Red: No hope, ultra cucks.
Blue: Some hope.
Grey: Irrelevant shithole.
Red: No hope, ultra cucks.
Blue: Some hope.
Grey: Irrelevant shithole.
Other urls found in this thread:
Yet no Armenia, China, Mongolia or Georgia?
Glad to know we're irrelevant to a tainted mudblood like yourself Mehmet. Remember those days when the Caliphate tore through your irrelevant shithole and raped all your women? Maybe you're too young to remember that.
I love yoou too daddy
t. Cuck.
t. Irrelevant shithole.
Confirmed Cuck in pic. OP is faggot.
>not grey
Muy buena GITANO.
¿Te recuerdo que nuestra sociedad ve normal gastar más en feminismo que en defensa y que a pesar de la que cae Podemos sigue siendo un partido muy votado? No tenemos futuro.
not politics
>China not red
Whta kinda fucking crack are you smoking nigga.
SA should be all grey not a single country is relevant
>But muh Brazil we hosted so sporting event no one gave a shit about.
NO still irrelevant
>Phillipines should be blue duetere is based as fuck man ridding his country of atleast 1 jewish influence
But why?
Thanks dad, we love you too
You fucking stupid we are grey not red!
>Australia, grey
get fucked by a bull during siesta, paellanigger
>Mexixo + South America not gray.
You dumb shit m8
Also why is Korea red?
blue brazil.
explain why.
future superpower
color us, cabron
Looks about right.
Do you know anything about Pec 55?
For the next 20 years brazil is going to be the future super africa.
why belgium red? what'd they do?
>Do you know anything about Pec 55?
No sorry
>For the next 20 years brazil is going to be the future super africa.
so brazil will be wakanda in real life?
>implying Romania is not an irrelevant shithole
user I...
>belgium red
>uk, france and netherlands not red
France not red…
>China - irrlevant
>Japan, South Korea - relevant
Thank you for your input refugee No.6000000.
fuck off, cuck.
>some hope
nuke us already
Why is Argentina cucked?
Also, why is the UK blue, it should be redder than Germany. Why is France blue, they literally have African "da hood"s in their capital.
How the fuck are Columbia, Belarus, Ukraine, baltiniggers, Portugal, Ireland, balkaniggers, and Turkey relevant, but Switzerland is not?
That map is shit, start over.
Argentina and Spain are the most feminist countries in the world.
>it should be redder than Germany
We should possibly be red yes, but not redder than Germany. That's just silly. Germany is Sweden-tier now, we aren't, not quite.
Still, going back to the UK, the Brexit voters have given me a slight glimmer of hope that maybe there's be a civil war one day. Probably not though, as too many are old and will be dead soon.
the spanish and the argentine are natural enemies
I know Spain is as pussified as any other Western country, but Argentina?
That's a shame. Was thinking about checking it out at some point.
>they literally have African "da hood"s in their capital.
Well you can make nearly every occidental country red, then. Us would be redder than us.
>some hope
What? It's worse than Germany and Sweden.
UK is not as bad as America, but it's worse than both Germany and Sweden.
There is, Chile is the most bassed country in the hispanic world.
Why do you hate your dad?
>not irrelevant shitehole
Yeah I'm definitely visiting there too. Sounds interesting.
we teach me wrong and steal my gold!
Fixed by complaints.
>Israël an irrelevant shithole.
Oy vey!
>Irrelevant shithole
>Actually best place to live
Should OP kill himself?
Seems pretty good. We (flag) are either blue or grey, so it seems good from here.
fucking see? a bunch of assholes
i motion that canada, south America, Asia, and Europe be moved to the irrelevant shithole category.
The US is not supposed to be a white country, that's why it's not quite as cucked as Western Europe despite le 64% meme.
France, is on the other hand, IS supposed to be French + whatever minorities are historically indigenous to your country's territory. Same with any other European country. Of course, it doesn't mean accepting any migrants is cuckery, but accepting useless and even dangerous migrants and enforcing this acceptance as if you needed it - this is pure cuckery indeed.
>UK is blue.
>Argentina is red.
Her majesty approves of this map.
>but it's worse than both Germany and Sweden.
t. Someone who has never been to the UK and if he has as usual thinks London = UK.
all of latrino america should be grey
baltics, eastern europe, and balkans should be grey
And what exactly changed? Nobody said anything about Uganda.
why is there no hope for iceland?
Thank you.
the original timeline is restored
>relevant Srbija and Hrvatska
>irrelevant Russia
Try harder
Your flags tell me all I need to know about your opinions
Implying the french aren't cucks
Switzerland isn't irrelevant. They're pretty based, actually
you seem butthurt, lad
So does yours. I didn't know your country existed until I started studying geography. Sure you have some money, but it doesn't quite make you relevant. Look at Switzerland.
> in france
>says the irrelevant shithole
where did you get your flag again?
oh, thats right
Isn't Brussels the islamic capital of Europe?
>no hope
>he thinks being relevant is a good thing
kek, I hope you take a good care of our gypos
>where did you get your flag again?
Uhh... Invented it.
>he doesn't know
oh you poor child
Kek not really, I'm a Breton
reconquista when?
You know the drill, Colgate
you need to visit Brussels
Tsar Peter I went to the Netherlands and learned a lot about ships there
The dutch tricolor on our merchant ships inspired your current flag
i've seen a lot of spanish posters not liking their country.
why do spaniards hate spain?
you really think there is hope for France and the UK?
Brexit wont change that Pakis and other muslims just outbreed them in UK and will cry about "racism" at any given time
France had absolutely terrible terrorist attacks and still dont do shit against the peaceful religion because citis like Paris and Marseille ARE basically shitskin towns even Berlin or Frankfurt cant compete after Rapefugee invasion.
they outbreed ANYONE in western europe and will sooner or later take control over every 1 of it.
because even in "b-but were Brexit" UK theres still way too much tolerance and politics fear for called racists.
>muah Russia take colors of our flag 10.000 years ago
>we are relevant now
definitely more relevant than you, which was my point
>- Tpикoлop oтнocитcя к эпoхe Пeтpa Beликoгo. Этoт флaг был пpидyмaн и cocтaвлeн имeннo им. Гoвopят, чтo в eгo ocнoвe лeжит гoллaндcкий
it's okay, we named the house he stayed in the Tsar Peter Museum
it doesnt make you relevant now.
Nothing personal , bro
but modern day Netherlands is totaly irrelevant.
crippling depression in my case
but most people hate spain because muh fascism
they don't even dare say spain and always refer to our country as "the state" lmao
>founding members of EU, NATO, UN and a shit ton of other organizations
>house to multiple international Judiciary Courts
>one of the highest GDP per capita
>trading powerhouse on the richest continent in the world
>the origin of modern capitalism
>the first republic in the world (fuck Napoleon), influenced many other republics
yeah no you're right, we're totally irrelevant
i say modern day
u can remember even 1000 years ago shit , so as me
but today Netherlands is ZERO as geopolitical , military or even cultural force.
foolish to deny it
Dude. Have you seen the news lately? With USA, UK and soon France flipping Russia is soon to become the greatest diplomatic power of the planet and Putin the leader of the free world . Russia is fucking huge now. Netherlands does nothing relevant those days except gay pride parades, providing weed and whores to freshly turned 18 euro males and getting their absolute madmen killed by shitskins while the medias blame it on the victims. Hasnt a fucking nedh cuck killed the based anti muslim gaylord soon to be elected PM because of muh islamophobia? And this happened even before swedes french and germans turned full cucks. You have a huge lead in cuckery on Europe Yupp.
Dad we need help please help us purge our mestizos.
Pretty please please?
t. 15% muslim
Link. Fuck you already, you lost your chance at being uncucked a long time ago. Now die a painful death suffocated by achmed cock deep down your throat.
6.5% officially
go check wiki
and 95% of them is native abos
Look, Russia is good in that it hates kebab and doesn't take shit from outsiders but it sure as fuck doesn't bare any semblance of democracy, hombre.
Oh god, I just realised what I did.
Kill me.