Jewish General - /JG/

ITT: We plot for Greater Israel and the demise of our biggest threat: The White race.

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Here in Southern Brazil the goy are a bit rebellious, good ting we are bringing all the niggers from Haiti and Africa to here so that these evil German goyim become a minority in their homeland just like we're doing it in Goimany.

Keep up the circus. If the debt is at an unsustainable level. You're going to see Whites rage and we here at Judaically Incorrect. Will make sure it comes the way of the Loan Cheater Jews.

shut up goyim you're not gonna do anyting

Good. I like to see Social Justice on all continents. Just keep telling everyone diversity is a good thing and the dumb goyim will eat it up.

Hi desert cousins.

Kek, goy think they can do shit. Who do you think funds wars?

UK says no to your forced multiculturalism and now the USA too.

Unsheathe my Katana.

Oy vey, are you doing your part and bringing more mudslimes to the filthy goyim in the mountains?

Keep taxing them goys, screwing them in court, and brainwashing them in the media. It's worked wonders so far.

Trump is one of the chosen people goyim, he is with us and he'll do his job for greater Israel

>implying Brexit will actually happen
>implying Parliament won't put a stop to it
>implying the smartest race on earth won't find new, inventive ways to dilute your population with Third Worlders so you cannot unite against your overlords

Very happy to have a Jewish First Daughter in the White House for the first time.

We all know the Jew faggots took drugs to commune with evil Spirits and are colluding with them. You will never defeat the Gentile. New Jew World Order will lead to none at all.

But the richest and most relevant Jews are white

pick one ya flip subhuman

You wont be laughing on the day of the oven

If ya ever try that again we will destroy you the same way we did with Germany, don't test us you filthy goyim

but I actually like white people

No - I'm just bunkering their shekels. Talk to the eternal Teutons about mudshit logistics.

This triggers the kike

You can destroy the body. You can never destroy the Spirit. I know there is still care for the future of this world. Somewhere it isn't about Markets. It's about alleviating suffering.

Only the chosen people can have such success.

See? The only Israeli in the thread has no problems with whites and you say that you're somehow for greater Israel...

Bonnier here.

We are continuing our efforts to spread diversity in Sweden, but unfortunately the goys are starting to wake up. However we're planning on granting as many new citizenships as possible to keep the evil nazi party from power and in the long run the evil Aryans will be displaced. We can finally have peace!

You goyim are boring, you will never achieve anything other than killing yourselves when Greater Israel is created soon.

He's probably a Palestinian goyim Ivanovich. All of the chosen people want Greater Israel.

I said white
not russian

You really think Pence will abide having Tel Aviv existing in the Holy Land though? In 2025, it's on the list of cities getting nuked, right between San Francisco and Amsterdam.

You don't have to pretend here fellow member of the tribe. We will get our revenge for what they did. Never forget!


>implying that will ever happen
I think we do pretty good PR work ;)

Soon to be "replaced" by poor, helpless refugees!

> white people manages to have 2 kids
> this is specifically titled "large" white family

Sounds about right

Your opinion matters little. For it is attempting the challenge even if it appears impossible that counts. It's the last option left. Runners do not win.

Isn't Israeli supposed to know better what's better for Israel? And by the way why aren't you in Israel yourself?

Shut up Philistine and bow down to the chosen people.

I'm busy here destroying the remaining bad goys in Brazil.

>We stand with Israel t. Mike Pence
Goyim just can't get enough of dey genocide.

This takes away the Jews power

More like Yetanya-poo

I don't care, I just point to their obvious hypocrisy. They think that you're goy by the way.

Yes, we Jews are the chosen people.
If you are not Jew, you are filthy goy.
Filthy goys need to be undermined and made weaker, divided, and ridiculed until the Jew is on top as the rightful chosen one, not filthy goyim.
Filthy goy should be kept stupid and they should never have racial or national pride, for that makes the goyim stronger.
Stronger goyim is bad for jews, as with goyim coming together and seeing past differences.
Filthy goy should always fight with each other, allowing jews the rightful place as the chosen people.

>bad goys
>in Brazil
Is there such a thing, lol?

Oy vey, we will outlaw dose evil electronic shekels soon.

I'm actually an israeli jew
he's some jew gold I weigh on the scales every few days

Ivanovich I don't think you wanna continue blaspheming the chosen people and G-D any more, your gubirmint might not like it.

This picture is the strongest enemy of Israel, jews, ashkenazis, Soros, liberals, Swedish people, feminists.
They just can't take it.

I'm just shitposting and offer friendly reminders that his gramps gold teeth are lying somewhere below Zurich. Other than collecting the storage fees I don't particularly care.

Like bittorrent was outlawed? Yeah OK

Why not Britcoin?

Show your face so that I can judge if you're one of the chosen people or a filthy goy residing in oua land

> Fiat currency
> falling for the meme again
You're not supposed to be this retarded

Whatcha gonna do?

How does it feel worshiping Evil in the immaterial flesh by the way.

My work here is just about done, how are you guys doing?

>Fiat currency

choose one mountain jew


Remember, Russians are the only people who can manage rebellious Jews.

It has nothing to do with being fiat, it has to do with money creation.

What can you exchange it for other than currency and what is inflation.

Good throw away your money. Who do you think has all the gold and silver that matters?

well I like it a lot
here's some jewish IDF tits as payment

Some bad goyim tried burning down one of the hostels of dose poor Haitians, we arrested each one of them and we are now sending them to concentration camps so that they can suffer for their crimes against Greater Israel

we are not a rebellion if we rule ya filthy goyim, don't worry, Iran Russia and Syria are next on the list, Donald Christ will make sure those bad goyim don't try to rebel against Greater Israel.

How can we stop the rise of right wing populism and anti globalist politics fellow chosen?

We need to accelerate the influx of muslim refugees into Europe the dirty White goyim will never stop persecuting us until they are completely wiped out.


Pick one.

You're not supposed to be this retarded

Have you tried not being a supremacist asshole and chilling out instead of being angry at the Creator for giving you a shit life in Israel.

>Russians are the only people who can manage rebellious Jews

>forgets the jews ran Russia for 70+ years

top fucking kek

Gib moar desert cousin.

>we rule ya
No you don't and you will fail for your motives are filthy and false and ours are true.

I use bitcoin on amazon, to pay for servers and to top up my phone, to name a few direct uses.

>what is inflation

This should help.

Populists are good goyim. let them take over and trick dose stupid goys while we manage their countries. Also Moishe we don't need to use the word globalism in this thread, we can freely use the words Greater Israel and Zionism here.

Support the withdrawal of US Military support for Israel.

Gun Control. Refugees. Maintain a media course or promoting diversity. Should do the trick. By the time America, Canada, France, the UK, and Germany are less than 50% White who will their be left to complain about our control? The poor, poor Whites will infight with the Arabs and they will see how hard we have it in Eretz Yisrael.

>shit life
pretty fucking unlikely unless a Jew does it to another Jew

Good goyim, we don't rule anything alright. Now why don't you go back to your containment chan to talk about how we're not in charge alright heheh

> Hey goyim get a load of this new meme currency
> Thanks goyim for giving me servertime. I'lll pay in meme currency. Is very valuable.
> what do you mean with you can't exchange 6 gorillion
Literally the oldest trick in the (holy) book.

The shit comes from willingly damning yourself to Hell.

If only the terrorist bombed those parades

No they weren't, it's a lie they want you to believe. In fact bolsheviks were mostly non-Jew (unlike menshiviks who failed) and Stalin purged bad Jews, and now we have totally different Jews than all others. They inter-married and many abandoned their tradition. Our Rotenberg studied for Physical Education teacher. Can you say so about Soros, Rockefellers etc? Putin also can do whatever he wants to bad Jews, better learn from Berezovski's and Chodorkovsky's experience before messing with him.

Just go to Facebook and find random Israeli chicks

You don't rule Russia, and soon you will lose other countries except Israel.

>Populists are good

Only if they are kosher and allow jews in their ranks,.Inflitrate them and embed yourself in their groups. Tell them how Israel is based and removes kebab and if someone is bringing up race tell the leadership to disavow them.

Hey Abraham I appreciate that you're fooling all the bad goyim in Russia, but ya don't need to do it here.

Why do we need to fool our puppets Moishe?

I'm not fooling anyone. Picrelated top is menshiviks, bottom is bolsheviks.

Scaring a Jew with hell works about as well making Christians afraid of Thor's hammer.

Because they are cattle that are only born to serve Jews.

Pretty sure the bible had no mention of servertime

Paradise will come when you're no longer polluting existence.

>jew gold
American quarter's?

>goyim think they will successfully rebel
Suppose all this pilpul has them confused

Well our puppets are already fooled, fooling them again seems like a waste of time. The bad goyim are quickly being wiped out, and they are letting us do it by electing our puppets to their countries.

Okay Abraham I tink you're roleplaying a bit too much just take the gist out and talk like any chosen people would.

No, but this is historically how people issuing currency made money - print or debase the currency and keep up the scam. Bitcoin is the same shit in the making, but with a focused userbase - at least the damage won't spread as far.

Why do kikes fear us Asians


You have no idea what you are talking about medipack. Nobody creates bitcoin at will, and it is designed to be DEflationary, which it is. It started off worthless and is now worth over £600 per bitcoin. This is like the complete opposite of fiat

shalom, fellow jews, did you all remember to pray shacharit and put your tefillin on today?



Every issued currecy is prone to manipulation. Bitcoin isn't deflationary, its in demand right now because the dollar and euro are being printed like there's no tomorrow. By those standards the Swiss franc would be deflationary.
> nobody creates bitcoin at will
Not yet. Btw. what was that affair a few months back with that card trading website?

>Not yet.
What is the blockchain?
>Btw. what was that affair a few months back with that card trading website
MTGOX. That was a bitcoin exchange that scammed a load of users, but saying bitcoin is bad because of that is like saying money is bad because criminals use it

Bitcoins info lies in your computers, and your computers run Windows/Mac and applications like skype that have back doors. Guess who really owns all bitcoins then.