest and most vile though. No doubt tied in with depopulation.
We need to stop this shit now.
And this guy.
I see gods chosen people made it to Australia
Here's the subscriber cover.
Have the better one
That's pretty damned good
I don't get how liberals can defend tranny kids but hate pedos.
I thought pedophilia is bad because kids are stupid , immature and easily manipulated so they can't consent. But apparently they can consent to fucking hormone therapy.
What the fuck?
>4-6 yo kids are too stupid to consent to sex
>4-6 yo kids are already smart and mature enough to consent to hormone therapy, which will FOREVER change their lives, prevent them from having kids etc
How does it works?
I am AW129 Mangusta and I believe it is really offensive to impose impossible standards to us, attack helicopters.
Please apologize
Can someone explain why people are upset at this?
If someone feels like they're in the wrong body, why should they be forced to pretend they're something else?
I support this, as a moral principle.
Why is it always America?
Just think of all the lovely shekels.
The therapy sessions$$$$$$
The hormone replacement for life $$$$$$$$
The surgery $$$$$$$$$$$
Plus the added bonus of destroying part of a generation of WHITE PEOPLE, because women to man has no functioning reproductive organs and man to women can't reproduce either.
I can just imagine the handrubbing glee of SJW assholes when they learn that their kid wants to be part of the tranny culture.
"Oy vey, I can earn some progressive points if my 8 year old is trans!"
can anyone tell me why are trannies so glorified these days? jesus fuck.. THEY ARE FUCKING TRANNIES
Theres a lot of us and we have more media soft power.
I would seriously love to hold her facedown on a bed and rape that ass repeatedly until it prolapses, the screams of pain would fuel my erection.
and obviously I'd clean my dick off with its throat
Do you have any idea how much courage it takes to come out as being different? These people are brave, that's why they're applauded.
If you are born a man, but pretend to be a woman, it's dishonest. Same vice-versa.
The Jews are literally an insane race of people who revel in things like torture, sodomy, rape, murder, and demon worship.
Even though they live off the non-Jews as parasites, they still hate them and wish to destroy them.
They're not different they're mentally ill. They've been tricked into believing this shit by the jews in power to destroy our society.
I experimented with transgenderism. It was very liberating but also attracted too much attention from men
what about us jetkind?
Fuck off you naive cunt.
A child does not have a fully developed sense of self..That's why they are called children and if they break the law they don't get punished as adults due to being immature and being much less responsible for their behaviour.
You do not fucking target kids who are still finding their way in the world by encouraging a temporary phase into a permanent fixture. That's exploitation on the level of pedophilia.
Except instead of leaving emotional scars that they might someday recover from, this shit is designed to leave emotional and physical mutilation, that once carried out can't be reversed..ya know when the kids grow up and realise what their parents allowed to be done to them.
I'm glad in my country you can't make a child transition
It's not dishonest, they're showing you how they really feel inside. Why shouldn't that be applauded, showing your true feelings is really hard.
>da jooooooos
Nice conspiracy theory, Alex Jones.
>ruining a cute shota
Wtf i hate america now
It is literally dishonest.
You are a man, but pretending to be a woman, that's the definition of dishonest.
Fuck of cunt. If you want to be brave go and fight ISIS.
>You are a man
By what definition though? By the one which you have forced upon them. What if they don't agree with you?
Only half of these things are true
You have no power here shitbag. You can't call something a conspiracy theory to invalidate it nor be validated by your other faggot friends.
Shoop this into the Joker.
it's not like 99% of them even know, they're just useful idiots like SJWs only one level above that.
having testicles means your male, ya dumb cunt.
If you don't like it you can cut em off in your own time.
It shouldn't be promoted though.
And childrren are supposed to be protected not exploited.
This was clearly the original. Twitter and Facebook must know about NatGeo's attempts to censor this critical message.
The Jews hail from a wandering satanic tribe who practiced incest and sex with animals so when as you say, he looks like lucifer then your " bang on the money" because when you look into the eye's of a hateful Jew you're looking straight into the heart and soul of SATAN. These evil people have been at the root cause of most major world wars and racial deaths for thousands of years!
>implying it's a meme and not a fact
>By what definition though
We really need to attack this tranny shit.. I laughed it off in the beginning with Bruce Jenner but these (((evil bastards))) are relentlessly pushing this and now onto kids.
Specifically WHITE kids.
Psychology is a Jewish invention, best avoided
Now how can cutting your perfectly normal arm or leg off, be a mental disorder but cutting your perfectly normal genitals off isn't?
Only the freudian part
Why don't these fuckers ever write about David Reimer?
Having these self righteous pricks play with his life sure did him a lot of favors.
Because you're a newfag who is growing Up
>By what definition though?
>National Geographic
I used to like that magazine.
Just because some jewish people dl these things doesn't mean all jews can be judged by it.
>intersex nonbinary
Can we skin these fucking people alive?
All Jews can't be judged to be Jewish?
But all straight white males can be judged to have privileges?
You said something about skinning alive?
At least their fishing still good.
Pedophile from England what's new?
It was my first reliable source of boobies growing up, until I found my dad's porn stash
Maybe this is because many people which are jewish work in media-related workplaces, therefore you might find more jewish names.
It is not like, jews (the one who does it) > media (through which it's done) > pushing transgenderd
It's more like:
Media (the one who does it) > jews (through which it's done) > tpushing transgenderism
Israelis also have transgenders, so jews themselves are not excluded of it.
Nah better off leaving them to enjoy their adulthood wondering why their parents actually enabled them to be castrated.
I'm confident we can look forward to a large percentage of these kids going down the murder suicide route on their libtard parents.
Sven your balls in your pants make you a boy and so do your X and Y chromosomes you could never ever become a woman like a woman will never be a man
I 'm also against this, and I think neither jews, nor all white males can be judged as a whole group for the action of individuals.
Have a source on the ADHD being a money racket? would be interested.
>national geopgraphic
>it's not national or about geographics
Really gets my molecules going
Anyone have any statistics about trannies commiting crimes, molesting kids, % of them that were molested as children themselves, etc.
I know that 41% have tried suicide but I'm looking for other indicators that this is a legitimate mental health issue. So far, all I've been able to find some shitty wordpress sites that don't cite where they get their numbers from.
Oh please fuck off.
Do you even know what goym means?
The editor of a magazine is the media, they get to set the agenda and pick which stories go into the magazine.
The same with a newspaper or the head of a TV network.
What do you think the media is???a fucking AI or something?
And I know you get Tranny Juice what? What's your point? Are you trying to state that because dengenercy occurs in Juice too that there is no conspiracy against white PEOPLE?
I could just as well use the same evidence and say one group of people is already degenerate and that's why they push their degeneration onto other cultures.
Don't be jelly because I release my inner demon and get some and you waste time trying to "control yourself"
The chromosomes don't matter. The brain does.
Most jews are white too, so they should genocide themselves you say?
That's correct..I don't dispute that...however there are significant cultural difference and what anyone with half a brain would consider anti social attitudes.
Goyim is the same as gentiles in christianity and kafirs in islam, it's a religious term which usually refers to outsiders as dogs. Goyim/gentiles/kafirs has the same meaning.