Your move, Sup Forums.
Your move, Sup Forums
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Because 12 million illegals.
Illegals and dead peoples votes don't count.
He won the popular vote and the electoral college.
(((popular vote)))
>Because 12 million illegals.
Who cannot vote. $0.02 Trump sense have been deposited in your account for perpetuating this myth.
he won the popular vote by 7 million, according to University of Michigan.
Huffington post (aka MSM) says it's "bad math" that lets UofM claim this fact.
Math is neither good, nor bad. It's just math. That's why it's so useful.
California is not the whole nation
Math based on flawed premises is bad math.
You're right. I'm sure the folks at the Huffington Post are more familiar with mathematics than the mathematics department at UofM.
Thing is, if they had found the opposite, they'd be tripping over themselves to write an article about it.
"I thought you said populism was bad?"
>no voter ID laws
>can't vote
Really fires my neurons...
come on man keep up
It wasn't even all of California, just the coasts
If the popular vote is so important why dont we have voter ID to protect our elections?
The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.
City people all voted for Hillary.
yeah, because living in the city makes you smarter :^)
t. i live in a world city that you know the name of
If Trump was so despised by blacks and Hispanics, why did he get the largest republican votes from those two races in literally decades?
>rural retards
>insulting people who grow your food, create your energy
A leaf.
they even recounted several states, and trump came out with MORE VOTES than before the recount.
thanks liberals, for making sure the votes were counted accurately hahahaha
Illegales getting blow jobs from obongo and hilldog to get out and vote everyone knows it dude
Why do you think the cunt got more votes in detroit than there are voters?
Breitbart made up those damn numbers and you know it.
no, that's just what the (MSM) says.
>trusting msm
Mostly the LA basin, actually.
The popular vote is so popular, we use FIFTY of them!
(yeah it's 51, but the joke goes smoothly when you say 50)
Its not a coincidence blue parts are sanctuary cities and full of murder and illegals. Remove the criminals and illegal aliens the map becomes more red
I've heard it was 11 million...15 years ago. 1 to 3 million illegals come into the US every year. You do the math.
It's probably at least 30 millions. Between 8 and 15% of the illegals vote. That's enough account for the difference.
Without the illegal vote she might have lost the popular vote. She would certainly have lost Nevada and probably a few other states.
Oh and then there's the absentee vote which only gets counted if the race is tight in a particular state. That a whole lot of Republican military voters that don't get counted.
>strawmans le huffpost boogeyman
>links breitfart
pot meet kettle.
also that link leaves out two very important words from the title of the article: "in heartland", and he was leading by an average of about 7 points in those areas.
trump still lost the national popular vote by a significant margin.
A nigger's vote is worth three fifts of a human vote.
fuck you faggot
i'm from philadelphia and i voted trump
you're a bad troll
She could've recouped some of that $1.3b by selling unedited footage of her face on election night. I'd pay by the minute.
>if you remove groups of people who can't and/or don't vote in the first place, the map changes!
How much as a percentage of the actual county land did Trump win? Seems like a huge majority.
Fuck California
Hillary won the popular vote almost entirely in one state.
So you want a single state dictating your country's direction?
Your argument is retarded.
>No security at bank at night
>Can steal money when they want
Yeah, except for the systemic processes like having to be a registered voter (or getting into the bank without raising any alarm) and casting a vote as someone you don't even know (opening the safe).
Yeah, I'm sure millions of people just "rob banks" when the time comes.
Keep with blatant baseless bullshit?
Stop believing everything Trump tells you.
>Hillary won the popular vote almost entirely in one state.
[citation needed]
Even Trump named more than one state as the culprit when he made his baseless assertion.
Say it with me
Say it with me.
Irrelevant distraction from the point.
They can vote in Grey area.
Obama told illegals to VOTE
HRC drafted them to get out the vote
illegals are NOT citizens and therefore cannot vote but when you have no voter ID laws and nobody checks in places like California you'll "win" the popular vote.
>Yeah, except for the systemic processes like having to be a registered voter (or getting into the bank without raising any alarm) and casting a vote as someone you don't even know (opening the safe).
Look faggot if you are illegal and live in CA you get a drivers license. You are also automatically registered to vote. Combine that with no voter ID laws and the POTUS does an interview telling illegals they won't be arrested if they vote. CA is the only reason she won the popular vote. CA needs to be beaten like that ugly step child it is.
Please don't tell me you are functioning under the same stupid misconception that because there are no voterID laws there are no protections that prevent voter fraud.
Blue part of west Texas here, tons of illegals and regular mexicans, walking distance from the warzone of juarez, mx and we're rated safest in the country
Checkmate Sup Forums
>Look faggot if you are illegal and live in CA you get a drivers license. You are also automatically registered to vote.
Does that driver's license ask if you are a US citizen? Does that Department provide a different driver's license to those who cannot register to vote?
Combine that with your lack of bothering with any other relevant fact and you are a faggot for calling anyone else a faggot.
plus you have motor voters laws which you can register to vote when you get your driver's licenses.12 states allow illegals to obtain a driver's licenses. so they're on the voting roll.
ohh wow Clinton won those states too.
gee I wonder why???
Illegals voted, many of them voted several times as ordered by the DNC and Soros' Open Society Foundation.
Nigger one mother fucker can fill out thousands of fakes and put em in a box under California's system.
Oh look. Another attempt to distract from the point.
FYI - I didn't vote for Hillary or Trump. They are both terrible choices.
Trump isn't going to be president.
a bold claim amigo
We'll see. :)
In a republic, a constitution or charter of rights protects certain inalienable rights that cannot be taken away by the government, even if it has been elected by a majority of voters. In a "pure democracy," the majority is not restrained in this way and can impose its will on the minority.
And a monkey could fly up your butt tomorrow becuase just like states without voterID there are no protections on your ass with MonkeyID!
Get yours now by calling 1-800-ASS-PLUG
because 2 million of those were prolly illegal or dead.
>there are no protections on your ass *without MonkeyID!
It doesn't
and when you register to vote in Cali, you don't have to provide proof of citizenship
So now it's established she won because of Cali, where do we go from here
Nuke California
Yeah your absolute right
t. illegal Hispanic Voter
Really makes you think
But that isn't a proven fact. It could very well be true, but you can't just assume that because the candidate you like didn't win the popular vote.
>The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards
It's like liberals are utterly incapable of learning anything.
Keep it up,buddy. You're campaigning for his second term and you don't even realize it.
I bet you wish you had some ey spic
>It doesn't
Yes, it does.
>Provide your social security number. It will be verified with the Social Security Administration while you are in the office.
>Verify your birth date and legal presence. If your current name no longer matches the name on your BD/LP document, see "True Full Name" and "How to Change Your Name" for more information.
>and when you register to vote in Cali, you don't have to provide proof of citizenship
[citation needed]
You are not only completely clueless but impudently clueless.
>Combine that with your lack of bothering with any other relevant fact
Like the relevant fact that you don't need to be a citizen to get a drivers license in California?
Because if you take California out of the equation, Trump won the popular vote by over a million.
>guess how many beaners live in California
>does Commiefornia have voter ID laws?
>how many illegal aliens live in Commiefornia?
With that in mind, don't fucking say that it is not impossible that a good percentage of the Shillary votes in Commiefornia were legal. The recount in Wisconsin ended up strengthening up Trump's victory.
Besides, Commiefornia has been blue and will be blue with so many minorities there... Most republicans knew that even if all of them were to vote there, all 55 electors would still be blue.
wayyyyy ahead of you kiwi.
Option 1: Implement a national voter ID law
Option 2: Kick all the illegal mexicans out of California, Nevada and New Mexico
Option 3: Both
Because Republicans in NYC and Los Angeles have no reason to vote.
That's the joke. Trump has no sense.
I love you Serbia.
Keep gud.
Remove California and see how it stacks up then.
do you realize those "rural retards" are the ones who keep your belly full of food?
and city people are scumbags
See and The DL non-citizens, read non-voters, get are markedly different.
kys faggot. You're on the wrong side of history.....again.
fake news
This is why all the other boards hate Sup Forums autism to the max and general stupidity coming from both sides.
Don't let the citations and images I post in this thread get in the way of your myopic perspective born from all that sand you stuck your head into.