Sup Forums Job Hunt

So Sup Forums... how's the job hunt going?

No bullying those who are trying.
NEETs welcome to share NEET stories.

Getting a job here is hell, but with that being said I'm from a rich family so I'm semi-set until I get booted out.

got a job ,pretty comfy in the center of Belgrade

making 800 euros a month which is really good for Serbian standards

Nothing to do today so shitposting on pol feels good

I just don't understand why I don't have the motivation to apply for more than one job a day

I know my life doesn't begin until I get a job. My current life as a semi-NEET is hollow and empty, and I hate it. I want the money to get an apartment and a gym membership and a social life and a girlfriend and a video game box and a trip to Europe and all the other things that people generally enjoy in life.

I guess it's just because I feel compelled to write a new resume and CV for every job I apply to and it feels like too much work because I'm also hopelessly addicted to the internet so I get distracted incredibly easily

Too scared to participate in the world. Gained a fuckton of weight from psych meds that I am now off of and only have basic casual clothing. Feels bad man.

Also NEET. It is intentional.

I pretend to be a useless faggot and get 200$ foodstamps every month, along with HUD paying 90% of my rent while my college GF pays my meager bills and we both have massive amount of expendable income. All I have to do is cook and clean which is less than an hour a day. I spend the rest of the time playing vidya.

We decided this was best when we realized a white guy getting a job in a 95% mexican population area like New Mexico is next to impossible.

How have u not gotten a job yet? I'm a neet currently but I've gotten every job I've applied to before. Ur doing something wrong?

im too poor to be neet
we dont have neetbux here
i earn 280 USD per month in my job
so, i can say my life is shit

Waiting on word for an internship in Vienna.

I really hope I don't fuck this up. They ask for 3 years of school, and I have 5 years with a STEM major and two hard minors.

I actually do technically have a job
Pays me $20/hr to pass out flyers and shit

Problem is that I get to work roughly 4 hours a month

Anyway, I'm trying not to apply to shitty customer service or sales positions or shit that will make me work tons of overtime since I'm also taking online courses right now. Not too many jobs available for people outside of that. God knows my degree ain't worth shit.

Degenerate heretic, you need to be purged.
Stop living off the government.

>be NEET for 4 years
>have no stories

Why? Who are you to tell me what the basis for living is? There is no law in the universe that states life = job+time(money-selfworth). I'm honestly at a loss at why any of you think it's okay or enjoyable to be just another cog in the big machine that makes more cogs.

I got a job in just 3 days when back when i was un Australia. I 5 years i made enough to come back here buy a house, a car and a truckload of weaboo crap.

Construction workers are payed lots of money in there dude.

>Don't finish school or college
>Leave with no qualifications
>neetout and be unemployed for 4 years
>finally land a job cleaning dishes
>It sucks to wake up, get there and immediately have to stick your hands in a hole filled with cutlery
>Motorbike crash
>fired because consistency late to work since public transport in the capital is about as useful as having cancer
>This was all about 3 years ago
>Haven't had a job since
>Nearly 22 y/o

I'm on the verge of doing my fork lift licence and doing that for a while. I would like to move on to other stuff later in my life.

Please do not mistake this for trying. I been a neet for almost 6 years straight. I deserve whatever happens to me anyway.

I worked in a mine for a couple years, bought a cheapo house on the central coast and just did blow while watching shit like lock stock n 2 smokin barrels for a year. Did some bullshit financial analyst course and got a job at a bank, anybody will give you a job if you've worked at a mine and not gotten fired. honestly young anons get into the mine trade while you still can. You'll come out of it with enough money to set yourself up with a house and provide for yourself all the while paying up front for uni/college fees and giving you a huge boost on your resume. Best thing I ever did.

I'm trying to get my first job at 19. It's pretty much impossible here, I might just live the dole bludger life

NEET reporting

Going to the gym right now, gotta be /fit/ for the European race war

im scared to go outside , i dont have driving licence
i have anxiety
everytime i step outside i felt like i was carrying 50 kg on my back and can not move .

>i need a law to tell me how to be a decent human being

Im 23 and I had my first job for one day,
Being in the fucking cash register.
I couldnt handle counting money all day for 5 hours and trying to force a smile on to people.
Its literally shit.
I feel bad that I only lasted one day and I worry it might be a problem with me a as a whole.

get a license at least. do europoors even drive much?

You lasted 1 day?

Yeah m8 there's something wrong with you

Got an interview with Lockheed Martin in about 6 hours so hopefully I won't be a NEET much longer.

i lasted 6 months at my first job. Quit because i knew more about the job then a few supervisors (some of them didn't even know all closing procedures) and they promoted a minor over me in spite of them bitching about how "we can't make any minors supervisors."

got drunk one day and quit, always regretted it

heres hoping tech school can help me get a decent job

Agreed Aussie job market is trash. That's why i came here


>The job market
>not the (You)s

Just found myself some gov funding to do my phd in org chem,

2k funnybux a month isn't too bad

sent out 4 applications in my whole life, gotten the position 3/4 times, don't understand NEETS ((looking for jobs))

>>It sucks to wake up, get there and immediately have to stick your hands in a hole filled with cutlery

The dignity of work..

research assistant that keeps getting 3 month contract renewals...but its not secure enough for me to buy a house

Got a masters in biomedical science, Merit.
A years’ worth of lab experience including two month in a different country.
Was the treasure of a university society for a year.
Was a peer mentor for undergraduate students for during my third year.
Volunteered at a local charity for 7 years.
Work part time as a wedding and events photographer.

And I’ve been out for work for a year, unable to get a job after finishing my education. Reason: overqualified and under experienced. Tring to get a PhD but they are super competitive. Also trying to volunteer to gain more job experience, but again, as I’m overqualified they don’t want to touch me.

I feel like giving up. I just want to be a scientist and do good works, but it doesn’t look like it’s meant to be.

Mother is finally fed up with my shit now that I moved back with her again. Im turning 30 in May and that's basically when I will get kicked out if I haven't finished my degree by then or find a job to support myself. What she doesn't know is that I'm working on starting my own business and it's either going to be that or suicide. Let's hope I can turn it into a success in 4-5 months.

>Junior studying Act. Sci.
>Two exams passed
>3.50 GPA, involved on campus
>Didn't land an internship this fall
>Feels like all of my peers have something lined up already for the summer
>Don't know what I'm going to do/how I'm going to get a job post-grad if I don't land one

Is three exams as undergrad too many? I don't know how else to become a competitive candidate if I don't line anything up this summer.

If someone posts a 550k+ opening with intelligent challenge enough, I would take it.

Same here, 19 and trying to get a part time job over summer break. Walked around my local shoppo and handed out resumes, haven't gotten any emails back

What kind of resources can pol recommend me? It would be nice to earn some money
>please note that I am too socially retarded to interact with strangers on a daily basis so waiting tables is a no go

18, worked a a few shit jobs now and then to make some cash. Currently working at dad's factory making 4 euro an hour fucking around with some plastic. Have an own business with friends that should start bringing in cash soon so I'm just kinda biding my time until then, or until I go to uni. Working sucks though, waking up at 630 every morning almost kills me

i can't get a job in the uk and i'm trying like a motherfucker, i'm good at talking to people and i know english perfectly but i'm romanian and i can't get a job, not even the fucking factory wants me. what the fuck do i do Sup Forums im at uni and shit

You have to go back.

Pretend you're a gypsy (not even joking) and claim race benefits. They can't not hire you because that would be racist, so they have no choice but to take you. Put on an accent and throw in some gypsy words into your sentences

>honestly young anons get into the mine trade while you still can
I can't into physical labour, especially not in the heat you get over here.

Network engineer.
I moved to a red state, but got deceived when they told me I'd be doing a lot of configuration. I mostly just look at traffic graphs.

It's boring as hell and I'm already looking at other options.

CCNP certified, etc.

bullshit that can't work, i'm a russian minority in romania, i'm a double minority

Try working in hospo as a glassie / busboy?

at this point i'm the only one shoving redpills down my teachers throats. christ its surreal to hear in real life shit like cis-gendered and bitching all day abot old white men who rule the world

Move somewhere else.
Have you looked online?

Always looking. I apply for multiple jobs a do. Also signed up with a few agency's. I get pleanty of interviews, they go great, and the feedback of why I didn't get the job is always the same. Overquilifed, underexperienced.

Then it's simple: lie about experience.

I fucking hate it with passion. This shitty "overqualified" meme that corps and businesses shove down your throat.

Technically you are not allowed to do that. Lying about your CV is technically a criminal offence.

Then again, barely any prosecutions, because employers cannot be arsed with that, they just fire and thats it.

>I keep getting the same result every time I do a particular task

You apparently don't have any problem solving skills.

badly, only had rejections or no answers so far.

can't even upload and bind my master's thesis either because I don't even have money for that and christmas is around the corner too so no offices and departments are open. life is really shitty right now.

Looking for part time work but it's not going great. Also my passion for science has pretty much died out, in the final year of uni. Was contemplating going for masters in Accounting.

Job hunt? I've been at Walmart now for over a decade!

How do you do this and not end up going panic.gif when you´re tasked with your first assignment that you have absolutely no idea on how to solve?

Fuck that

Also, recruiters want references

NEET for 3 yrs now. College drop-out. Nobody will hire me.

I'm currently a full time Lyft and Uber driver. I've not really put much effort into finding another job, because I enjoy the comforts of making my own hours and just driving around all day in my car.

I would recommend Lyft or Uber to anyone with a vehicle in need of an in-between job.

got a weekend job in a kitchen showroom. 7.50 an hour, 12 hour contract, and a commision rate that I really DGAF about.
Studying a TEFL, volunteering in a library and as a teaching assistant.
Already have a BA(hons), frankly IDK what I want to do.
Save up some money and fugg off to the borders, get some goats, rabbits and bees, and start brewing mead.
Mebby join the army idk

>cut carbs
>skip breakfast
>don't eat after 7pm
>drink more water
>walk around the block a few times
>work your way up to jogging
>pushups and core exercise even if you have to start on your knees

The weight will come off user just have to use that white man willpower.

Why don't you all NEET start a business. It is clear nobody will hire you, so why don't you start making money on the internet? It shouldn't be that hard.

I'm not even 100% sure what kind of jobs I'm supposed to look for.

Be four years unemployed in April

Sorry, senpai, you have to get gassed.

try the poast office, they're hiring - maybe not so widely now.

Just take whatever you can find. after a year you'll feel much better and more confident - first job is like loosing your virginity.

Did you guys go to uni?
if so studying what?

Most jobs will work with you if you have an idea of how many hours you want up front. You will be happy that you had at least some resume experience down the road.

If I see someone worked a significant amount of hours while taking classes I know they can handle their shit and I'm more likely to hire them.

M8 I get this 100%

Tbh I've had better luck sending apps to staffing agencies for something that I want. They tend to push for shit no one else wants to do so just say fk u until you get what you want.

I'm 29 and I never had a job.

>800 euros a month

Kek I make more than that in a week

>tfw programmer
>tfw it's pure misery
I just want to turn into a furry and live the rest of my life in the woods away from people

I already have a degree and a min wage job already famm

>solid snek an silend

>technical writer for medium sized software company
>60k a year

Not bad, I'm trying to get promoted in the next 6 months

cool, by your poast it seemed you were looking for stuff.
have you moved out?
My situation would be extremely fucky if I hadn't gone back to my family home after uni

I am 34, I have had 10 jobs so far.

About as well as can be expected considering the level of effort I've put into it.

AKA it's not going because I haven't gotten desperate to the point of actually trying to find a job yet.

AKA plasma donations are sufficient to cover my expenses for the moment.

OP don't mean blowjobs

Yeah you're probably fucked up. Try finding something with as little social interaction as possible.

Experience doesn't necessarily equate to knowledge.
If he's got the qualifications, but hasn't worked, they just want someone who is familiar with a routine. That's all.

Overqualified is a real concern though because it means the person is more likely to make demands about their pay or environment, and also more likely to leave that job as soon as they get a better opportunity which they surely will.

If you don't make at least $2G/wk you are not hwhite. Prove me wrong, Sup Forums.

I make 600$ as an engineer in oil and gas. Didnt get paid in almost 4 months now. Thinking bout quitting, learning german and moving to Germany. Life in Romania sucks.

While true, not everyone is a bloody CEO to make unreasonable demands. Besides, if the job itself is alright, with promise of advancement, one might stick with it.

The way i see it, employers want the most bang for the least amount of buck they invest, and will eventualy fuck up bigtime, unless they change their policies.

when i dont get a job i interviewed/applied for i hope some niggers go in and shoot that mother fucker up

>leave that job as soon as they get a better opportunity
employers still think like this?

Find a business owner and make yourself valuable to them in some way. Most businesses or trades will have some work they want to outsource. In return, you learn a skill or a trade.

If you're a native English speaker you can always teach English online or abroad.

If you're a NEET in the UK, you can pick up extra cash matched betting. Not sure if I can post an affiliate link here so I won't.

My fire dept is hiring, decent pay, and all the staceys suck your cock

I've never been unemployed for more than a month and I'm 33. Started working on a farm at 11.

Look into water/wastewater technical school! Jobs are everywhere and are fucking easy. I make $50k a year and over half the time watch Netflix and shitpost, 4 10 hour days of that a week is easy and I get 4 months of vacation, pension at 57 years old

Also school is only 1-2 years and less than $15k total

Any job i get would be minimum wage, forgive me for not playing societys game and wasting over half of my life making someone else richer and more comfortable. Some people truly dont understand teh concept of you only get one life, youre either born privileged or youre not.

About to one-up you, tea and crumpets

> Be me
> Political Science / Environmental Studies undergrad
> Realize I can't do shit with that - Law School or Master's in some science
> Man's Laws or Nature's Laws?
> therocksmile.gif
> Nature
> Get into Master's Oceanography program at state school
> Doing so well, turn Master's into PhD with only a little extra work
> Bust ass for 5.5 years to finish PhD before funding runs out - 14 hours a day, 6 days a week for a year straight to finish in time
> Also have first child born before final year
> shitstorm.png
> Graduate with PhD exactly one year ago to this date (Dec. 11 to be precise)

Can't get a job at local state Dept. of Env. Protection
> Too overqualified

Can't get a job at fucking grocery store or athletic stores
> Too overqualified

Or anywhere
> Too overqualified

Applying for Federal jobs, your options:
> You need PhD and 10 years work experience, or
> Need Engineering degree and 20 years, or
> Bachelor's and zero (overqualified)
> Above all, 6 month minimum to find out if you get job

Or do what everyone else does with an Oceanography PhD:
> Go dissect fish in lab for 35k a year, in california or hawaii or some other place with impossible living conditions on 35k a year
> Go teach for 40k a year and do boring ass research and write papers to try to get tenure
> Go work for an NGO for free... starve... and let your kid starve

> From December of last year to May, I applied for over 300 jobs. I landed phone conversations with top people at international NGO's, THE HEAD of the Bureau of Ocean and Energy Management, every leading member of BOEM's branches across the country; numerous phone interviews... same thing, either "we'd love to help further, but you have to go through the online process from here on" or "overqualified"


and I got a job finally, in private industry... because my brother in law hooked me up.

Fucking. Bullshit.

i already went to school but couldn't get a job in my field because i have the social skills of a child, so now i'm self employed, i make half the money i'd normally make and have to work twice as long with no controls or regulations preventing me from getting fucked. it's usually pretty shit, but sometimes i get lucky and get some good breaks, like i just made $25 in 15 minutes a moment ago, kek. what i would really like to do in life is just work in an office and tell boomers to restart their machines but i feel like i am too old and dumb to go back to school and also my existing social skills have atrophied from being a shut in

I work 85km from my house

Just cuck my shit up, need a new job

I have a job

I drive for Uber 45 hours a week. I live in a one-bedroom apartment and don't have a woman or pets to pay for, so it pays all of my bills with room to spare.

Honestly, it's a perfect job. Only issue I have with it is that there really isn't any way to advance in it.

Fuck you Miles.I know that's you.

I'm training to become a software developer. Can you explain why being a programmer sucks?

Why would wastewater measuring be in demand. Sounds extremely automatable.

dude colleges are a joke, there's some of the most dysfunctional pieces of shit on this planet sitting in some classroom "learning" right now

If you genuinely want to do it, don't let "feeling dumb and old" keep you away. You're there to learn. If everybody knew what you're going to class for, there wouldn't be a need for classes to teach it. So just remember everybody else is just as retarded as you.

You can do it user

Get other people to drive for you

I suffer from pretty bad anxiety disorder that went largely unmedicated for most of my life, even still I found a job in sales and am making 45k/year. I know this isn't a lot to you guys but I'm trying to get over my mental bullshit problems

It's fucked up.

I am about to graduate and can't find a fucking job because "no prior experience". Well no shit Sherlock. Virtually everyone need a connections to do anything these days.