Canadians what is your media saying about this Prince Harry-Megan relationship?
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I'd fuck her desu.
too be honest my mum was going on about it after reading about it i magazines and saying its only jealous white girls in the UK who are made about the relationship
How great it is that he isn't afraid of being in love and how brave it is etc etc
What do you mean made up?
I like the idea of getting qt's in the royal family from the empire. Maybe george will marry an australian or a nz'er.
No indians tho
You're mum sounds like a paki
she looks GOOD for crying out loud. Harry is a balding manlet he should be grateful
>We get it British press — Meghan Markle is biracial
sorry i meant mad
dat jaw tho
Y would white brits be mad?
kek'd hard
no she means that she thinks the only people actually opposed to them as a couple after the media says people were racist against her white girls in the UK who were jealous that a part black girl got picked by harry and not them
Shes fucking hot
she'll be unceremoniously dumped eventually, based Betty would never allow her to marry into the royal family and poison the bloodline
Harry needs to get his fucking act together, he could pick any woman he wants yet decides to shag this mulatto freak
harry should find a spanish lady to marry. The darker complextion will balance out his gingeritis, but without any negro blood.
>never allow her to marry into the royal family and poison the bloodline
they only knocked off diana because she was pregenant with a muslim kid not that he was brown
Isn't she married?
>wanting to mix shitskins into the royal family
It doesn't matter. he's not really a royal. Choock's not his real dad.
So I just looked this woman up on wiki...
>previously married
>35 years old
>"masters degree in social work"
>yoga instructor
>self-proclaimed humanitarian
So in summary, she's a childless middle-aged SJW quadroon divorcee.
I seriously hope Prince Harry ditches this dumpster fire. He has literally no reason to date this dried-up barren cat lady. He's the prince, for fucks sake. Why would he settle for an older divorced mystery meat woman over any of the young fertile white girls who would absolutely marry him?
Of course, the silver lining is that she's so old that she most likely won't be able to produce any kids for him anyway. So even with the worst-case scenario, it's not like the royal bloodline is going to get negrified
except she's hot as shit and no way she could win any divorce settlement. he basically can boss a sjw bitch around and she'll keep being hot and do what he says because he's prince. if not, he deserves any shit he gets
I'd actually vote for a republic if Harry marries that fucking beast.
>no way she could win any divorce settlement
yeah but he does not own anything
>except she's hot as shit
Caked in make up, maybe. But she's over the hill. Besides, do you REALLY want actual nigger genes in the royal family?
they already have them
>except she's hot as shit
He's the fucking prince. He can get any 10/10 that he wants. You're looking at this from your pleb perspective. The prince doesn't *need* to settle for a 35yo quadroon
Looks like a tranny desu.
>except she's hot as shit
she looks like a man
Interestingly, the Muslim guy's father actually hated Diana. He didn't want his son marrying her and he found out he impregnated her, he fliped a shit.
No one gives a shit, you guys are barely relevant here
Mike Ross was a pansy boy.
She's American you absolute fucking dunce
Reminder she's three years older than Harry.
Why does it matter? Just let them love and hopefully circumstances will be such that their spawn can one day be crowned monarch.
>is american
>kys faggot
Don't add more, then.
>wanting a nigger on the throne
Fuck off, Sean.
one can't have the cousin of the King (king george) be a quadroon. it won't be allowed (by the secret Orders).
she seems alright, she should avoid Paris
personally, i don't care about that. i think good for him, may they have many sons.
It appears from over here Harry has the perfect life while William is dragged into all the BS involved w/ being born first. William is balding and quite ugly, his wife likes to show her pussy to the cameras all the time. he's got young kids which is a life ruiner. Given the choice I'd take Harry's life over Williams.
i thought her dad was white but her mum was black. she is just mixed race/half-caste
Diversity is strength, good gall.
She has ugly feet
Shit genes 2/10
This whole relationship is an excuse to ride the current anti-white wave and nothing more
>barely relevant
watch it Johnny, we burned the White House down and we're happy to burn your shithole of a government down too
Looks like he could do better despite being a ginger tbqh
That's because half-blacks still look just black. It's not until the quadroon level that they start looking like that.
Her mother probably identified as black, but had significant amounts of white blood anyway.
Harry isn't Charles son, so no big deal as far as the royal blood line. It's still fucking propaganda though.
Tfw balding manlet but not royal so no women want me
>the spare
LOL his life doesn't even matter.
My parents thing she should get the 'Diana' treatment, I agree an think the Queen should take away Harry's credit cards for 2 weeks
tbf the average canadian is not aware of anywhere outside of the americas
>My parents thing she should get the 'Diana' treatment
the royal family..ahem.. disapproved... of Diana's relationship with dodi-al fayed, how would this be different?
That nigger is gross
Her father is white but she's divorced and older than Harry.
Royal family doesn't like divorced women.
Some of the prince's have probably already sired half-black and "brown" kids. They might not give a shit if he has a royal bastard or anything. He just can't ring her.
She's only half nigger, he's bleaching her every night. Their kids would look white.
Harry has a porked a lot of broads. Has he sired any kids out of wedlock?
Elizabeth's uncle screwed over her father by abdicating the throne for a broad.
She knows broads can screw with her family and her "guys."
Prince Charles couldn't get over a Camilla and stay married to his hot wife.
>She's only half nigger, he's bleaching her every night. Their kids would look white.
fuck off m8, it will taint his genetics. doesn't matter if they 'look white', turd in the punch bowl one drop
He can accidentally make a brown or part-black kid, just not one eligible for the throne.
There are continents of half-breeds with some royal blood and such.
He wouldn't be the first white prince to stick his penis in a black or brown woman's vagina.
Hopefully, they don't make a movie based on their affair starring Rupert Grint playing Harry and .Lupita Nyongo playing Markle.
Canada has princes??
I'm half black and I don't look black.
I don't look white either.
Most people say I look Arabic because of my features since Arabs are basically brown skinned people with white features.
There's more to nobility than just the throne itself. You realize that, right?
And even with regards to the throne, you have to understand how succession works. If Prince Charles' children don't have children of their own (or if their children's children don't have children, whatever) and his bloodline "ends", then they trace back up the bloodline and go to the next bloodline in succession. That would be Prince Harry and his descendants.
That means that if anything happens to william's family, or if at any point one of them doesn't have kids or anything like that, then succession goes to Harry's line. And that would be a negrified bloodline.
I don't think this cunt will have kids though. She's 35, previously married, and has no kids. Harry would have to be retarded to even try. And I don't think she can physically produce them.
Who the fuck cares? We have more important things to worry about than some inbred family of aristocrats
This. The memes would be gold.
due to the current climate siring a legitimate partly black kid could embolden "We Wuz Kangz."
The throne would only go to Harry's "legitimate" children. Anyhow, it's not as bad a white princess having a kid with a black dude or marrying a black dude.
For all we know, Harry might have knocked up Asian and Indian chicks already. Tons of chicks would carry his seed just to have a trophy kid. If he wanted to bone chicks with no condom and creampie them, a ton of chicks would say yes... he's a freaking Prince of Britain.
>He can get any 10/10 that he wants.
>implying there are more than a few 10/10's in the UK
Inbred kikes really have no room to talk on this one, senpai.
no she doesn't. She's hot as fuck but she's part black.
I'd fuck her but I'm not a prince who has to produce royal babies.
It would all be so much simpler if they allowed concubines. White wife for the white babies and mulatto chicks for the hot sex.
Harry and his children and will never in a million years come anywhere close to the Throne.
Post yfw britain will be ruled by a octoroon in 25 years
if you had to bone a black woman, Markle ain't bad,
- dad is white... not a product of a black dude cucking the white man.
- she's kind of hot
holy fucking shit that manjaw
>See headline, feel hope that the CBC is pretty much saying "I don't care"
>Open the link, its about "prejudice"
Billions of tax payer money burning up, BILLIONS
it wouldn't be a problem if Africans weren't at the gate screaming "We Wuz Kangz,"
You don't want give SJWs of the future the idea of justifying that marriage of a 98% white princess to a Zulu because great great grandma was 1/4 black. You could have find the UK being turned over to a 100% SSA Zulu chieftain.
I'm less than half black, but same here. People say I look Lebanese or Syrian.
I haven't heard anything about it, then again I hardly ever watch our news or listen to cbc.
I hope the queen is doing good. Love you fags.
>implying anyone gives a shit about the '''''royal''''' cuck family
Seriously, no ones gives are shit about this meme, powerless '''''monarch'''''.
>Can marry any decent woman
>Marries a fucking 35 year old childless used goods
I bet that cunt preps the bull while they visit Jamaica
>So in summary, she's a childless middle-aged SJW quadroon divorcee.
And then go on to marry British royality truely a 21th Century love story
I thought we were mongrels tho
King of Spain married divorced south american woman who has only produced daughters.
If Harry marries a white woman, his kid could end up King of Spain.
If they don't inbreed the princesses to a Bourbon, they got to look for a white man to create the future King of Spain.
In my heart you are still a disgusting nigger with nigger features and should be shot on sight
>64 million population in UK
>at least 30 million women
>only a few 10/10
Republics aren't better
t America
Aww. I love you too sweetheart!
Are we still on for Olive Garden at 7?
White women are shit anyway.
It's about time we replace them.