Why aren't you Muslim yet Sup Forums?
Since most of you are dumb enough to be religious, why don't you become Muslim? Clearly, this is the best possible religion for you Sup Forums.
>Allows pedophilia
Many of you are weabos, basement dwellers and pedos. What are you waiting for?
>Treats women like subhumans
Don't you all agree that women are not equal and that women are below men, subhumans supposed to be oppressed, abused and humiliated? Seriously, you hate women, so why not? In Islam, women are kept in their place as breeders.
You hate faggots, don't you? Muslims not only hate them, they fucking stone them.
>Rape is allowed
According to the Quran a woman cannot say no to a man.
>Alcohol is forbidden
Aren't you faggots all pro DUDE WEED LMAO and fucking hate alcohol and consider it degenerate?
>Loans and interests
Loans and interests are forbidden in Islam. Don't you hate the Jewish bankers Sup Forums?
Islam is very pro-slavery. That is, pro-slavery until the slave converts. Don't you want to own slaves Sup Forums?
I could go on for days, but I don't want this to turn into a blog post.
The point is, Islam is absolutely perfect for Sup Forums. This religion has absolutely everything that you might need and more.
>Even your Fuhrer fucking loved Islam and Muslims.
What's with the cognitive dissonance? Why aren't you Muslim yet, Sup Forums?
Fucking convert.
Pic related is SS Handschar Division, a white Bosnian Muslim Nazi division.