America lost to this

They spend the most money on their military and yet they still lose every fucking war out there. Why is USA's army so fucking bad Sup Forums?

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I like reading about the vietcong, IRA, and the colonists/minuteman of America
guerrilla warfare is a real bitch. I can snipe military troops and hop a couple back yard fences and tend to my eggs and bacon

Were too soft. We treat everyone like fucking human beings even when their not. Rules of war seem to only apply to civil 1st world countries.

m4a1 are defective garbage, you can't use tanks in the jungle, napalm bombings did more damage to the american army than they did to the viet congs

tldr ak47+farmers+jungle=good m4a1+texans+jungle=bad

I thought it was Hillary from thumbnail.

Have read a read about the Hue massacre; that's some crazy shit right there.

Fucking communists, not even once. ▶

In reality the U.S. military doesn't exist to win wars, it exists to meet the economic and P.R. needs of the military-industrial complex, where corporate contracts necessitate a certain percentage of orders for weapons, ammunition, etc being filled.

In a total war situation (i.e. the opposite of "WE'RE GONNA WIN THEIR HEARTS AND MINDS SO WE AREN'T GONNA SHOOT UNLESS THEY SHOOT AT US FIRST") the United States military would win any one-on-one conflict with humiliating and overwhelming victory.

We lost like 60k men and they lost 1 million. Obviously their AKs and jungle didn't protect them that well.

Because hippies. And that's the only war we lost.

>it's another yuropoors attempt to explain the vietnam war despite never participating in it episode
>featuring swedecuck whose country supported the communists

actually m16s which were even more garbage
>killling children
america wooo!

That's one million combatant casualties, moron.

The mission was to kill commies and leave

We killed a lot if commies and left

Now Iraq was fucking retarded, didnt just hit it n quit it

muh hippies at home not allowing us to win muh media muh propaganda

>shoot a kid
>but he tried to stab me :^)
>combat casualty
how many weapons of mass destruction did you find in iraq btw?

lol, isn't Poland's national epic about how the Swedes invaded their country with the most modern army in Europe and still got the living shit kicked out of them by a bunch of alcoholics on horses?

Didn't one of your guys' faggot kings get shot in the back by his own men and robbed for pocket money? I mean that's pathetic even by the standards of disloyal dogs like my countrymen.

The united states did not really loose any battles in Vietnam. The american people pulled the government out of the war with all the protest.

That's what happened, you moron. Have you ever cracked open a book or bothered to google anything in your life? Europeans are uneducated mouth breathers.

>napalm bombings did more damage to the american army than they did to the viet congs

its because of roe if their was no roe they would kill everything.


>Two boxers are going at it
>One is clearly winning by a large margin, but the match has been going on for several rounds
>His coach says he is bored of watching and wants to go home so he throws in the towel for him

Thats basically what happened in Vietnam. The government and soldiers themselves were winning easily although restrained by conventions, but ultimately war weariness by the people forced them to leave. Thats not 'rationalizing loss' of the military 'defeat' by any stretch of the imagination.

Every american knows in their heart of hearts that we could demolish isis and turn Iran into a glass factory in 32 hours. After 15 years of dicking around I think we all get it's just a joke to the people in power

Your dogshit of a nation will never be able to compete with the caroleans. The reason why protestantism even is the main religion in America is because of us. We SINGLEHANDEDLY blew the entire Holy Roman Empire the fuck out and made it protestant. Niggers like you can never accomplish that

Funny how when you fuck up Vietnam then leave it fixes itself

When you fuck up Iraq/Libya/Syria then leave, everything goes to hell

Really makes you think


pick one.

A voluntary withdrawal due to policy change is not a loss. Pic related.

5000 dead civilians for 1 killed enemy soldier is not a good ratio for someone playing world police.

Yep. The same as the bush war in Rhodesia. White Rhodesians were BTFOing black Commies in every engagement but got screwed over diplomatically.

>you cant beat the government with ar-15's you hillbilly
>farmers with ak-47s beat the government.

>>you cant beat the government with ar-15's you hillbilly
>>farmers with ak-47s beat the government.


actually the middle east was fine until the us intervened for muh oil
>but muh dictators
you mean those who kept order and killed terrorists? yeah good job hanging them

if your casus belli is liberation you can't go around murdering civilians at every step

I don't think there were m4a1 during the Vietnam war

so we have more people to spare than the Vietnam lost and they wont ever stop the revolution

good to know

M16 were not garbage at all.

Its just that the greedy jew defense industry in the US told the soldiers that the AR15 was self cleaning and iirc they used some weird pwoder for the first 5,56 rounds I think from artillery shells or something for price reasons to safe money which gummed up the rifles even more.

But a DI AR15 can run about thousands of rounds without failing, at max it needs some lube or you just spit on the bolt



so they were garbage, an ak didn't need any of that

The middle east was doomed since the muslims took over, and after that it was certainly doomed after shia/sunni split, and after that it was certainly doomed after colonial ruler border drawing, and after that it was certainly doomed when the baarth party split

hol up
is this counted with the x amount of people die with every bomb we drop? because that method sucks dick

there's nothing in the world that's more destructive than american military intervention

It's a defeat, weather you like it or not. If we count like this, we won the Algeria war

Nice commie lie.

ARs beat AKs, especially when professional soldiers use them.

Ak is not bad but it lacks accuracy and range due to its caliber, also the sight picture sucks in comparison.

all the vietnam vets i've known killed themselves many years later, they must have done or seen some really fucked up shit.

>rolling thunder
>nothing to do with napalm bombings
>even says in the article "Regardless, during Rolling Thunder, 80 percent of U.S. aircraft losses were attributed to anti-aircraft fire"
>retarded magyar with chimp IQ somehow thinks the US bombed its own army

2/10 got me to respond

Maybe I watch too much anime, but Granny there looks like she could take out a SEAL team without breaking a sweat.

you don't need accuracy in guerilla fights, you need a reliable gun that can shoot at any moment in the monsoon, which american guns couldn't

Whoever won we still absolutely #REKT their shit. They're still suffering from horrific pollution from Agent Orange and such decades later.

>In reality the U.S. military doesn't exist to win wars

Uninironically made me think

We lost but at least straya lost with us so we're not alone.

Love you cunts.

Yes they can, the AR is completely sealed thank to its dust cover. (Which Stoner borrowed from the StG44).

There are tests on youtube where you can see it yourself.

Also keep in mind that the Vietnam war was not an official war but a police intervention with """military advisers""".

Nazi Germany would have fucked up vietnam because we would just exterminate village after village til there are no people left in Vietnam.

Didnt help them kill more americans than M16s killed gooks

Guns jamming in a jungle is a big NO SHIT to anyone who has ever fired a gun

The rifles still killed gooks 99% of the time and were mainly just complained about by pampered 60s Americans expecting magic lazer guns

you are still marching with us uncle Ho, immortal hero

It wasn't even a loss. We pretty much went to their shit country, fucked them up and used them for live weapon testing, used it to test all sorts of military advancement, (chemical, weather, biological, etc) and when we were done backed out and left.

it happened more often in korea and afghanistan but yeah the us army is infamous for bombing their own troops
>tests on youtube
literal kek, those guns sucked, americans throw them away to pick up aks
nazi germany would've got rekt by the soviets either way
yeah again, good job killing 10 years old rice farmers, well done!

Say soviet Russia not MUH NAZIS

National socialists were actually pretty fair and sometimes nice to the people they brought into their empire. The Communists just raped and pillaged almost everything they took. Hitler wanted supporters and it showed through his speeches while Stalin was too busy killing dissent rather than winning it over(10s of millions people MORE than MUH EVIL NAZIS)

The only real oppressed people were the evil jews (still mostly deported not gassed) and their degenerate homosexual pedophile friends who brought it upon themselves

>Ak is not bad but it lacks accuracy and range due to its caliber
AK is less accurate than AR because of it's operating method which is also why AR-15 will jam more.

To put it simply:

Direct impingement = more moving parts, less moving mass.

Long stroke piston = less moving parts, more moving mass.

AK uses long stroke piston, AR15 uses a variation of DI and is one of very few militarily used rifles that use this system.

The ammunition doesn't mean shit. You can make AK in 5,56 and you can make AR in 5,45 as well.

Hello, commiecuck

I know that, I am just saying that it was basically partisan warfare in Vietnam. The US should either have stayed out or use genocide. Same goes for Afghanistan and Iraq.

You cant just take over countries that are not western and or are low IQ.


The United States won every major military encounter. We took less casualties than them, by the end of the war we nearly wiped out the Vietcong, and the treaty we signed was in our favor. The fall of South Vietnam took place long after the US left their army to their own devices.

it's true facts, why didn't nazi germany win if they were better? why didn't americans win in vietnam? and barely managed to DEFEND south korea leaving north korea to hoard nuclear weapons against them? why are they still fighting in the middle east losing thousands and thousands of soldiers for no viewable outcome?

you don't need to be a commie to see the records

Stop being a Swedish tard.What makes you think the US army is fighting to win?

The US army is fighting so to make the Military Industrial Complex and Banksters money.

As an example: If the US really wanted to take out ISIS, they could flatten all their Training camps, Leaders, (oil) businesses, supplies, warehouses, weapon depots, houses, and most ISIS-fighters in less than 7 hours.

Going next week. I've got seven days, should I try and make it to Cambodia also? I'll be staying in Saigon. My flight can be changed for twenty five USD, and the visa to Cambodia cost thirty five. Any traveling Anons have any suggestions? Worth it? Legends of the Hidden Temple and such.

Are you retarded? Germany lost because of poor leadership decisions and being vastly outnumbered. And the US most certainly didn't lose the war on the field, it lost it in politics. Are you trying to say that the Korean War wasn't a success? Where the fuck have you been. And not to mention in the Middle East we've killed at least a million or two while only taking a couple thousand casualties.

>but we killed more civilians
really? you call that a victory? pathetic

If that isn't a victory than please enlighten me as to what you've won recently.


Dont go to war unless it is the least worst option

But once you do go full Rape of Nanking on the entire enemy nation and remind humanity why there is no "nice" war

In total, the United States lost in Vietnam almost 10,000 aircraft and helicopters

Uncle Ho was a hero, who kicked out frogs first, then when yanks came - they were kicked out as well. People united around him both in the North and South. Ho Chi Minh would win in any open free democratic elections, same as Assad or Gaddafi would.

AKs are not magical, nor they are better (or worse) than ARs.
Early M16s had an alluminium box mag prone to deformation, that's where the "muh unreliable guns" myth came from.

we didn't lose. we just didnt win. still fucked them up tho

No the US military lost to Walter Cronkite

>killing the enemy
Yeah that's called winning a war

And they lost hundreds of thousands, going into the millions of men. That statement doesn't prove much.

how much do aks cost in russia?

This is true

Why wasnt America able to cut the head off the Vietnamese snake?

Sorry ameribro but people around here have very little understanding of American Asian Adventures so they don't know about 1951-1953 period in Korean war being a mess for everybody in the US military.

>if you take too much casualties the public will hang us!
>proceeds to send the troops to battle in piecemeal because they fear taking casualties so much
>casualties are still there and successes are nowhere to be seen

This mentality was passed forward and it was the same in Vietnam war on many, many occasions.

nice strawman, there's a reason why the rest of the world hates the american army, literal raping pillaging hordes that only bring destruction then run away
not really when your casus belli was liberating those people, unless you meant liberating them from their lives and possessions, you talk shit about the red army but americans are exactly the same


Every bullet fired and bomb dropped is bought with tax dollars and borrowed bank loans that accumulate interest FOREVER

War doesnt really matter to bankers or arms manufacturers AS LONG AS IT DOESNT STOP


>282,000 Dead Allied Forces
>1,071,000 Dead Commies
>Not Leaving after Communism BTFO (literally)

I do get what you're talking about with the US military being a mess. The effects of NATO and a freshly unsegregated US military is bound to cause trouble. But from a battle standpoint the US really did win quite the victory for the war being a little test more than anything in the long run.

The purpose of the war was to stop the spread of communism. Vietnam is still communist to this day.

>b-but muh kill count
Have you ever played a team-based shooter? If you're playing CTF, the goal is to capture the enemy team's flag while keeping your own flag secure. Kill counts don't matter if you have an objective. Nobody cares if you camped the enemy spawn point and shot 500 Asians if your flag still got captured.

The United States failed its objective (stop the spread of communism), and so it lost the war.

U.S lost because they weren't ready for communist Sweden to aid the north

yeah nah, this was an ideological loss sven, basically what happened was the war got so unpopular that people in america started protesting so much it basically stopped commerce, they decided to withdraw, look up the numbers around 50,000 american's (none of them prepared for the jungle) gave their lives, and around 1,000,000 1,500,000 million gooks, there were even boots in the capitol ready to take it, the communists were all but defeated. but our cowardly politicians wouldn't let them finish the job, and now vietnam suffers to this day because our fucking pussy-ass paper pushers. hope this gives some enlightenment.

Not for sale for civilians.

>The ammunition doesn't mean shit. You can make AK in 5,56 and you can make AR in 5,45 as well.

True but 7.62x39 does no favors in the accuracy department.

>hurr durr we won militarily
ITT Americans that don't understand the concept of guerilla warfare

The goal wasnt conquest though

It was to slow communism by killing a million fucking commies

We killed over a million communists then left

I'm sure you do Serb, being that your country did so great in the nineties.

and communism just kept growing in power regardless, good job, at least the taxpayers filled the bomb making kikes' pockets

>It was to slow communism
But you LITERALLY failed in that regard.

Our goal was to kill communists

We killed a lot of communists

Hows that communism doing around the world today?

The only place it grows is in jewish owned sectors of our open borders western nations

No, your goal was to stop a communist government taking over, that you failed.

by your logic they won, they killed 3 times as many albanians as they lost

Hows communism doing today?

Capitalism is the cancer ruining the world now

Why haven't the mods banned this shitposting faggot yet? I mean, they should be able to recognize him by now.

We felt bad and gave up. It's like letting your 2 year old son win a race.

uhh it pretty much rules the world
>inb4 china is not communist
they're as communist as they were during vietnam

That was a short term goal

The broader goal of the cold war was to defeat communism

On the surface we did defeat communism but they won the long game in America it seems

Don't reason with the burger.

I forget, what land did we lose in Vietnam? It's not the same thing when it's a Civil War and you're the host.