Does anyone else here hate americans?

Does anyone else here hate americans?

I hate the fact they are mostly retarded.

I hate the fact they get buttmad and insecure when you talk about the british empire even though most of their allies are part of the british empire.

I hate how they promote nigger culture.

I hate how they blame everything on jews when it's actually them enabling all the degeneracy and eating up the so-called "jewish" propaganda.

I hate their accents, they all sound either gay or retarded.

I hate their culture, they think it's cool to have no honour and they think it's their right to backstab anyone, including their own country.

I hate there stupid fat faces, I hate basically everything about them.

They don't even promote anglo saxon culture anymore, it's just a big mix mash of niggers and trash that makes me want to vomit.

Everytime an american calls themselves anglo I laugh my ass off. They are some dutch nigger half breeds and that was back when they were still part of the empire and before they filled themselves up with every piece of trash from all over the world.

Can somebody please nuke that cesspit of mongrels already? Thanks.

I bet ur a jew, nigger faggot

>Does anyone else here hate americans?


I would have agreed if it wasn't coming from a canadian.
Kys dumbass leaf shill.

Until we nuke you first, Ho Chi Min.

I hate americans because their white and rich and so awesome unlike asians

Burgers are fine apart from their SJWs who are the biggest nigger and sandslime loving hypocrites on God's green earth.

Rebbit really opened my eyes t the kinda stupidy they have in their DNA

What is this magnificent creature?

lived on a border town share the same name
as my americano neighbours never had a problem
didn't see many differences between us you
on the other hand are a shit poster and when
we find you we'll be handing you over to the

this dude's being a faggot mate


>hating our accents
That's real funny coming from you, you moose cock sucking nasally-accent having maple syrup used a lubricant Tim Horton's coffee chugging Chink fuck

Chink alert.

Sorry for asking. I was retarded for a moment.

won ton ting tong ping pong


>50% white neo-mexicans advocating for the genocide of an 85% white country

Day of the grill when?

85% and you are gleefully mass-importing mudslimes to cuck yourselves down to below 50 by 2020

>the british empire
The British don't have an empire anymore you fucking idiot.

>gleefully mass-importing mudslimes

The UK's accepted an estimated 3 million muslim refugees in the two years.
Canada's accepted only 50 thousand muslim refugees in the last two years.

I'll take, "What is 'projection: the post'?" for $400 alex.

>americans are poopy head waaaah
>canuck throwing a tantrum that Trump won't be his president

maybe you can jump on the right wing independence train next couple of years

Emily rudd

She's from my state, she's pretty good looking, there's a lot that are. Midwest chicks are where its at

>Not posting superior version