You guys have been completely fooled, did you honestly believe that Trump was for the ordinary american????
>the establishment
>drain the swamp
>the joooooossss
Henry Kissinger praises Trump
Other urls found in this thread:
What is wrong with Henry Kissinger
He was one of the good ones
Evil as he is Kissinger still was more right than any other other establishment politician on most issues for the past 30 or so years
>He was one of the good ones
when was that? when he started the whole middle east war shit?
Totally subverted
His neck looks like a nut sack
He served under Nixon. Nixon was one of our best Presidents.
Fuck off.
Sup Forums either unironically likes Kissinger or has no idea who he is. Just nuke this board please.
You tards are as brainwashed as the berniefags
So is Trump secretly the real puppet of the establishment or is he going to get BTFO by faithless electors who will give the presidency to Clinton?
You fucks need to pick an angle and stick with it.
>he doesn't know establishment types praise Trump to try and co-opt him
>he doesn't remember the Cheney endorsement while the Bushes publicly dissed Trump
"Have a seat user and why don't you tell me your thoughts on how to save western civilization. We're all riveted"
You mean for being responsible for wars and coup d'etats in over 100 countries?
In third world Soviet satellite states where life had no value anyway? Good.
You're a commie. Die painfully in a car wreck.
Wtf he buttraped entire Latin America and was even the cunt behind Nixon's resignation.
Latin America buttraped Latin America when they decided to cozy up to the Soviet Union knowing full well we were in a cold war with them and would intervene.
They had only themselves to blame. They're just dumb Indians after all.
>man makes unsolicited comments on the president elect
>hahaha drumpfers pwned!
I don't understand
Why don't you suck his kike cock if you love him so much, Shlomo.
I dont dislike Kissinger
You're the one sucking the Jewish-created Soviet Union cock by proxy. What would you have had us do? Sit there and stare blankly as the Soviet Union created puppet states in our own backyard so they could station missiles near us?
Europeans are pussies that let whatever power has big guns push them around, but that's not us. Spill all the tears you want about these raggedy Indian communists that got BTFO for thinking they could provoke us in our own neighborhood, but America doesn't weep for them. And never will.
Well yeah what you say doesn't really work when bombing Cambodia and Laos actually HELPED the communist takeover, so much for that.
>Europeans are pussies that let whatever power has big guns push them around, but that's not us.
No that's true, you let people like Kissinger push your big guns around.
Wow, let's support a KIKE run West against KIKE run Soviets, good goy.
The whole Cold war is nothing but a Jewish creation, divide-and-conquer in it's purest form, thank God humanity is still retarded enough to fall for this trick.
>guy who killed million of gooks, many would say unnecessarily, praises trump
I see nothing wrong with that
Kissinger was pretty redpilled desu
Or both are puppets. Which is just as likely since trump is but a cockroach compared to the kikes running the world.
In the end whoever wins they will always get their bidding done
Typical Euroweenies. This is why you're getting conquered by Islam. AGAIN!
That cunt is even responsible for the Cyprus conflict.
>Jews all have the same agenda
>American education
Keep on being a good goy and dying for Israel.
I know Zykon ben doesn't like him, and he fucked up a lot like in Vietnam, but yeah, I'm okay with Kissinger. Cold war was going on, he had to do jerk shit or the Soviets would.
Trump has you faggots praising Putin, Kissinger, and Zionism
this is great, thanks bb
omg maybe we're all puppets and undercontrol and the one world government is already a thing AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
This won't sway Trump supporters away from Trump, but it will sway Trump supporters toward Kissinger.
We had a 300k nazi sympathizer army previous to his coup now we have nothing, on top that after his puppets who destroyed the state got kicked out the commies ended up in power and ruined everything else
fuck him and you
fuck him
>Goldman Sachs didn't want it
But it sure wanted Goldman Sachs #DrainTheSwamp
i think i'm starting to realize Trump supporters are even more fucking bluepilled then Bernietards
>Kissinger is not a globalist
Also, can we start praising Tricky Dick?
I do believe that, and I see no reason why I ought to doubt it. Trump has no reason to do anything he's doing except that he craves adulation. He will only get adulation if he actually gives the people what they want. He alone of the political machine right now truly grasps the paradigm shift we're undergoing.
The fact that these fossils think Trump is an opportunity doesn't mean shit, Hillary Clinton thought he was an opportunity too with her ignorant pied-piper shit.
Your concern trolling is getting old. You lost the election. At the very least, if Trump turns out to be just another Neocon it was STILL worth it to smash every Leftist cumdrinker's teeth the fuck out and humiliate that disgusting toad Clinton.
henry kissinger needs to die in a fuckijng oven right now
>If you bomb the communists they win
Canadian proxy detected.
Well, Nixon said that he hated jews except for Kissinger and some other guy because he did his job well.
Could mean anything.
>Kissinger gives unsolicited praise to Trump regarding FP and other non-white genocide related issues
wew lad should have voted Hillary desu
Or Rex "I did business with Russia even if it undermined the US sanctions" Exxon
>But it sure wanted Goldman Sachs #DrainTheSwamp
>Also, can we start praising Tricky Dick?
This board is now a globalist neocon board.
>So is Trump secretly the real puppet of the establishment
They are both puppets faggot. Elections are a joke.
oy vey why didn't you goyim vote for our gun grabbing NWO hag. Here's a (((media))) story all you goys should be concerned with!
Concern!! You should have accepted commie candidate! Bad goys be concerned!
Literally Russia!
We Jews were right! We commies wee right! Right side of history!
>one guy who hasn't done anything in 40+ years speaks positively of drumpf
wow, its all over. im dumping frumpf
I personally think we should convert to judaism. Literally become the Jews, they'll never see it coming, think about it
>he was one of the good ones
Jesus fucking christ, where am i?
How so?
If you do that you aren't viewed as really jewish, ask converts which are married to a jewish partner.
>even if it undermined the US sanctions
>implying it's not a good thing
>start praising Tricky Dick
way ahead of you pal, Nixon was better than any president since. Yes, even Reagan.
The SJWs won't care, they'll force the real Jews to accept us trans-jews. Use their weapon against them, 7 dimensional yahtzee
Business before Country, the exact opposite of the globalists
>being this fuxking dense
Jesus Christ kys
Jah but if you convert, marry a jewish woman and have kids - they are now in La Familia. World dominance ruling over the goyim when they finally achieve global communo-fascism.
Maybe they will make you an unperson and your children / grandchildren are forbidden to remember you or mention you. But so what - your genes are safe and dominating the beige world with 2800 slaves each.
goyim is scared to be thrown in the oven
Why do we hate Kissinger again?
He seems alright.
>Jesus fucking christ, where am i?
I guess, some people here support anything Trump says. Even if he salutes a war-mongering kike (no, THE war-mongering kike), some poltards will start saluting him too.
>Booboo some poor commie shitskins died in the gutter a few years before some wild Amazon disease would have killed them anyway
You will never get me to care about commies. Their lives have zero value.
He is the THE neocon. Kys
I'm sorry to hear that senpai. I'm sure those 300k were red pilled and would have made your country great again
I forget what all these terms mean.
Is Hillary and the Bobama's also a Neocon or what is there thing called?
You do know that he also ruined the Republicans image by conspiring against Nixon, right?
>man speaks his mind
>Because of his actions this means trump is his pawn.
It's like if there is anything less than "NO GOY YOU'VE RUINED EVERYTHING!" and then various global coups and civil wars to maintain their power seats then you're convinced that everyone is a pawn.
I am not here to defend everything Kissinger has done. I will however defend killing commies and sneaky little spic fuckers who sided with the Soviets during the cold war. They deserved to die and America should not, and will not, make any apology for it, pacifists dressed up as WNs notwithstanding.
Neocon means "kike-right"; so-called right-wingers supporting the greatest ally.
In this case, Kissinger is pretty much proto-Neocon, even before scum like Kristol and Wolfowitz existed.
fuck kikes
Gee wow OP you're totally right America should have voted Hillary should would have BTFO Kissinger and the other globalist jews
You convinced me... Maybe I should look for a jewish girlfriend.
I 'm both attracted to jews and Northern Europeans/caucasian, but jews can ensure my genes of a good future
So Trump's a neocon as well.
Neocon means conservatives that believe in spreading "american enlightenment" via military force rather than through the economy like the left.
This guilty-by-association shit is for fucking retards who have nothing of substance to hit with. Nobody's fooled except people who lack the critical thinking necessary to exercise some self-control over their emotions. Says more about you than it does Trump or any of us. As per the norm, OP is a raging faggot.
So what? America is not a charity. I don't care. You cozy up to commies, expect American retaliation. If you don't want to risk it, then don't go commie.
That choice was omnipresent throughout the cold war. Spics chose wrong, and they paid for it.
>Praising the Architect behind concept of the "New World Order"
DonĀ“t be like this user
shill or b8, can't be otherwise
The user you're responding to is a political babby. He knows noteworthy names and nothing at all about their actual history. Apologies on behalf of burgers; every time I read a post like that and see our flag above it, I fucking cringe.
which one leads to less refugee enrichment?
>This board is now a globalist neocon board.
Not quite yet, give it a bit.
>He was one of the good ones
What reality are you living in?
Kissinger is bad but anyone chimping out about a TV interview needs to neck themselves.
Non neo-cons, traditional conservatives, don't seek the spread of American enlightenment, hence the difference.
Neo-cons were formed after Bill Clinton changed the game and was able to sway public opinion into believing that America was a global hero for goodness.
So in this sense, neo-cons are indeed "half liberal"
imagine a world where the USSR is still in a nuclear standoff with the US in 21st century, where half of all South American countries are socialist and communist and are all sponsored by the USSR, and radical wahabists are united under a single flag and have captured a nuclear weapons facility. that's what a world without Henry Kissinger is like.
sanctions are a globalist invention
>X said a nice thing about Trump, therefore Trump is a Y
What kind of bumblefuck line of reasoning is that?
Neo-con is just a tern for right of center politicians that do not think we should kill all the jews and have no problem projecting US military force against our enemies.
Sup Forums often confuses neo-con with RINO
Stormfags and arabs call ANYONE who doesn't want to kill the jews and nuke Israel a neo-con
I hope someone kills your family.
Neo-Con = Globalist that wants America to be leading world police in the NWO
Progressive = Globalist that wants china/europe to lead the world in the NWO
Not a fan of Kissinger, but you're not going to honestly blame anybody who's been alive in the last 1000 years for what's going on in the middle east, are you?
I don't think classic american conservatives believed in killing jews. Sup Forums in it's national socialist influence forgets that probably the only things the classic american conservative mainly agreed on was a white majority and emphasis on a nation.
Except that Kissinger and his tribe supported and raised Wahhabis against Soviets.
>'Donald Trump is a phenomenon that foreign countries haven't seen. So it is a shocking experience to them that he came into office, at the same time, extraordinary opportunity,' Kissinger said.
>'And I believe he has the possibility of going down in history as a very considerable president,' he added.
>The former Secretary of State criticized Barack Obama for 'basically withdrawing America from international politics' as he explained how Trump will shake things up by 'asking a lot of unfamiliar questions'.
Wow, it's literally nothing
Why don't all you retards now jumping to defend Kissinger actually read the fucking article first?