Militant Antifa Bookstore

There's a anarcho-communist bookstore operating in my neighborhood? They hand out books like "Militant Anti-Facisism" & "Our Enemies in Blue". Isn't this against some cold-war era law? They are literally distributing communist propaganda. I respect our freedom of speech but is there anything, anyone to call, about this herpes sac of a store?

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Its simple
Just go and demand your cut of their profits as someone who exists.

>be antifa
>own bookstore
>charge money for books
>but charge money for books


It's beyond the (((pale))) of retardation

This. Also take book when you leave.

Just walk in and point this out.

Does this building have any code violations?

Sure would be a shame if that store were to suddenly catch fire.

I'm friends with a few hardcore sjw tranny types on Fagbook, and I keep them on for salt mining.

We are talking absolutely bats hit insane people that should have died in the ghost ship warehouse fire.

The kind that are all fucked up on hormone pills and make anti family posts on the daily

Who have proclaimed a desire to see white men die and their families destroyed

Recently found it had been unfriendly by some people and made a post all
>I dindu nuffin why people defined meeeeee

Kek, who said circus freakshows died off by the mid twentieth century.

>mfw I check their Fagbooks on the daily

open a nazi book store next door. easy as that.

Lol nice meme sign! >quietly pockets caltrops

Take a giant shit in the corner.

lol wut

What the fuck have these commies got against restaurants? Dont like em, dont eat in them or work in them... its not high on the list for things that need abolishing.

But their reasoning is:
Does it make sense? If = True, then right a book about abolishing it.

I had one of these places near where I lived and it was staffed by a grumpy women and a few meek guys. I found some of the stuff interesting to read but it couldnt compete with some of the right wing stuff I would go on to discover and enjoy pondering on.

Sounds like a case for Right Wing Safety Squads.

Whats with all this antifa bullshit popping up around the internet

It is growing here in the US to counter the growth of white nationalism, civic nationalism, Trump, etc.

They have had it since the 1930's in Europe.


caltrops, kek

buy an antifa flag and book then burn them

put in on joo-tube


yours too, friend

I would bet a month's salary they're in breach of something or another. Look into it OP and report to relevant authority.

Wew lad, banning things is what the authoritarian left does. You have to ask yourself, are you intellectually comfortable with your ideas? If you are, you shouldn't have to worry about banning or censoring opposing ideas. When people express a desire to censor opposing ideas it suggests to me that they don't have the intellectual capacity to argue them and hence they simply want to use force to shutdown their opponents. Don't be like the left.

im sorry, but are you a fucking monster? those kids could all burn to death any day now, and you will be the guy who let it happen. i cant even right now

In the post-election timeline, we are the Jews now.

Nah it's fine, they're allowed to have opinions too. Voltaire and all that.

Now you're thinking about burning books? I like where things are going.

What about defacing government property, is that free speech?

In my opinion? As long as it isn't permanent damage, yeah it's fine.

He is obviously being sarcastic and doesn't support free speech which is ironic coming from someone who likely (and rightfully) laments the lack of ability to freely express his ideas in public, especially as it pertains to Jews.

>I respect our freedom of speech

Why? Our enemies don't?