How degenerate is it for a girl to get fucked by her dog? It feels amazing...

How degenerate is it for a girl to get fucked by her dog? It feels amazing. Is it more or less degenerate than fucking niggers?

>How degenerate is it for a girl to get fucked by her dog?

Pretty degenerate.

>Is it more or less degenerate than fucking niggers?

It's less degenerate, but still pretty degenerate.

Sounds pretty hot 2bh and since you cant get pregnant or selling out your own race id say its not degenerate at all

It's gas chamber tier degenerate

Not degenerate at all. Canadian law allows it


Is that the one you're gonna have a good app to use for a good game and I love the game more genres and more than the same app as you do not want it because it's open their way and it does the job and I love you

you can't get aids or niglets from dogs so not as bad

People who don't indulge in any degeneracy are boring.

america please anschluss leaf country already

Yes, but it doesn't stop it from being hot. That and vaginal weightlifting make me diamonds.

>cucked by literal fucking animals
>not degenerate
Is this bait?

Of course I have had to pay off my phone for correcting the problem because I don't know if it's going to be the way it should be

where u from OP?

I want to get cucked by a sexy dog. I want sloppy seconds to a mutt and use its dog cum as lube. I want my girl to love my dog first and me second

Judging from your porn, I'd say this guy is serious.

Its a girl m8

>is bestiality ok because i switched species



>it feels amazing you have something else to confess to us?

great thread glad to share a planet with you

The entire problem with ducking Biggers I'd sex outside of your own species. How in the world anyone thinks going even further outside your species is any less worse is beyond me.

Sex with an ape that at least shares 99% DNA>sex with a mutt that is literally our slave animals.

Dogs are trainable, niggers usually aren't.


Dogs > niggers

thats illegal in canada. the dog can penetrate you but you cant penetrate an animal

>knowing this
fuck off

Makes sense tbqh

Leaf pls go

Humans are disgusting. They'll fuck, or let themselves be fucked, by anything.

I can't wait to become a posthuman consciousness upload and escape the horrors of biology.

Wow, some of you are into this shit. Degenerate sub-humans.

I remember seeing a documentary about some South American village that is known for the men in the village banging donkeys and it noted that the rate of penile cancer for that village is much much higher than the surrounding areas.

The amount of undiscovered STD's that could exist (undiscovered because such behaviour is so uncommon) would be insane. You would turn your genitalia into a literal petri dish.

It is defengrate. It is pozzed. However, instead of cucking whites, you are cucking the entire species of humans.

> tfw come home early
> find gf naked sucking on your dog
> she gets scared of my reaction
> tell her to keep going as I place myself behind her

> realize later that there's probably a reason she's friends with our local stable owner

Never trust women who ride horses.

What if a gorilla fucked a dog or a horse? What would society do?

According to that same study the cause of the increased rate was the combination of animal sex and being uncircumcised.

What makes you think anyone that has ever had contact with this shit hole is worthy of being preserved into the great consciousness?

>Is it more or less degenerate than fucking niggers?


post it on youtube

wonder how many times she kissed you afterwards without cleaning up?
fucking nasty ewww

>german flag
It's a guy that gets fucked in the butt by his dog, I think.


>It feels amazing
Gas yourself, degenerate.

I mean it's pretty wrong to let a dog fuck u, especially your own. But honestly, why doesn't germany just open up dog brothels with a bunch of different types of peanut butter? If they get dogs consent to work in the brothel then u can get fucked all u want, otherwise shut the fuck up dude.

I dont think its wrong.
I mean I cant even get pregnant from a dog so whats wrong with it? My dog and me are just having a little fun.

>I'm totally a human, guys, just look at how effortlessly I use human language to convey an idea
I'm on to you.

Is it any less degenerate than sucking off a dog, even if you don't swallow?

I don't believe you

Frankly actual real dogs are not very attractive. I prefer my furry porn with human genitalia

Kill yourself.

this guy knows whats up

>this thread

>the black zone

w-whats in there

Niemcy has more

there is nothing wrong with being a furry
me :3

My dog always mounts me when my girl and I are fucking during cosplay. Cracks us both up.

I give him a handjob for being such a good boy.

>That white spot right over my county

Feels good man

hahaha poor hans is not canadian so he can't fuck dogs. stay mad.

is shameful tbqh
furfagism is true germanic culture

Classic germans dogfuckers.

Nothing beats having your cock sucked by a frog.

>us flag

Not a single furry in Corsica.


Human males are obsolete faggots

>tfw apebois can't compete

What are some good sites for watching bestiality for research purposes?

serb liveing in germany
using a proxy
amerakikes and merkle keep censoring things like youtube

Ah yes I forgot. I have been to Germany twice.

post a video

Genki. Have your pick. Frogs, eels, octopus, fish. The lost goes on. Some hardcore messed up shot my man. And the girls all do it willingly. It's funny at first I was SURE it was some seriously messed up kidnap rape shit. It was incredibly disturbing. Then I learned it was just regular consenting porn shoots and I was even more disturbed.

Genki is great

>ywn doubleteam a girl together with her dog bro

feels badman

Is there any reason for taking larger dicks? Isn't there a point where it just hurts?

>mfw i have to go through my entire life sharing a planet with you fucking freaks

God damnit get me off this rock PLEASE this place is going to hell.

That's hilarious, coming from you, Finland, considering bestiality's been legal in your country since the 70s. Kill yourself you autistic slanty-eyed hypocrite. Genghis Kahn would be disappointed in you.

Yes. From those man (large) and german Sheppard are the best. Anything bigger is too much and for smaller girls a german Sheppard hurts too

nope sorry this is Sup Forums this is hell but in slow motion

Women need to stretch themselves to take anything horse related.

Not that you'd want to, animals are exotic but only last a minute or two in general.

Mr Hands makes me diamonds.

Furries are so much more degenerate than girls who like real dog cock

Animals cannot give consent. Niggers can. You are a rapist.

how so?

Not if he mounts my wife. His brain makes him erect.

>a dog who willingly mounts me isnt giving consent
You sound like one of those american college girls who tell guys they want to get fucked but decide 4 weeks later that it was rape after all

>Animals cannot give consent.
then all non human sex is rape

Fem or faggot?

They can get away with fucking minors in the US
They'll go to court and they won't have to do any prison time. By western mangina standards it's no big deal

They probably enjoy it when the dog gets the 'knot', their penis inflates when it's inside the vagina. That's why you can spray two dogs in the middle of sex with a hose and they won't stop, they're stuck together until the male ejaculates

not a fan of squid shit


You never wondered what it's like to get pumelled in the ass by a big dick?

look how some women love it, are you not even curious?

Don't deny your curiosity.

>It feels amazing.
How would you know?

It's less damaging to the race than fucking shitskins because doesn't produce viable offspring.

video or never happen

Fuck off back to your spam threads on /r9k/

Find a weird girl online somewhere to indulge your fetish

Human pussy= grossy roastie cunt
Animal puss= usually has higher body temperatures and muscles that actually grip and milk your penis

How can human genitals even compete?

>Selling out your own race

No just your species


Nice. What sorts of animals have you had?

Female(female) with a girl pussy


Nothing new to see here, move on.

Gas yourself

Dogs > niggers > whites.
So it is pretty ok.

Just my German Sheppard. Been doing so since I was 16
Im not a jew