Jesus Christ you guys are fucking boring. There's nothing to do! What should we do? Chop wood in a forest??
/pol: Don't watch movies, don't play games, don't jerk off, don't watch sports
Other urls found in this thread:
... we watch sports
>degenerate watching goyball
Just memes. Not even the most autistic people on here actually abide by that stuff, it's just shitposting. Stop falling for it a do what you want.
>he's so degenerate he can not even fathom a hobby that's both fun and productive
>What should we do? Chop wood in a forest??
Wood working is fucking awesome and red pilled. You should exercise, play sports, read, woodwork, do art, play instruments, write. Your free time should be spent doing something that either directly improves you, or improves a practical skill. This is how you should spend your free time, and you should have very little free time if you're living productively.
How about you read a fucking book
Read a book nigger
Playing games is fine. Just don´t sit at home all the time. Play IRL games like boardgames, wargames and cardgames. Meet people, socialize a little bit. Many nerds seem redpilled or not too hard to redpill, and also white majority.
>Don´t watch movies
Lol wtf are you on about.
>Don´t watch sports
You are just trolling now
the ultimate goal of pol is to be alive enough to enjoy being dead
>making useless art, playing sports and reading are productive
Lol, okay.
I like that...some times...but most of the time it's preddy gay tbqh famalam. I graduated in a degree that involved reading thousands upon thousands of pages and now it's hard to 'enjoy' that shit anymore.
Fuck off.
>making art is literally producing something
>playing sports makes you healthier
>reading expands your knowledge
OP, why don't you move to California and live the life of the characters in Less Than Zero? That is the degenerate fucking society you and your (((kind))) want.
>>playing sports makes you healthier
not an optimal way to attain physical health. sports are dumb games and should be avoided.
Go to a strip club and try to make the girls laugh.
Fuck a milf or two.
Hike. Motorcycle. Listen to music.
>What should we do?
pick up a gun son
Making art is producing something useless.
Exercising at the gym is a more efficient way of getting healthier.
Reading just teaches you the knowledge other people found out, so it can just sit in your head and not be used. Literally not being productive at all.
it seems to me that for all the talk about redpilled this and that, /pol has never made the case as to why I should even give a shit about society to begin with. Seems to be pretty blue-pilled actually, to get buttt-sensitive about future generations and the white race etc. Pretty fucking gay actually. hahah.
>muh niggerball
You fucking bread and circuses faggots are what has allowed civilization to slip to this point.
Be a creator, not a consumer u fucking retarded faggot.
Or is it better to find distractions to waste time while your life quickly slips away? On your death bed are you going to fondly remember jerking off and watching retarded propaganda filled movies?
>listening to the musical jew
>Chop wood in a forest??
How else would i heat my home faggot? Learn a skill you bore.
>Go to a strip club and try to make the girls laugh.
>haha that's a funny joke user
>now let's go for a dance
Why? So that I can produce shit that faggots like you will tell people not to consume? Hypocrite much? Kek
It's human nature dude, if you actually need a reason to give a shit about society then you are actually autistic
>Making art is producing something useless.
it's literally producing something, so it's productive
>Exercising at the gym is a more efficient way of getting healthier.
I already listed that as a seperate point from sports. Sports were just another point that's more fun than a gym
>Reading just teaches you the knowledge other people found out,
lmfao that's exactly what knowledge is. Holy fuck are you actually this retarded or are you just shitposting because you like arguing on the internet?
>tfw learning physics is dumb because it's just reading stuff other people have found out
I thought this place was autistic though.
learning about fire safety can be fun
Play sports/exercise? Have sex instead of watching someone else do it? Read a book, listen to music? Maybe try an create something instead of always consuming?
>What should we do?
>get OUT
>do some kind of workout
>cook a nice healthy meal
>clean up your apartment
>get some fucking sunlight and find some friends
how about this Jamal?
If you have nothing to do after stopping doing all those things you listed then you might want to think about your life choices, degenerate filth
>implying you wouldn't be better off learning practical survival skills, getting fit af, and living off the grid
>What should we do?
If those who came before us had the same attitude you did we would all be slaves, if you don't care about the well being of those who will come after us you are simply a self-serving sociopath; you are clearly not even close to one of us.
There are millennials on this board who consume YouTube videos made by other millennials and consider reading a chore, yet think of themselves as knowledgeable.
We hunt and fish and spend time with our children.
You wouldn't happen to be black by any chance would you?
Because a life revolved around instant self gratification is toxic to our species as a whole and people like you are whats holding us back because you have the mind of a nigger.
This, lol.
Calling everything the tvjew or waterjew or whatever makes me really hate being here sometimes.
I know the jews are behind a lot of shit, but if I want to jerk off or play a goddamn video game, some user on an Indonesia knitting forum isn't going to stop me.
you have the mind of a jew-slave. "do all the work, that's right goy hahah make me many shekels"
>Expanding knowledge
I want my Lamborghini
Literally the reason for main stream acceptance of niggers. Low IQ roid monkeys tackling eachother for an egg
>OP takes a board too serious, whose posters are openly xenophobic while faping to BBC porn at the same time.
Sup Forums is full of shit lol
he's right though.
How much you spend on jerseys, tickets, subscriptions, alcohol, and electricity just to watch hockey.
However this applies to all organized sports. (((they))) own us.
No you literally have the mind of a nigger.
A nigger never thinks about how can can make a possitive impact, a nigger never thinks about raising his cchildren right because his children grow up into members of society, a nigger never thinks about anything but instant self gratification and never willing to sacrifice for the greater good.
You're the slave to the jew as people who live a life of instant self gratification are hyper consumers for their iphones and pre-package cheese.
Read the bible and pray
You can do sports, you can read, you can study, you can spend time with your woman, and you can have babies and raise them into adults.
>implying one should give a fuck about blue-pilled SJW buttplugged white goyim stronk liberal Women that are voluntarily committing mass suicide through SJWism.
I read a book a week, and I always learn something new.
Self improvement.
>Seems to be pretty blue-pilled actually, to get buttt-sensitive about future generations and the white race etc. Pretty fucking gay actually. hahah.
This sounds like a communist pretending to be a stereotype of the kind of edgy teenager that doesnt really care about anything other than himself, that (((they))) are trying tp push.
>it's literally producing something, so it's productive
Yeah, that doesn't make it useful. Literally no difference from sitting around making some gay art, and consuming art in the form of videogames.
>I already listed that as a separate point from sports
Yeah, that why I singled out sports and ignore exercise, you dolt.
>That's exactly what knowledge is
There is a difference between gaining knowledge from reading a book and gaining knowledge from actually discovering things. Reading isn't productive and helps no one else, so by your logic it is degenerate. Stop being a degenerate and relying on others knowledge, go do your own research and learn actual new things so it can be productive and benefit people.
No. I'm kraut/potato nigger.
>shooting range
>crossbow practice
>deer hunting and fishing
>tend to family
>work 44 hours, 4 days out of the week
>grow garden
>lift and swim
We are ancient warriors running around in the woods.
Have children.
Because those are the people that run your country into the dirt.
If you are silent but know the truth, you do nothing for your world because the truth will never be heard.
It's been a while since a Sup Forumsack said something I hadn't thought of. Good one, son.
>Literally no difference from sitting around making some gay art, and consuming art in the form of videogames.
there literally is. One is producing, and the other is consuming. The producer profts while the consumer pays. The producer makes something original and unique and the consumer makes nothing. The producer leaves a legacy behind in the form of the work while the consumer does nothing. The producer increases in skill while the consumer increases nothing.
You're an idiot. You don't need to justify to me how blue pilled you are. I promise you I don't lose sleep on it. The point is the stark difference between time wasting and productivity, while both can provide enjoyment
watching good movies is actually enriching as well as entertaining, just like reading but more entertaining and less self-improving
stop the other three though
>my life is all about consuming what others have created
Are you really a human being at that point? Where is your divine spark? Produce something. Consuming media is not a hobby...
you people realize you need to consume in order to produce, right?
No point in producing if it isn't useful.
Trust me leaf, no one is going to be buying your finger paintings.
The producer would have gotten no where without consumers. Its a balance of relationships were all parties benefit. The consumer for selling his invention, the consumers for buying and funding more innovation towards the future of that invention or other project the producer well create.
Someone invents something, people learn and use said invention, that invention becomes mainstream in that society. Literally how our civilizations came to be.
You can watch movies, but not propaganda
You can play games, but not entire day
You can jerk off, but not to porn
You can watch sports, but also play them
>chop wood in a forest
not a bad idea
Jesus i can't stand the autism in here sometimes.
I do woodworking and blacksmithing as art. I make quite a bit of money from it, and it's useful as soon as someone else enjoys it considering that is the objective as art.
you are correct but this thread is discussing red pilled hobbies. The producer is nothing without the consumer, but the video game designer making millions is obviously more red pilled than the cheeto incrusted mountain dew chugging neet
go play golf or hit some balls at the range
50 shades of grey here I cum
Then true, that is correct.
That is the relationship, the superior minded always guided the simpler minded ones into prosperity.
However the way humans learn from each other means anyone with capable genes can easily become a successful producer even if they lived a life as a consumer.
good goy
Masturbate to 2D
The problem is when we have degenerated from a society where everyone produced because everyone was more or less a subsistence homesteader and also consumed what artists/priests made to one where everyone simply consumes. I.E. the college/yuppie millennials who do nothing but watch superhero movies and netflix. Our current society is unbalanced toward the consumers.
practice marksmanship
And consuming pointless media and jerking off requisite for production of what, exactly?
Find a girl and save your race.
Optionally, Take Over Tuvalu!
Because they don't have a family forcing them to get their priorities straight to save, work, get promoted/hone skills for better paying work and are essentially living live as a giant child.
People going to college for an actually useful skill need not apply of course
>Which big sweaty black man won the game bro? So sick dude!
Fuck off. Watching sports is bluepilled normie trash for the mentally enslaved masses.
animu and mango
i'm just saying, an author who's never read a book in his life isn't going to be able to write very good books himself
Well you can't really expect college students to produce anything of substance when they're still in college, right?
Doesn't need to be optimal. You are doing it for fun.
Not everyone lives in the middle of nowhere you dumb fuck
What about us city folk, we can't exactly go hunting or fishing
>you people realize you need to consume in order to produce, right?
It doesn't really work if you're paying no critical attention to what you're consuming and just consuming "for the hell of it".
I could watch the entirety of Jean-Luc Godard's filmography but it really wouldn't amount to anything if I didn't also plan to become a film critic or direct films myself.
Not a single thing on my list requires living out of a city.
>we can't exactly go hunting or fishing
I understand Europeans don't have cars but come on man you're being hyperbolic
If they are aiming high and have the capability then college is where that person belongs.
But the average mongrel going to college spends their time goofing off basically for a degree that barely gets them anywhere and tends to be in debt afterwards forcing them to work as say, a grocery store bagger.
Lets say in an alternate universe this same mongrel DIDN'T go to college and instead worked at a grocery store and save up their money instead for all those years, they would have been far better off in the end this way.
You fucking idiot why do all basketball players have almost zero body fat? Because they're essentially running wind sprints mixed with high jumping for 2 straight hours. Football is similar, you are a fucking idiot. I'd rather play football for my excersize seeing that is has a purpose and isn't just aimless running and lifting like other sports
Formal education is degenerate. In an ideal world education would be through apprenticeships, and purely intellectual pursuits would be a small hobby in a life balanced by work and family instead of being the full time disembodied jerkoff fest which is the modern university.
Devoting all of one's time to intellectual fantasies is how we end up with marxism and really leftism in general. That's why historically the landed leisurely class doubled as the warrior class. You don't have time to think up some feminist or communist bs if you're training for war for your king and country. but as Europe modernized that changed and the nobles just became degenerate cucks wearing gay wigs and talking about muh egalite.
try again, champ
not working, and living off of welfare = 100% dependance on ((((government))))
work and live your own life.
To be fair the jews designed a system aimed to use our foresight against us.
You go to college, spend a lot of time getting that degree in some field that'll force you in the lower middle class for the next 5-10 years, and by the time you start making money you're getting older and older and you get more and more defective in the balls. In the end you either don't have children, have barely at or below replacement rate, and have a higher chance of having an expensive autistic child ect on your hands.
>yesss goyim
>spend the prime of your life getting that feminist studies degree!
>How else are you going to pay for these minorities welfare?!
Movies, TV, music and video games have all been taken over by women and faggots on a board member level. Everything new sucks shit
>That doesn't make it useful
It is useful if you draw value from either the exercise or from the finished product.
Art in it's original form is expressing yourself while advancing your skills.
Whether it's painting, sculpture, landscaping, architecture or woodworking, even if the finished product is nothing but garbage, you gain practice in using different methods.
This is why arts were so highly valued in the past as they were more than just a way to launder money.
>Reading isn't productive and helps no one else
You're not doing it to help other people. You are doing it to expand your knowledge. Books save you a lot of time as compared to each individual going out and starting humanity's scientific progress from scratch by attempting to rediscover everything.
There is value in wisdom and knowledge of your predecessors even if you are too lazy and stupid to appreciate it.
I hear you, but what are the chances this is just modern life in line with consumer desires. Seems like a convenient way of shirking all personal responsibility.
You can watch movies and play games but be careful what you chose.
And about jerk off, get a GF and have white babies.
So what you're saying is that all the training for sports is what makes sports players so fit. Kinda like what the person you are replying to said.
Personal value is not equal to productive.
If we go by what value we personally draw from things, then we can just do what we want.
>it's literally producing something, so it's productive
So are games like Minecraft not degenerate? As long as you're producing something in the game?
Consumers do actually need to produce something too, otherwise, why should anyone produce anything foe them?
Also, inventions don't always need to be sold to benefit everyone involved.
Very basis of innovation was not on consumerism, but rather on the efficient use of resources and manpower.
Individualism is ultimately a fairly recent thing. Most of history humans lived in tight knit communities.