>SJW's will ruin this mov-
SJW's will ruin this mov-
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I watched it in cinema and I don't know how is it supposed to be SJW?
There is one nigger in entire movie.
Good for them. Still not gonna watch it.
And he died
120 domestic is kind of meh
It should make a 1000 million at max, at the end it should be between 900 and 1000 million
writers said it was about fighting white supremacy and implied that it was gonna have some anti-trump stuff, but it didn't. also, did you expect a star wars movie not to make money, are you retarded?
>1000 million
if only there was a word for that...
>paying to watch movies with strangers
This movie was pretty good. For whatever reason the writers were talking about how the Empire was "white supremacist", but the Empire was based af.
they're aiming at the 6 gorillion.
In the anglosphere you use billion for 1000 millions, here a billion is a million of millions
There was literally nothing SJW about this movie
>Star Wars movie
>Closes at just under $300 million for its opening weekend
They consider this a success? This would be good for a movie that wasn't Star Wars, but fucking Star Wars?
you really say 1000 million instead of billion (we don't billion, we say milijarda).
Female lead
Just like they ruin every movie
It wasn't an SJW movie. The SJWs just seized on it afterwards and claimed that the empire was a white supremacist organisation and the main character is Hillary.
He did his job anyway.
It made an almost 30% profit on its cost of production in opening week. Then you have the rest of the run which should about double it, then merchandise profits.
Financially it's a huge success.
I like the part when the main girl character and the guy kiss before being killed by the nuke on that island planet
>Movie is basically white women exploits minorities and sends them to die
No way it could have failed.
No problem with that, the plot wouldn't work that well with male lead + Felicity is cute and is not jew.
Literally nothing wrong.
If anyone thought this movie would tank, they're a retard.
It is impossible to tank a Star-Wars movie, even if the entire cast was black midgets it would do alright.
> Implying a shitty movie can't be a commercial success
You're speaking of a SW movie, A lot of people are going to watch it just because of the name.
Phantom Menace wasn't a great movie yet it was a commercial success. Same for the Force Awakens : it was a terrible Star Wars and yet its opening weekend was close to the one of Rogue One.
Wow, it's fucking nothing.
This. Star wars died when Disney bought it. Not supporting any of their shit
I know, it is stupid but we do
Tons of people saw the prequels, even though those movies were ruined from the start.
If it's got Star Wars in the title, it's guaranteed to do pretty well, opening weekend, regardless of its content.
Spin-off with main cast being Ewoks fucking when?
Heard some nerds talking about this shit in depth. How the fuck college aged dudes can be into this shit I have no idea. Pleased to say I had no clue what the fuck was going on, never seen Star Shit
It's fucking Star Wars. It's like free money.
Shouldn't sjws be angry that the diverse "good guys" died while the racist empire won in this movie?
She was hardly a lead. That movie had all kinds of shit going on.
From everything I have heard it is a decent SW movie. And that is coming from people who hated TFA. I haven't seen it, and won't be paying to either, but that is solely because I don't want to reward the shitty behavior of that writer and a line needs to be drawn somewhere.
There were three factors that lead to the belief it was going to be another SJW non-SW shitfest;
1. TFA rightly soured a lot of people, and by all accounts they were braced for another helping of diversity being shoved down their throats
2. One of the writers being an asshat with the whole 'Empire is a white (Human) supremacist movement' tweet despite that being factually incorrect. He then doubled down when asked if he had Disney's backing to say that. Even when he apologised later the damage was already done.
3. Advertising focusing on the female lead made it look like she was the sole focus of the film, when by all accounts the male lead gets equal screen time. Due to TFA another mary-sue was expected, but this one is apparently portrayed normally. Excluding the usual Stormtroopers incapable of hitting MCs due to plot armor aside.
All this cumulated to make the perfect shitstorm that could have easily been avoided if they tried to distance themselves from the abomination that was TFA, properly rebuked the writer for being unprofessional as visibly as possible, and not put such a heavy focus on the female lead in the advertising.
Unfortunately since it is making money hand over fist it is doubtful anything will be learned from this though. Which sucks because it is somewhat unfair for all the people who worked on the film that didn't do anything wrong.
That assumes it does as well in the foreign markets as usual. They were smart not to ooga booga it up too hard this time.
>Pleased to say I'm a retard who can't follow the plot of a children's movie.
>triggered nerd
>this is you
How do you say "checked" in your yellow flag speak?
Would you?
I don't care if you don't like starwars. Being happy to be a retard is the ultimate insult to yourself.
I don't know why but she looks amazing in that Imperial suit
Without doubt.
Every time..
No, her lips and teeth are unsettling. I'm glad everyone she even had a conversation with died. She's like some sort of walking curse.
medikit gets it
>not mentoning she is 150 cm midget
also what was budget? that number in OP is quite useless.
Its the name on the movie.
"Star Wars" anything will sell.
english billion
that's it, im a cruz missile now
my dude
I completely agree with this statement.
That's my major hang up about any movie after TFA, it was nothing but a rehashed ANH, Mary Sue lead doing shit that even Luke didn't do after three fucking movies. It could have been an OK movie but they got lazy as fuck and just cashed in on as much diversity as possible.
>Upset about his children's movie
B-But muh Disney Star Wars! The Prequels were Kino and all objective masterpieces!!! M-m-muh women and niggers!
It was New Hope remastered with shitty ugly Mary Sue goblin as lead character and Obongo Booga nigger as a secondary character.
Poe was only good character in entire movie.
>childrens movie
>violence killing and torture being central themes
Vader scenes were the best parts of the movie
Fascists never understand they are wrong, and in the minority, until it's too late.
She ded as well, nigga
There was no trait of SJW-ism in the movie, although the marketing of the film could lead you to believe it would be an SJW shitfest.
In fact, I'm pretty sure the film will get backlash from SJWs from killing loads of women and giving the first real Asian guy in Star Wars a very stereotypical character (not my opinion, I loved the martial arts Asian dude, but SJWs WILL shit on it).
Felicity Jones is a qt
There's a few, but one major character was black.
Any movie with Star Wars in it's title is automatically going to make at least a billion dollars.
This will change after episode 9 comes out and people get tired of a new SW movie every year.
Also, let's not forget the female lead was saved by the male lead in the last second as she was about to get killed.
But! Did many Bothans die to bring you this information?
Didn't see a single Bothan in the trailer.
Its literally for 12 year olds.
Joke's on you, I don't like the prequels.
Also Finn doesn't act like your regular nigger. He's actually respectable.
>le Disney makes SW meme
No it doesn't. It only publishes it and merchandises it, just like what they do with the Marvel movies.
Similarities≠Complete remaster
Rey was no more of a Mary Sue than Luke or
Anakin, and will most likely lose a limb.
As for Finn, see top response.
No need to see it. Everyone dies.
walt disney would be rolling in his grave if he saw the shit they've done to this company.
Disney was racist and anti-Semitic as fuck back in the 30's 40's and 50's
JJ is an absolute talentless hack for the most part. My biggest gripes with TFA is that it felt like another Marvel movie with all those quips at inappropriate times. I can live with some quips, but not from some pilot on his knees in front of a force user about to wreck his shit. Or if one must at least make it look like he is trying to make himself believe he isn't afraid or something.
My other gripe was the technical aspect. At no point did anyone seem to interject and let them know TIE Fighters are the absolute last kind of craft one would bother upgrading. Even only going by the movies you still had Interceptors, and if they bothered borrowing from the EU there is a whole plethora of shit they could have used instead.
Then you have retarded shit like those new mary-sue X-Wings doing insane atmospheric maneuvering whilst bullseyeing ground targets. Then they complain about not having bombers later despite these craft having supposed invalidated damn near everything else including bombers from the old movies.
The whole movie was a complete clusterfuck. And that is without even touching the story or wasted character potential.
But had the audacity to say it was a movie for the fans. Clearly they didn't mean actual SW fans, just the new bandwagon 'Look at me I'm so geeky lol' cunts.
Was actually a really good movie, and wasn't SJW infested at all, there was a bunch of stuff going on. And the empire came across as based
>COD and GTA are popular mainly among 40yo urban professionals
man i dont know about you guys but if i was 12 i dont think i could handle a movie where pretty much every person with any character development dies...
I don't plan on seeing rogue one....
It's like somebody saying:
>"Hey I just read The cat in the hat comes back.... Proud to say I didn't understand a word"
Wrong.stop tainting his name
Giving money to the cinema Jew.
Why do you people do this in current year?
>Chink monk walking through battlefield chanting about the Force passes by as there's a battle going on
>Pulls thw switch, and then dies due to a grenade that is launched
no but BF 1 and OW and are.
>thinking that anything with star wars in the title will ever fail
Just goes to show doesn't matter what kind of schlock they put out, retarded brand obsessed consumerist whores will go out and eat it up, like the retarded fat pigs they are.
> Bland Mary Sue main character
> Shitty villain
> Ruining the lore about how to learn to use the Force
t. Millennial
That was the second Death Star.
Not even realized it is allready out. Kek. Want watch it. Not even pirate it
Because we've lost control over our lives.
Damn. Guess Sup Forums is going to have to console itself with Trump as President... So disappointed some Jew flick made money.
Wow Americans really have turned into total pussies now. No wonder you are going extinct.
>in singapore aliens is a sjw movie
>the main character is Hillary.
tf XD!!!!
That was episode 6 you moronic retard
"White supremacists" in that they only like human looking people and not the blue ones or the ones with pig noses
i have only watched the original trilogy and will never watch anything else SW-related
Popular still doesnt mean good. See: Bieber, Call of Duty, McDonalds