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Cause he doesn't have to?

>why won't a fucking leaf get raked already

All his cash in Russia and Saudi Arabia are disturbing

I'll ignore the leaf but I actually want an answer to this question.


good question, leaf. le ebin saturday night live explains

Why dont you release your tax returns?
I mean why in hell would anybody release this data? It doesnt male any sense cause it's none of your business. It's not like he is hiding it in front of legal instances...
It's like asking why diesnt donald trump release his income or the nudes of his mother... it's a social-convention not to do it and there is no reason for him to brake this convention.

literally who cares

Long-term trolling campaign designed to piss off the same people who said "Of COURSE Obama was born in the United States! Why should he have to release his birth certificate?"

None of us care

Because today the Electoral College will award Hillary the participation trophy.

cuz hes rich af ever 1 who have the lvl of cash hes got cant just show that shit without getting ass blasted by poor lefty commie cucks

>it's a social-convention not to do it
Literally every american president for the last 40 years did that

I wouldn't feel comfortable if my president owes money to an another, very powerful country. The fact that he didn't show the returns makes the situation seem fishy and definitely causes more interest and suspicion.

I guess the same reason obunghole won't release ANY of his college transcripts.

He's a kike puppet. That's why.

I understand that Hillary is a liar and totally corrupt - no way should she ever be a consideration.

But do you all REALLY think that Trump has no flaws? In a serious note, you really do have to use the same magnifying glass on all candidates.

>Literally every american president for the last 40 years did that
Fair enough. I guess it's because he wanted to hide that he payed pretty low taxes?! Why else wouldnt he do it?

>But do you all REALLY think that Trump has no flaws?

Not everyone on here is a Trump cultist. I hate that faggot.

Daily reminder that:

-Drumpf hasn't released his tax returns.
-We won the popular vote
-Drumpf is unqualified to be president and has a history of sexual assault against women

>I guess it's because he wanted to hide that he payed pretty low taxes?! Why else wouldnt he do it?

Or he's massively in debt to wallstreet/China/Rusisa.


Because he doesn't need to.

Sod off please.

>Because he doesn't need to.

I don't have to pay my taxes, but I get thrown in jail if I don't.

I dont think nations like china or russia lend money to donald trump...it's not like anybody thought he'd really become potus, so how would that happen?

Because he doesn't have to