This fucking bitch, THIS FUCKING BITCH no wonder everyone hates kikes
Well, that and the nepotism
do you blame her, or the degenerates who actively enforce these values in western countries?
why cant jews be normal like in israel why do they have to fuck everyones lives because of "MUH GORRILION JEWS" SERIOUSLY FOR FUCKS SAKE I SWEAR TO GOD IF THOSE SUBHUMANS WHERE DOING THE SHIT THAT THEY ARE DOING IN EUROPE IN ISRAEL I WOULD HAVE FUCKING GASSED THEM,no wonder they got slaughtered,they deserved it
I agree OP. If jews like her didn't exist I wouldn't have a problem with jews.
all of them
then make them stop existing you dragon ship UPS delivered spread anus colossal cuck
you have our explicit permission
kill it naow
>why cant jews be normal like in israel
lmao so the people who live on stolen land are the normal ones?
This goy feels a jewish schism coming up.
- Rooted nationalist jews who now got their own plot of land, and starts identifying with it. Begins building tribalistic, geographic identity, borders and so on. Basically, they want to build and protect their own country now that they have one.
- Rootless internationalist jews who live abroad and keep making enemies through subversion of goy politics.
What happened in the Trump election was the nationalist jews' candidate won, instead of the internationalist candidate.
>she exposes an actual Jewish supremacist agenda
>buttmad falafel faggot shitpost
Would you go as far as to say Hitler was right?
An American Jew living in Sweden promoting multiculturalism.
Really activates the grey matter.
stfu show me one document that states taht the land belonged to sandniggers you cuck, at least my country doesnt get overrun by aliens
in some aspects yeah
Her name Literally means a terrifying image
usa is built on stolen land too.
Only canada traded for the land. Usa just made up that bullshit.
your country will get overrun by aliens, don't you worry about that ;)
Looked it up. WTF?
have you seen what we do to illegals here ? do you even facts
Muslims are not entitled to nothing but nuclear purification.
You should of posted the video.
Except Clinton is more pro-Israel than Trump, as was literally every other republican.
You should watch this documentary, it's really good and eye-opening:
yes, and it is important that we rub salt and put pressure on that divide.
We can take a pro-zionist stance which will piss off the amerikikes to no end.
They will call us "anti-semitic" while we cheer for Israel. And at that point, the word loses all power.
a mental image of something unpleasant or menacing
This, thats not a normal jewish name. How the fuck?
We need to meme Israel not only as our Greatest Ally, but also as our Greatest Example.
Something like that.
Why is America and Europe going to shit with multiculturalism? Because the Jews said so. I don't want to gas them (except for the bantz on Sup Forums), but I want then the fuck out of our countries so they can't directly interfere with our societies.
I hate that I have to be associated with the likes of that cunt, and most Jews for that matter.
Even more so, I hate the damage the Jewish ethnoreligion has done to this Earth. Fucking christ. (Literally, fucking christ.)
Also Barbara Spectre is a Zionist. There's a tweet where she basically days Israel should exist because Jews are a real people unlike white people. Just look at the ADL. The dichotomy is completely false.
Yes because American Jews just hate Israel aside from the fact they don't.
>lets just become neocons!
Nice one Shlomo
who said anything about kebab aliens? ;)
everyone should get out of everyone's ass, agree ?
Yeah, basically.
Are there Nazis in Israel?
Balfour Declaration :^)
Homogenous ethno-state for everybody!
define nazis
nazionalist yes
if anything israel's only difference with the third reich is that we dont gas illegals and sandniggers, lmao
Israel is basically a mild form of Nazi-Germany, but for Jews.
>Let's support thr Jews
Nice try Moishe
Only of the Russian nigger tier kind.
It's a little more complex than that, but yeah
There are zionist jews who love Israel and now have a country they want to protect
There are the internationalist/globalist leftie/commie Jews, who live in both Europe and the USA and wreak havoc in our governments and societies
and there are some variations, like nationalistic, redpilled Euro or US Jews who may or may not support Israel but who have definite nationalistic feelings for their adopted countries and tend to be conservative, even socially
The third kind is the only variety of Jew I've been able to really get along with. Some of them even do think that Hitler was right, they hate commies so much. I think some zionist Jews agree and the few Israelis I've met, I had no problem with. I suspect Netanyahu secretly thinks Hitler was right about some things, but essentially (and rightly imho) sees Muslims as the real threat to world peace and prosperity (and Israel's safety.of course.)
It's only the commie/leftist globalist Jews who truly hate white people imo. They are the biggest consumers by far of the Holocaust myth too. They exploit it continually and to a man they are incredibly annoying, neurotic, whiny, sneaky, subversive, preachy, obnoxious, rude and kind of slimy people. Spectre is a great example.
No like actual Nazis like people on this board.
That would be funny.
>dont gas illegals and sandniggers
You just deport and/or bomb the shit out of them.
Not that I have any problem with that, kek
>if anything israel's only difference with the third reich is that we dont gas illegals and sandniggers, lmao
So no difference, then.
Bringing up zionist jews as a good example of what we want for ourselves could work.
"Yes, all we want for Europe is to come together as a united people, and to rule our own countries for our own benefit. Just like you jews are finally allowed to do in Israel."
"We believe all peoples should have their own sovereign nation. Jews in Israel are the best example of this, and a good model for how it can be done."
"You jews have succeeded in keeping a strong national identity and culture, even though you've been scattered all over the world for millennia. We kind of envy you because of this. We too want to be part of a living tribe, just like you are. Our national bonds have weakened, and you if anyone must be able to understand why this is destructive for a people."
"Do you deny us the kind of unity you're creating for yourselves in Israel? We're a people too, with a right to self-determination."
> No jew will criticise this, as doing so would pretty much make Zion look like Nazi Germany.
> Nobody else will criticise this, as doing so would be antisemitic.
nethanyahu took a stance for hitler, he defended him (skip to 0:12) youtube.com
The only people to blame for these "Jews", are the degenerate goyim. After centuries and centuries of living among the the goyim in their shit-tier goyim lands, Jews have picked up bad habits and lost their faith. These aren't Jews because all these degenerate traits and ways go against the Torah and Talmud. A 3 year trip to Israel should be enough to cure the majority of them.
And then there's me, the Jew who just wants to take care of abused animals and live in a log cabin next to a ski resort so I can go snowboarding in the winter and hiking in the summer.
Please spare me on the day of the rope, I can't even have kids even if I wanted them because I'm infertile thanks to stress, depression, and low sperm count.
There is no such thing as a "Good Jew".
I've never met nor seen one.
Been fooled into trusting them before, but I always get betrayed.
Your kind is truly scum. You all need to die.
Somewhere deep down you're evil, even if you dont realize it.
well is see your point
and you have the freedom to hate who ever you want
even if my lifestyle/goverment doesnt interfere with yours ? and yeah dont forget the fucking ocean between us ,you're a kiwi how the hell have you ever come into contact with kikes
wait so even the jews are sick of the jewish propagandists and the elite?
Your country wouldn't even exist without the us. Stop acting like you filthy Jews could have held that land without the mighty American cock protecting your vulnerable asshole.
tbf they are the best example of an ethno-nationalist country we should follow theire example
indeed we are
We have entire neighbourhoods of you cunts
You have your own private police
Probably to protect all the pedophiles in your degenerate "communities"
If I could kill a kike with no repercussions, I would massacre all of you.
A fucking kike raped my little cousin.
>t. bat yam intellectual
You know this isn't true, and you know Bibi strategically said this to further the case in addressing the Palestinian Question (and rightfully so). You're just coming across as an ass-kissing JIDF now. Grow a backbone you faygela. How many more of us need to make Aliyah to teach you weaklings.
I'm serious. Nobody can argue against it. If (((they))) start with Jews are a real ethnicity and white people aren't it will only help us, because people will see the hypocracy.
friendly fire
dafuq, wait you're fucking serious ?
dude you have my permission if something like that would happen to me i would have done it already
because they're wealthy minorities with a victim complex
think of it this way, what if Palestinians had money in Israel?
what do you think the first thing they're gonna do?
do everything to destroy the competition from the inside out of course
so how de wo do that? any jew bros wanna help us out?
grow a backbone
dont let women dictate your lifestyle, that should help
>mfw a jew redpilled me about ww2
i love you guys! don't worry my big nosed friend i wear the pants in my family!