Cont from I will also do a AMA if people care.
Previous thread goes briefly on my expierence as a special snowflake.
Those willing to learn more can contribute, ask question, give their own stories and insights.
I'll try my best to anwser
Cont from I will also do a AMA if people care.
Previous thread goes briefly on my expierence as a special snowflake.
Those willing to learn more can contribute, ask question, give their own stories and insights.
I'll try my best to anwser
Other urls found in this thread:
ah yes, it's 'hATvz1Ls' from the previous thread.
I met many people that have awoken by the puzzle pieces that of which have fallen before us while browsing Sup Forums and none of them are really sure what is happening.
There has been no centralized thread for this matter so... maybe you have some insight for these people?
YOU . I have a questionI have been visited by ETs when I became 16 yo. I'm not shitting you. They told me ALL is one.
Can you relate ????!
I actually called them in my spirit to show themselves to me, because I had so many paranormal happenings. An evening a UFO hovered over my House and shined at me. The house was shaking and I could a high pitched sound in my head. It resolved into a voice.
There were orbs of light flying around for months around me. I could see ghosts. And eventually a ET materialized , I was shocked to death.
Well... everyone has to wake up on their own terms.
Everyone will wake up when ready. What /Pol does is provide enough red pill's so people might see beyond the veil. But sadly there is also a lot of hate... and divide and conquer tactics... That falls i nto the (((they))) category..
If mankind wants to evolve further, we need to become more aware of who we are, why we are here, and what we can do to change the status quo.
I would love to see more threads about topic related...
No expierence with ET's... I believe in multidimensional beings... but ET's and UFO's visiting 16 year old's...
Most likely your uncle drugged you and had his way with you...
If you're serious. Do tell more about this expierence
Cont. For months I could see Orbs of light around me . Some golden more translucent orbs, more of them were white. They were actually coming each night and knocked at my windows etc.
Anyway I started seeing dreams. Weird spiritual dreams : I had a dream of a past life: They told me I was from another planet.They actually showed myself from that time and that i was a warrior and had a task here on this planet.
I met a girl once who was genuinely psychic. She met me and a group of friends for about two minutes and was then able to describe all of our personalities intimately. She said I was an indigo, which was nice to hear, before that I just felt weird and too different from everyone else. It's not something I use to define myself or ever bring up in conversation, it just helps me to feel alright about myself and the state of the world.
The worst thing is looking at the world and not so much seeing it for what it is but rather what it should be. At times it's debilitating but it needs to be fixed, all of it. And we can do it.
First, recognize the enemy, that's what we're all doing here. Second, understand how to undermine them. Third, fucking do it.
We can beat them and we will. And it'll be the nameless and faceless that do it.
Hello, what is this thread about, what is indigo?
Yes I am serious. I thought you were like me. It seems I am a rare case.
it has always been a belief of mine, one of which I have found from a voice deep inside that we are all one...
the concept is a bit trippy but once you start to understand it, it begins to make sense...
On the subject of ETs, I cannot help you there.
I feel we are on the same page.
I can see the changes.... I believed for the longer time that it couldn't happen... It drove me to depression... How could I wake people up? I'm just one man!!
Now I see that more people are like me...
More people feel this way... and together we are waking up even more people...
And soon... everything will change.
We are doing it brothers... This is our moment to shine.
Soon the veil will fall and we will see the bright future.... I also believe we will go through troubled times... those in control will do anything to keep it...
But let love shine and hopefully we can transition peacefully
I'm sorry... I can't relate to those experiences.
If you had those... lucky. What did you learn about yourself and your mission?
Lass mir mal deine E-Mail da ich habe da etwas was dich interessieren könnte.
I recommend a book to you : The Law of One .
It is like a base of knowledge which nearly all occult societies use as reference.
It is a channeling by an entity which calls itself RA,that has visited our planet in the past.
The book contains very deep metaphysical concepts which are true according to my Experiences.(if they are worth something to you )
Deeply recommend it to you if you seek the truth
schreib doch hier ?
>not help you there.
this post gave me goose bumps because i had the same thoughts in my head earlier in life
>it has always been a belief of mine, one of which I have found from a voice deep inside that we are all one...
I had the same thing... The sudden spike in awareness... We are all one. We are part of the source. We are divine creation itself...
I am but a fragment of the whole. As above, so below... Suddenly I knew... I am the creator having an expierence... and so are you, and everyone else... we are divine energy experiencing itself
Stell dir vor du könntest dich mit anderen Menschen vernetzen die so sind wie du. Würdest du solch einer Gruppe beitreten wollen? Die an einem gemeinsamen Ziel arbeiten
the ETs told me that "ALL is ONE", I don't know about my mission. But in the dreams it was shown to me I didn't do this my first time. By that i mean coming to planets which are in transition towards a higher consciousness where is a lot of chaos and turmoil.
>goose bumps
That tingling feeling going up and down...
I know it very well... when it suddenly clicks.. Or you feel intuitively that something is right / truth.
You get that feeling... it's a weird goose bump like sensation... I know it very well.
It briefly kickstarts your awareness level...
Also eyes... I can focus them so intensivly. It's really crazy
Hattest du Kontakt zu ETs ? Siehst du Lichtkugeln ? Telepathie ? Erzähl bitte etwas von dir
Infact... I scary off people easily.
Or I used too... Now I just hide behind glasses...
But when I didn't have them... I could stare into people's eyes and see beyond them... I have very very dark big eyes... Almost alien like... They can focus very intensive on something.
And If I look you directly in the eye... it's almost as if I can see your soul...(more of a feeling). It makes people act weird sometimes :)
But also perfect for scoring girls
Why? This place is stupid enough.
Schlafparalysen, Nahtoderfahrung, Dimensionstore gesehen, Ich habe das Böse gefühlt, Kampf gegen Dämonen, 3 Ufosichtungen gehabt
I had felt the same, the more I looked into things, trying to work out why everything is so fucked, the more depressed I felt. To the point where every night I'd go to sleep, hoping to not wake up and then feeling so devastated every morning when I did.
I've changed now though, hope isn't lost, there's enough of us to act as friction against the global machine until the whole thing grinds to a halt. We can absolutely fucking do this.
I'm now focusing my life towards achieving some kind of legitimacy within society so that people will listen to me. I want to do this to point where (((they))) will just have to fucking kill me.
how has this thread gone so long without anybody calling you all faggots.
Holy shit this is the gayest thread i have ever seen.
Siehst du Schatten/Licht-Menschen ? Ja hab auch eine Nahtoderfahrung gehabt. Ich sehe UFOs nach wie vor.Hab einen Außerirdischen gesehen. Wir können uns austauschen wenn du willst .
Anyone else with ADD/ADHD diagnosis here?
better check the blacked threads nothing to see here
God-emperor of man-kind reporting in, most awakened mother fucker in this dimension.
The Blue Pill
Ne das tuhe ich nicht meine visuelle Wahrnehmung ist unverändert geblieben - Attacken kommen immer wenn ich schlafen möchte oder wenn ich Fortschritte mache gefühlt.
Ja ich bräuchte deine E-mail bevor der Thread wieder verschwindet da können wir weiter schreiben
zunächst eine wegwerfmail. danach gebe ich dir eine meiner echten. mach dich auf deutsch kenntlich in einer der mail.
You know, I have felt something like this...
The word transition is one that has came up often in my mind...
I feel that we may believe individually our efforts we are putting in have only a very small impact when in reality, we are still making a big impact.
Why? Everything resonates throughout and every word triggers a thought and that thought triggers another. Like a seed taking root or a snowball picking up snow down a large hill.
We are as powerful as we believe, I feel though as if our minds/bodies are blocking this energy and we could be a bit more effective.
I can detect that block whenever I try to learn something that I feel I wasn't "preprogrammed" to learn. For example, I wanted to learn guitar but my mind would not let me. Though I exceeded in learning/understanding mechanical concepts and everything related.
It has been difficult to live up until now as I have been plagued with several mental and several physical problems.
I also fell onto the work treadmill and felt I was trapped inside my mind. I since then have cured almost every one of my mental and physical ailments through my own will...
I feel now that I am more... awake and that my mind has opened up a bit but still I can detect that there's a large mental block which persists.
Is there a way to rid oneself of this blockage?
I have some ideas...
Also, even if the block never goes away... I know what I have to do...
Yes.. You must focus on your inner self.
First learn to love yourself. Find balance. Find happiness...
Not something I have done... Happiness is so hard when you're so awake... You see past all the bullshit, the lies... everything become's meaningless...
But still.. find love in nature, people, embrace yourself, your loving spirit and nature. Embrace others and realise it's not about you... about helping others wake up...
This helped with my depression.. I used to be very self-destructive. I find that focussing on your inner self helps a lot... and in turn you can change other people.
and so the cicle continious
Never been checked, my parents were more into discipline than medication. Something I'm very grateful for.
check your inbox
verification my email starts with "0x"
What do you have to do?
I also feel the same way... mental blocks and having to fight them.
I never sought help... I could handle it on my own. Severe depressions and things like that allowed me to search within myself. It hasn't always been easy. But I grew so much...
I love life now, but I still often fight these mental blocks... I feel as if i'm not fully there yet... althou the ride as been crazy...
And yes, the snowball effect is very real.
Whatever we send out, the universe picks up. The thousand monkey syndrome... we will become a catalyst for change.
>I'm rocking;
Conversion disorder
Social anxiety disorder
If the more mental illnesses you have =/= awoken status, I'm the fucking lord of this reality.
hast eine antwort bekommen.
In my younger days I believed 2012 would change everything...
We would enter a new golden age. How naïve of me... Nothing would suddenly change..It would grow over time.
Now I realise that the change has come.. It's happening... subtle, but happening.
We are entering this new age. The old preconceived notions about the world will fall... we will gradually realise the new way of the world.
We will become more enlightened over time. And this process is speeding up rappidly
of course
my near death experience with multiverses and dimension portals happened on 01.11.2012
I started my ascendancy to God-hood in 2012.
if you look back what changed in these4 years for you and yourself?
I learnt of and began to explore a plane of existence far beyond and above the one in which this mortal body is force to dwell in, how about you?
>autism the thread
i found things i never thought they were real or existing
Tell me more
What the fuck is Indigo?
I've only read about it in the context of hybrid children.
Autism doesn't exist. What you call an autist is a crystal child.
The Crystal children began to appear on the planet from about 1990-2010, although a few scouts came earlier. Their main purpose is to take us to the next level in our evolution and reveal to us our inner and higher power. They function as a group consciousness rather than as individuals, and they live by the “Law of One” or global oneness. They are also advocates for love and peace on this planet.
They are mostly born into the Gold Ray of Incarnation and Evolution, which means they have access to gifts of clairvoyance and healing. They are born on the sixth dimension of consciousness, with the potential to open up rapidly to the ninth dimensional level of full Christ consciousness, and then from there to the thirteenth dimension, which represents universal consciousness.
Crystal children’s auras aren't specifically opalescent, but are octarine, which is a color that isn't in the normal visual range of human eyes, but is the manifest color of high magic, and on another color octave entirely. They have beautiful pastel hues to them. To the untrained eye, it appears to be without color at all, therefore Crystal, but the extremely high frequency of the energy field is what gives it away.
The first thing you will recognize about Crystal children is their forgiving nature. They are very sensitive, warm, and caring. Don’t mistake these characteristics as a sign of weakness as Crystal children are also very powerful.
Are intelligent, though may not have had top grades.
Are very creative and enjoy making things.
Always need to know WHY, especially why they are being asked to do something.
Had disgust and perhaps loathing for much of the required and repetitious work in school.
Were rebellious in school in that they refused to do homework and rejected authority of teachers, OR seriously wanted to rebel, but didn't DARE, usually due to parental pressure.
May have experienced early existential depression and feelings of helplessness. These may have ranged from sadness to utter despair. Suicidal feelings while still in high school or younger are not uncommon in the Indigo Adult.
Have difficulty in service-oriented jobs. Indigos resist authority and caste system of employment.
Prefer leadership positions or working alone to team positions.
Have deep empathy for others, yet an intolerance of stupidity.
May be extremely emotionally sensitive including crying at the drop of a hat (no shielding) Or may be the opposite and show no expression of emotion (full shielding).
May have trouble with RAGE.
Have trouble with systems they consider broken or ineffective, ie. political, educational, medical, and legal.
kek 15:55:55
Alienation from or anger with politics - feeling your voice won't count and/or that the outcome really doesn't mattter.
Frustration with or rejection of the traditional American dream - 9-5 career, marriage, 2.5 children, house with white picket fence, etc.
Anger at rights being taken away, fear and/or fury at "Big Brother watching you."
Have a burning desire to do something to change and improve the world. May be stymied what to do. May have trouble identifying their path.
Have psychic or spiritual interest appear fairly young - in or before teen years.
Had few if any Indigo role models. Having had some doesn't mean you're not an indigo, though.
Have strong intuition.
Random behavior pattern or mind style - (symptoms of Attention Deficit Disorder). May have trouble focusing on assigned tasks, may jump around in conversations.
Have had psychic experiences, such as premonitions, seeing angels or ghosts, out of body experiences, hearing voices.
May be electrically sensitive such as watches not working and street lights going out as you move under them, electrical equipment malfunctioning and lights blowing out.
May have awareness of other dimensions and parallel realities.
Sexually are very expressive and inventive OR may reject sexuality in boredom or with intention of achieving higher spiritual connection. May explore alternative types of sexuality.
Seek meaning to their life and understanding about the world May seek this through religion or spirituality, spiritual groups and books, self-help groups and books.
When they find balance they may become very strong, healthy, happy individuals.
Do you believe in the Ages? Like the Age of Ares (Baphomet vs Shepherd), Age of Taurus (Molek vs Mithras), Age of Pisces (Christfish vs Phoenix-dragon-Lucifer)
and now the coming age of Aquarius ; Hopefully Kek vs Water-bearer.
And if you do : Do you believe each age is ruled over by two major deities who kind of war with eachother or are in conflict with eachother.
Bonus question: Did Baphomet enslave Molek and Lucifer and now rules the Cult which is trying to rule the world?
Just so you all know, if you believe in anything paranormal you are a literal retard who is incapable of critical thought.
What the fuck is this shit thread?
Not Sup Forums related.
This just sums me up...
Is this how they're subverting autists?
Well it started out like dreams, I'd fall asleep at my computer desk and have dreams like me and my mate James going to a local park to meet up with some friends and getting mugged by 2 men in grey tracksuits, so when I woke up I had my friend James calling me asking me if I wanted to go to said local park, on a whim I said no so he went alone and as if predicted he rang me back later that night to tell me he'd been mugged by 2 men in grey tracksuits.
Similar dreams happened maybe once every 2 months, then 2 a month and eventually I was having them every other night and now it's at the point where I feel as tho my mind is its own sentient being because I find myself doing random at the time pointless things that then turn out to have been of great use for some other purpose later down the line. It feels as tho I share my body with my mind and it sees the future and plans ahead all the time without me knowing. (It's pretty hard to explain).
It sums everyone up retard its the Forer effect
get out of my mind!
nice timestamp, that shit always catches my eye... i wasn't looking for it.
Yes I do believe... I believe we are now entering the Aquarius age. I belive Kek is our divine intent manifested.
I don't now much about the conflict of the deities...
But what's happening now is a time of change.
Everything is rappidly changing and I believe there are some truly hard times ahead... But light will shine
This is /x/, this is memes.
It is... It's the final redpill
Wow, that literally sounds like me.
But what ARE indigos? Physiologically, I mean. Are they hybrids?
You could win hundreds of thousands of pounds on offer from skeptic groups if you can do what you say under experimental conditions.
But you can't, so you won't.
Breaking news: Alt-Right Indigo children are building a virtual temple for the glory of Kek and Malik Obama on a Chinese Minecraft server.
Look... you don't need to understand.
It's ok. I know myself. I know what I am...
You don't have to believe any of this if it doesn't fit your belief system... It's just not something you're most likely ready for... that's ok.
Believe your own truths...
But let love guide you bro...
We offer only guidance to the world. This world will need us...
Read this idiots
Plutonium level autism. You could give Chris Chan a run for his money with your assenine shit.
tell me your email if you are interested to join a international independently research group about this topic
I'm not saying I believe anything the OP is going on about. I am just genuinely curious as to what he's talking about, and would like him to further elaborate.
That's just a poor man's attempt to debunk...
This shit vibrates intuitively with us. Sure the Barnum effect is real...
But I know how my life has been... how I live my life now... it's not exactly normal...
Truth will find it's way...
You can try to resist it, and you will... because it's a very very hard pill to swallow...
But the time will come where we will all shine.
And rightfully so...
Question everything... but don't be a closed door. That's good!
You must debate, ask.
To only shut out what does not fit your preconcieved notions is what morons do.
Having early onset schizophrenia is not a super power and hopefully you will learn this prior to going on a murderous rampage.
ive seen less nonsense on /x/ what the hell is this even supposed to be?
Sure, user. I'll bite. Email is [email protected]
you sound like a shill - spreading distraction
only affected people will understand the importance of this topic
Wow this entire thread is fucking embarrassing.
You are all not special. You are all pathetic shut ins who weren't raised properly and now are experiencing the repercussions.
I have an open mind, if you or anyone else can provide proof of literally anything paranormal under experimental conditions I will believe in its existence.
So far every attempt to do so has failed. Funny that.
Hello, fellow indigo.
I'm a 31y old grown ass male...
I have my own design studio.
I love live... I love people...
I see how the world has been blinded and how global politics are a NWO front.
I turn off my TV, my news.
I am focussing on myself and in turnh helping people realise their full potential.
We are in a time of change... You may call me nuts, but the truth about this world is in fact quite insane.
I have discovered the 4 constants of the universe:
1. Love is all there is. (I know hippie stuff) Even when there is war the sun still will shine, grass will still grow even though it feels .0001% love at that time.
2.all life is a part of 1 being, that one being is part of all of us.
3. Caution on what you say, the vibrations will come back. So put out good, instead.
4. The only "True Constant" in the universe is change.
What did you think of the game Indigo Prophecy?
It is as a good as Psy-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy?
Yes :)
May light shine brother!
We are all the actor, the stage and the audience.
You're alright, glowing blue astral-waffle bro!
>only affected people
ok explain in 'non affected' people terms what that even means.
even hardcore science that looks like gibberish can be simplified or explained in a way that most can get the gist of it.
nothing is REALLY a "only so and so can understand".
You're trying to say we have an objective purpose for being here on earth or being here in the universe?
If so, gtfo heeb
it boils down to a certain expierence of it...
I can't shove my expierence of life onto you..
You in turn must find your own meaning, your own reasons... your own self.
Tune in your higher self, become aware
Open your eyes.
Take the red pill.
Follow your intuition
It's not hard to understand...
We don't want to proove ourself... we don't care
Don't believe us? that's ok...
But please be open and open yourself for new ideas to manifest
Its worth pointing out that the whole "indigo children" movement started with mothers of kids with learning disabilities refusing to believe their special little guy was disabled so decided they were magic instead.
Until now I didn't know there were males gay enough to fall for it.
No. I'm saying, you are the universe.
Yea... Try growing up in a family that's not rally spiritual at all...
You won't know or read about this shit untill you're older and thing fall into places... all the while you've been figuring it out on your own... and life has been cruel and very dark to you...
You are nature my friend.
You are not this "person" you think you are.
You are so much much more.
This kid reads encyclopedia dramatica to much, doesn't want to accept that anyone is special if he isn't.
Alright them.
Lets do like this.
Each of you will pick 2 numbers from this ticket (cant be the same of the other user).
After I get the 6 numbers, Im willing to put money on that thicket (about 2 USD) to see if this shit is true.
I know that I will loose but fuck it, at least this will bring some fun to this thread.
This has been a rare and wonderful experience, I've always wanted an opportunity to speak to other indigos, never thought it'd happen. Everyone else here is either shills or trolls, most likely trolls. Either way, it's been an all round poor effort on your behalf.
I'm going to sleep now, we'll never have contact again. Don't give up hope, keep doing what you're doing. You know as well as me that it's going to be worth it, no matter what happens to us individually. I fucking love you crazy people.
The meek shall inherit the Earth.
im not a fortune teller neither i can view the future
but i will play your game just for the lulz
i take the 13 and 37
>I can't shove my expierence of life onto you
well technically parents shove their life experiences on their kids all the time but i get what you mean.
>Tune in your higher self, become aware
>Open your eyes.
physically id say im pretty aware but if your talking more spiritual or 'higher plane of existence' like stuff, unless i have a way to make said 'plane' or deity or something else cease to exist its not worth it unless i can otherwise disconnect from 'it' completely by doing so.
>Follow your intuition
i dont have the money for all the supplies id want to up and abandon society as a whole.
>It's not hard to understand...
>We don't want to proove ourself... we don't care
>Don't believe us? that's ok...
its not about believing or not, its about wondering what the seemingly nonsense being written is and deciding that if its gonna be on Sup Forums i might aswell find out why in my free time.
>But please be open and open yourself for new ideas to manifest
i feel im pretty open but im not gonna just listen to anything without a much better explanation about it or why i should. if getting dragged to church taught me anything, its that accepting new ideas without actually listening to them is worse then shutting them out alot of the time.
I'll take 6 and 8
I have adhd and bipolar and i'm an atheist but recently i've been feeling like i am connected to something greater, that i'm understanding things i shouldn't. i think its related to occultism, saturn, aliens, and antarctica and i don't really know how to fully put together how i feel but I think some of us are being guided and the Internet is related to this guidance.