I'm glad these pathetic old boomers and their stupid religion are dying out. The ways in which right wingers lash out at gays and people of color are disgusting
I'm glad these pathetic old boomers and their stupid religion are dying out...
This is now a fag and nigger hate thread
Yeah you are right user the opinion of others should never validate who I am, sway my judgement or change me. I am allowed to be who I am and I will stay strong in the face of ignorance as a proud white man and national socialist. Thank you OP I appreciate it.
I think there should be a comma, unless it's supposed to mean "Are you sick of white people?"
I didn't make it
Is this a jojo reference?
there are far too many bigots ITT
Why are leftists/snowflakes/cucks constantly making up stories, and posting them online, about dumb and mean conservatives/christians attacking them? They are so obviously fictional. They frequently include long dialogue that they remember ad verbatim. Did they never grow up? Are they still mentally children/teenagers? It's mindboggling.
>would of
I see the mistake more often than I see the correct "would have"
burger problems
I've seen UKcuck flags make the mistake often, but never you Italians
That's because us Italians speak Italian you simple burger
Are you glad that niggers kill whites five time more than whites kill niggers? Are you glad that your virtue signalling with regards to Muslims is getting gays killed?
im glad that niggas be killing them whiteys muhfuggin Bix nood
>The ways in which right wingers lash out at gays and people of color are disgusting
That is a lie.
We don't "lash out" at anyone.
If we did...you'd know it.
but anyway...
Fuck Leftists
Just wait until the Muslims take over
I'm sure the local community can find a way to correct this without troubling the law.
He gets mine nigger lover.
Most black women are man faced which makes any skinny black dude a passable tranny.
its almost true, when I went to Italy they were essentially weird lazy Turkish people
i don't think Turks speak Arabic though
>Did they never grow up? Are they still mentally children/teenagers?
You're just now figuring this out?
I agree, colored people should not be laughed at
how can Sup Forums defend this behavior?