Macri already won, there's a photo with the president of argentina,barack obama.
Why 5hours?
Is that old shit finally dying?
If she gets in it'll ruin Christmas
I didn't drink alcohol in months, today i will celebrate Trumps victory with some german bier.
Narh. In five hours the electoral college will convey. If she hasn't mannaged a coup by then, its gonna be nice and quit on the chans for a change. Otherwise its gonna be popcorn and Gettysburg 3.5, but with the new-yorker elite stumping the south-western commie recetionists and coup-attempters.
God I hope so. I'm not even kidding. If she becomes president there will be a second civil war and all lefties gonna get purged
Is this a meme or is there a serious chance of them voting Hillary in? I supported trump obviously, but now with all the kike bankers he has on his cabinet I don't care anymore.
Butthurt on Sup Forums would be epic though. And on the Russian /po/ where poo tin shills shill for him
Zero chance of it. But 100% chance of salt and tantrums when trump gets signed off by them today. And 99% chance of Clinton and Obama getting shat upon from great heights next year for trying to pull this shit. The birth certificate and ongoing CF investigation is a teaser of what's to come. Heads on fucking sticks mate. Get ready for some delicious viewing.
but if the trump army fails to purge her afterwards, she will declare war on russia for hacking her emails and we will have a world war
Whenever I see that pic I think of when she laughed at a girl the same age getting raped. It's probably a bit old for her pedo friends though. Not too old for you it seems. What is it with left's penchant for pedophilia?
Thanks Denemark.
So popcorn and lets see what happens over by the Burgers.
They cant really vote Hillary in. That is an extremely unlikely scenario. They can refuse to vote, leaving Trump short of 270 votes, but that is highly unlikely. One electoral vote abstaining would be quite scandalous. And 50 has to do it for it to work.
But if it happens the decission moves on to congress and senate. Both have Republican majority and no one in agreement besides Trump.
It is most likely that a civil war would start at the point where Trump is denied victory though.
It's not her turn. It's okay. Be happy.
bots again
>mfw you actually copy pasta something I typed
>mfw I'm your shadow when you're here
>mfw I know you're some variation of shit skin or Jew
>mfw your persistence makes me hard
Ok, I see. But let's be serious though, there is almost no chance of a civil war happening.
I can't wait to drink your tears AGAIN
What do you guys think of ???
If you want more Hilly pics you can always go to @knobdoorman too. Good gallery there. Funny how this post will be deleted by a mod who does it for free :^)
God 2016 really is the year that keeps on giving
We get to enjoy 1 more liberal tear bath before the end
Madam Pr...
>heavy breathing from Cali
...Madam Prisoner
I think most of the americans don't know about the evil inside Clinton, she's probably filled with rage right now and if someone would empower her shit would hit the fan.
Debbly concerned.
What chance do we have for Non-Trump Republican - Kaisch or Jeb?
Say faithless deny 270 to Trump, 1 vote for Jeb and congress choses Jeb?
You can't FPBP anywhere.
This isn't Reddit, faggot
Nah you get the EC vote, then the inauguration, and then literally any time he implements a policy that triggers them, or that works.
Are you tired of winning yet?
Any elector who doesn't vote as he is expected can be sure that his life as he knew it is over.
The whole US society as you knew it is already over. Whatever happens now, things can only get worse. I'm sure the losers are already in suicide mode, and prepared for a burned earth strategy, destroying as much as they can to leave nothing for Trump. Including a full scale WW3.
Fpbp is a reddit-tier meme, brought by normie newfags.
Don't they count the votes in January?
obama declares war on russia on january 19th
you realize votes will not be counted until January and worst case, it goes to the House where they then vote for Trump?
No :^)
Actually, I heard that the way it actually goes in the Electoral College won't be made public until Congress has to confirm it in January.
Could it be that a de facto coup will be carried out today and that it won't even be known about until a week before Inauguration?
You realize anyone who starts a sentence with "You realize" is a fucking asshole, right?
Also, you're wrong. The votes will be on tomorrow.
you faggots are like the spoiled brat who asked for a pony for christmas, told all your fucking friends you were getting a pony for christmas, loaded up on pony lit, posters, and did nothing but annoy the fuck out of people about pony for weeks ...
... and instead got a knitted fucking sweater with a pony on it christmas morning
your childish tears will be even more delicious than milk and cookies
>I've been caught not knowing what I'm talking about in my troll thread, so I'll get snippy
This was Hillary
Hillary Clinton.
>mfw there really are 30 faithless electors like that guy said
>mfw all of them including that guy from Texas end up voting for trump anyway because of constant 3am harassment from liberals
Why do liberals think yelling and threatening people will somehow convince people to side with them? Are they even more autistic than us in reality?
>The votes will be on tomorrow.
flat wrong. nothing is official until biden presides on Jan 6th. They send it to the House, the House elects Trump. you lost. go stick a carrot up your ass and sure you'll feel better.
Who is that granny? Ivanka isn't running you idiot.
God she is such a beautiful woman. Can't wait for her to take her hard earned rightful place as president
It's not official-official until the 6th, but the votes will be public tomorrow.
>Electors will meet in their states, typically at the capitol, where they will cast two votes: one for president and one for vice president.
>They will then prepare what is called a “certificate of vote” with the results, which is then mailed or delivered via courier to the National Archives, where it becomes part of the nation’s official records, and to Congress.
Presumably on the 6th the dems will stage one last butthurt shitshow and try to object to every single electoral vote just to filibuster Trump's presidency into february or something.
>5 more hours
Until the last hope of Hillcucks shatters
That doesn't mean it's her turn. You can't pretend.
He hasn't won the popular vote, he hasn't yet won the Electoral Vote, in fact he hasn't won a single thing except the Russian-supported meme of success. But here's what he has done:
1. He's refusing security briefings.
2. His entire cabinet is anti-woman, anti-environment, anti-alternative-lifestyle, and anti-middle-class.
3. He appointed a Goldman-Sachs Wall Street banker to his cabinet, but attacked a union leader on Twitter.
4. He has business conflicts of interest all over the world, most of which are in Russia, which he has passed ownership of to his daughter Ivanka, who will be living in the First Lady's bedroom of the White House (instead of his wife, how much creepier can it get?) and running them from there.
5. He knew Russia was involved in hacking the election, called on them to do so, and doesn't want to investigate the matter.
6. He won't acknowledge Aleppo, but tweets about Saturday Night Live.
7. His daughter routinely sits in meetings with foreign ministers to advance the family business interests, which will be run from the First Lady's bedroom.
9. His Secretary of State received the "Order of Friendship" from Russia, which he did not receive for nothing, I assure you.
10. His Secretary of Education is anti-public schools.
11. His Vice President believes in electroshock conversion therapy for homosexuals.
12. More than a dozen women have accused him of sexual assault.
13. He wants to leave NATO and repeal Obamacare.
14. He doesn't know how the Government works.
15. He met with Kanye West, but refused to meet with CIA.
16. He advocated giving China our Naval drone technology when they wanted to return it, in clear violation of International Trafficking in Arms Regulations (ITAR), and the most alarming thing is, he probably did it because he's never even HEARD of ITAR before.
but most of all..
17. If Donald Trump becomes our President, he will kill us all.
is he literally hitler?
wtf i hate trump now
Damn, I am now a Jeb-Head!
>It is most likely that a civil war would start at the point where Trump is denied victory though.
Says the cucked Denmarkfag who hasn't a military and who has never been to a shooting range.
Oh wait, Proxy deteced,
Keep talkin' shit.
Wow, she was a child once.
literally shaking right now. just can. not. even.
Pls stop, cry quietly
>Leftists start actually assassinating electors for not going faithless
>Trump declares a state of emergency since government officials are being killed openly by domestic terrorists
>gives himself special powers to round up every radical leftist in the US and lock them in FEMA camps
It'll be like the Reichstag fire all over again.
Apparently he is literally Hitler. Or he was, now he's a Ruskie. Pretty sure he's from New York.
>15. He met with Kanye West, but refused to meet with CIA.
hands are shooped
1) He's got better shit to do.
2) Lie, don't care, don't care, lie.
3) Doesn't mean what you think it means.
5) No one cares. If Putin hacked the DNC and Podesta, we all should thank him.
6) He talked about it in third debate.
8) lol libs can't count
9) I was going to mock you, but your assurance has swayed me. I hate Drumpf now.
10) Good.
11) Good.
13) Good.
14) It doesn't.
15) Good.
16) Lmao.
This. There was an elector from Texas that was against voting for Trump because he felt it was his duty to do what is best for the country (aka his opinion). So he got cucked by Tuck and thought about it. His next interview on CNN, he's saying he'll vote for Trump as per regular scheduled program. They're shocked. I'm shocked. Tucker red pilled someone. I'm not shocked about that but how quickly it happened. I am amazed.
So, hopefully, liberals behaving badly (naturally) will only show people and the electors how badly we NEED Trump right now. We can NOT afford war with Russia. I'm not a Putin fan but we should definitely be trying to co-exist (like the liberals have suggested) instead of instigating another Cold War.
>His entire cabinet is anti-alternative-lifestyle
I think the Country does very well without Pedophiles and Trannies being sold as the new normal.
Don't know what will happen but I do remember an user like 4 months ago claiming he was in the military posting thia shot, basically saying Trump will not be elected president caused Russian hemp him and Obama staying once again thus starting some massive civil war and shit.
Was that part of your plan?
So how long until they announce who's president?
In five more hours, madam gets 86ed
Does CTR even get paid anymore or are you people so fucking cucked out that you post this blatant bullshit for free?
Spoiler: It's Trump.
I hope it is but when does it get announced?
Holy shit, that was amazing
>TFW you waifu is a pone
Why would they need to kill her, she's already dead since 9/11 and replaced with a double.
I wanted Trump to win the general for the shitstorm, but now I want the EC to vote Clinton for the shitstorm. I want to see how serious the Trump supporters are about civil war.
I'm literally shaking right now. Stop it.
There are 28 NATO countries and only 5 pay the rent.
NATO was created many decades ago to kill the USSR, mission succeeded. You as an American citizen benefit from NATO overseas, how?
No war with Russia will be fought by land, see Napoleon and Hitler's failures in Russia for why it's not possible to hold that much territory in a tundra.
So your main argument about NATO is European feelings, the same people who find money for refugees but not NATO minimum spending. You're probably a retarded baby boomer or millennial who knows nothing about the waste of money NATO has become today. If you honestly want universal healthcare consider what NATO brings to the table because we can't afford both.
Also you are a war hawk FYI.
Actual insane leftist or articulate troll?
they democrats have gone so insane it is almost impossible to tell anymore
Everyone's saying 5 hours, so let's go with that. I'll be asleep anyway.
I can't wait to see Drumpfkin faces
>If Donald Trump becomes our President, he will kill us all
If you're not in 3 hours, you've got some explaining to do. You better get ready
happy nonchristian holidays
It's literally copy paste from an SNL skit
Is he, I dare to say, our guy?
1. He's not president yet.
2. Explain.
3. Same shit Hillary would have done. Oh no! Better complain ironically about the swamp that supposedly didn't exist XDD
4a. List some.
4b. Trumps daughter will be staying in the white house. Trump is staying in Trump tower. That is physical distance between them and you think that's creepy? You're reaching.
5. Obama admitted Russia never hacked "the election". The DNC had a leak from inside. You've been reading too much (((Real News))).
6. False. He's talked about Aleppo. You've obviously not paid attention.
7. Your point?
8. Slow down, autismo. You're forgetting how to count.
9. Proofs?
10. Another (((Real News))) meme? Last lie I heard about her was she was pro-common core, which was also liberal scare tactic falsehood. Anything to push an agenda.
11. I did some research on this "electroshock conversion therapy" meme and found nothing to substantiate it. He believes in electroshock therapy for extreme mental cases. He believes in conversion therapy for homosexuals. Maybe you were confused? You seem to be.
12. And that many women have mysteriously retracted those same allegations after he won the election. How interesting.
13. He wants to fix Obamacare and if he can't, then he'll repeal it. That would actually help the economy, despite your Communist ideals. At this point, I don't think you even know what NATO is.
14. They're teaching him. You're not exactly a scholarly type yourself.
15. The CIA is pushing for a coup. But no, let's pretend like the CIA that has engaged in brainwashing, advanced interrogation, espionage, and overthrown governments is saintly. Again, anything to push an agenda.
16. Oh, I'm sure you know all about ITAR. Just like how everyone knew what Aleppo was :^)
17. Ad hominem, as expected.
My verdict: your argument is weak and pathetic, like your patriotism. Move to Mexico.
>Liberals claim hating Islam is xenophobic
>Proceed to hate Russians
The cognitive dissonance this election season has been so unreal. Whackos like you have just crawled out the woodwork from absolutely everywhere.