Why exactly is racism bad?
Outside of the fact it hurts the discriminated person's feelings, why is racism bad?
Why exactly is racism bad?
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because racist spics like myself can't pretend we are white anymore and will have to identify with our own countries and culture.
It's bigoted :)
You can't get enriched in a racist country dumb goy
But why is intolerence and prejudice bad?
Why is that a bad thing, to not be culturally enriched? Racist white populations have flourished, look at where we're at right now.
We need good music and food dumb goy
We need good music/food dumb goy. Oh and we need cheap labor for free trade!
Need? How come white people are still alive then without those foods, how come we have had such great progress and stuff living off of our "bad" food?
I hate that word! I hate africans and arabs with a passion. Even the christian immigrants rapes and robs people here. I wish hitler was alive.
How will you achieve cheap labor without racism? If we treat (black) people as equal, they will want to earn the same as whites. This makes the labor more expensive than without racism.
Because people are varied within race and it's best to judge them on their individual merit. You can be a race realist, and its probably a smart idea to do things like lock your car doors when your driving through the ghetto and affirmative action hires are the devil, but being an actual racist isn't that logical. It makes no sense to turn down a minority from a job when they have a legitimate degree from an accredited college with projects and a good interview to back them up. Barring sales to potential customers because of their race is pure idiocy in a capitalist society.
Food and music its not a reason to import millions of horny arabs and african niggers. Maybe we should enrich them?
There isn't anything wrong with racism. Race is an indicator just like any other human attribute. Sometimes its appropriate to discriminate based upon race, sometimes it isn't.
you should be racist when:
>deciding where to live
>deciding where to send your kids
>deciding who to marry
you shouldn't be racist when
>deciding who to hire
>deciding who to be friends with
>decided who to argue with
It's bigoted :)
Yes, but outside of purely economic decisions, being colorblind is a horrible idea. No sane white man would move to nigger ghetto, or send their kids to a majority spic school.
Circular reasoning. Get out.
You don't know what you're missing whitey
By bringing in more undocumented migrants
Stop being a hateful bigot please. Your new migrants won't feel welcomed
I know smart blacks who turn into dumb aggressive cunts when in larger groups. Whites in general try to reason before getting aggressive.
You can indeed judge them individually, but you shouldn't forget to judge them in a group.
However, reasonable argument.
>stop being a bigot by telling people in a bigoted way
Blacks tend to get agressive sooner. Try arguing with a white man and a black man on the street, and see who attacks you first.
Obviously, but at the same time it makes no sense for someone to be shitting their pants if a nice educated black family moves into the suburbs next door, and they should be shitting their pants just as much if they end up in a meth ridden trailer park as they would if they ended up in the ghetto. Bad people exist in all races and it's not a good idea to have your kids around poor drug addicts, not just necessarily black people or latinos.
You can have them! I bet you love to watch your with getting fucked by a slimy bbc, then do a cuckold cleanup by eating nigger seemen out of her pussy
"Hate crime" is a legal catch phrase to further white hatred, as are other Marxist words like "racism, xenophobe, white privilege, white flight, gentrification, white supremacy" etc; the goal is to demonize whites, make them self-hate thus submissive to racial replacement.
Just notice how whites are conditioned to be more scared of being called a "racist" then protecting themselves from foreign invasion; you have to brainwash a race to give away their lands, resources and sense of self-worth.
1. I eat foreign foods almost daily, this thread is purely hypothetical. I don't discriminate. I'm only trying to find a good reason why it is bad to be racist.
2. Who also demand the same wages as us? That doesn't work. (Plus: if we pay them less, they will take our jobs)
No no no. You have to take them and be happy about it.
I don't know why you're so scared of enrichment
I was talking more about online arguments where you are not in physical proximity to your interlocutor.
Then you may be right. I don't think i have much experience in online arguing with blacks, or people in general.
You have to have the food prepared in the traditional way or it's not authentic.
They aren't stealing your jobs, they're just doing the jobs you don't want to do. Also you owe them those jobs for a thousand years of oppression
The ruling class, through massive propaganda in media and 'education' is biologically engineering human beings to be less-intelligent, in order to make them more manageable in the future. American Blacks have an average IQ of 85. American Whites have an average IQ of 100. The ruling class needs a relatively dumb population that's easy to manipulate. The ruling class (mostly Jews) have consolidated the media in ownership and message down to 6 corporations. If you promote Blacks as the group to admire, imitate and be with, you'll get a White population acting dumber than they actually are in order to 'fit in'. You'll get a White population who is encouraged to mate with and have offspring to low-IQ Blacks to "overcome racism", which, in turn, creates a future that's less-White, less-intelligent, less-innovative and easier to manipulate/control. Cultural marxism orchestrated by satanic jews. The NWO wants the entire world to be inbred, autistic, poor mongrels so they won't fight back when or we orwellian laws become legally implemented. 'Diversity' means they are atomized and incapable of collective resistance.
We got mankind to the moon, they are setting the world back 2000 years and setting up remaining humans as slaves to jews ruling from their precious temple.
Black neighbors are definitely a problem. I don't care how smart they are. In less than 2 generations that innocent black family will devolve into a pack of niggers. It's scientifically proven.
IQ always regresses toward the racial mean. It's not true that smart people give birth to smart children. Your IQ is not determined by your parent's IQ but by your race. That means Jamal and Ledasha's son will have about the same IQ as Thomas Sowell and Brittney Exline's son: 85 IQ, give or take 5 IQ, right smack dab in the "violent IQ" range. Compare this to the average IQ of whites: 100, which is a generous 10 points above the violent IQ range.
I have not oppressed anyone, let alone for a thousand years. They take the jobs where we pay them less than their white counterparts, because its cheaper for the employer.
It normalizing Unfair Treatment.
I define racism as believing your race is superior to others while being discriminatory towards inferior races.
i see claims of superiority as baseless conclusions founded on a faulty interpretation of data.
So accepting racism is accepting bad reasons to treat other people poorly.
everyone is 1 step away from being exploited for not being the "superior" class.
A good 5% of Sup Forums is niggers. I'm sure you've had some arguments with some unbelievably stupid people here.
Surely you can't look at the state of Africa and say that all races are equal...
"The ruling class" doesn't breed with blacks themselves then? Only with other members? Then that is inbreeding.
Do you have any proper proof to back this claim up? I have a counterargument: DNA. Your IQ is greatly influenced by your DNA. And your DNA comes from your parents.
If blacks with a high IQ make kids (with a high chance of having a high IQ, because of their genes), who spend time with other high IQ people (black and/or white) they will have a high IQ too.
I didn't ask why accepting racism is bad, i asked why racism in itself is bad.
Every prejudice is based on some thruth.
Also this Furthermore you only give a definition of racism, which is no argument.
Pol has convinced me that genetics undoubtedly play a part in our behavior saying race is a myth is absurd. Our environments and conditioning also make us who we are. There are too many people of all races that don't quite fit their stereotype to judge individuals by race.
I post on pol and I'm not a racist.
Oh look, it's literally not an argument
I look at different groups and try to see what lead them to be that way.
so if i find an tiny island with tiny elephants, i can figure out through the food availability, total land they roam, and fossil records that they became a certain way because of their environment and cultural decisions. But on a Genetic level they arent significantly different from Elephants on the main continent.
And even if there were some unique differences, it wouldnt have me treat them any different.
maybe a better example could be those cats that dont have front paws. i wouldnt step on them but pet normal cats. I'd try to treat them the same.
Can I get a source on that?
Africa has more resources, a much better climate for us humans, however it was the white man that flourishes in the not so resourceful north. Lots of african groups still live in huts and tribes.
They had just as much chances, probably even better chances than us.
Anyway your message doesn't contain an argument against racism.
>Every prejudice is based on some thruth
Every prejudice?
>Furthermore you only give a definition of racism
my argument is that if you have an Unequal system predicated on misinterpreting information, then you risk oppressing people for no good reason. Oppressing a people that might include you, or some other group that is convenient for whoever is in power.
i feel like there is a really good example that i completely forgot that would perfectly explain why it is good to have a consistent system for all people and not just some, but fuck, i cant remember it.
Right, that's a list of average IQ by country. I want to see proof that individual IQ for a family of particularly high IQ is guaranteed to regress to the mean of their racial group, rather than following the pattern of what their genes have produced thus far.
It does have a history of being utilized for scapegoating and as the pretense for war.
Why is Racism literally worse than murder and hell?
Also, is Hitler supposed to be worse than Satan now?
Yeah i know, i didn't get that part either.
>Africa has more resources, a much better climate for us humans, however it was the white man that flourishes in the not so resourceful north
so what might be good for Living might not be whats good for Developing the skills of a culture or promoting the smartest of the tribe to the top.
If its warm all the time and animals are all over the place to eat, then houses are easy and food is easy.
if you are in the north, you need to build better houses, you need to move around since animals are more scare and the weather changes. groups need to stay together or die from the cold. you get people that are better are solving problems because they face harder problem. you get stronger people because the weak die. you get communities that are more robust since they are in constant communication.
people in the south might have tons of resources, but they dont need as many resources to get by. so they have no need to exploit them.
its like saying how come every Rich kid doesnt become a PHD in XYX Field when they have all the time and resources to pursue it. Well the reason could be that they simply dont need to, since they already have enough resources to get by doing less.
but if you boil it down, there isnt a significant difference between people in the north and south. Throw some Africans into Siberia, wait a generation or two and you might see their phenotype change.
It only came to a war when the racism wasn't accepted by the discriminated party, when people wanted to get rid of the racism.
Having a scapegoat is good for the moral of the ones using the scapegoat.
It isnt, unless you wanna be a good goy
It's not bad.
You realize the whole point of the scapegoat is to ignore the real problems and blame someone else right? Aka not dealing with the problem? How is that good.
And that racial tension has no positive benefit, on the country level, why would it on the international level?
And i mean i'm a Sup Forums user lets be real here, i'm talking legit racism here like a vitriolic, core hatred of someone for no reason other than the color of their skin, don't get it 2bh.
If your theory about the races being essentially equal is true, then we should be able to swap the population of, say, France and Ethiopia, and, barring the initial adjustment, the culture/economy/politics of each country should remain relatively the same.
Come on man. You don't really believe this. Isn't it about time you start questioning what they taught you in your government-funded school?
Because it's associated with extreme things like slavery and genocide. If you are racist, it means you literally wish death and rape upon all people of color in the world. Why are you so evil?
>Why exactly is racism bad?
Because treating people worse than you on the basis of things beyond their control makes you an asshole?
If that were the reason, liberals wouldn't deny racism against white people.
GTFO the EU we don't want you.
And about the argument: Why is it bad that you hate someone? You obviously have some light hatred towards racists. Are you evil too? Aren't we all evil?
It's not bad, all Whites shoukd be racist.
But also, I always defeat leftists by calling them racist. Whether it be calling them islamaphobic for backing Hillary, whom has the blood of Muslims from places like Libya and Syria on her hands. Or racist for backing her husband when he deported 12.5 million immigrants etc.... it's fun beating them with their own game.
Hating people who do bad things is good.
Well the thing is that liberals are racist too. They purposefully try to keep minorities down and then act like they're their only hope so they can exploit their vote. So instead of being outward with their hatred it's more of a "you're X so you can't possibly amount to anything unless I explicitly let you do it. You better worship the ground I walk on for being so kind to you." It's a switch from blind hatred of the perceived inferior to using them as pets. Either way you still see them as inferior and it's still pretty fucked up.
Not all liberals think this way, but the old ones in power like the Clinton's definitely do.
WW2, so white men have to perish.
Because racism is bias, and much like everything else that's not based in reality, acting off of it produces counterproductive policies and hurts innocent people without good reason.
Racial profiling is not the same as racism, BTW. Neither is nationalism or rejection of a particular foreign culture. This is just the far left's tendency to render terms useless in the name of denying counter-arguments at play.
Liberals define racism. They don't have to worry about their own hypocrisy.
> barring the initial adjustment, the culture/economy/politics of each country should remain relatively the same.
i hope im understanding this, but are you saying that if we just swapped people that you think i think they would be the same...
id dont know much about Ethiopia (im just going to imagine poor people in huts), but ill guess they have a different culture, standard of living, level of nutrition and medical care.
if you took a bunch of french people and threw them into africa they would work towards getting back what they had. And they would have years of education and higher functioning brains from better nutrition, healthcare, and mental stimulation. they'd have an easy time adapting or just getting out of there.
ethiopians in france, idk what they would do. if they woke up in a nice house in a beautiful town with paved roads and a fridge full of food, all their needs would be met instantly. But if they grew up there with the same education, nutrition, absorbed the local culture/norms with all the bells and whistles of the region, i think there wouldnt be much of a difference between people.
i generally think that if you take a group of people and put them through hardship, they either die or come up with solutions. the more struggle they face the better they get. but this goes for all people, since there isnt a significant enough difference for it to matter.
Europe lead the world in ridding it of slavery, while being intensely racist.
Multiculturalism leads to genocide, without overwhelming dominance by one culture in a nation you beget ethnic cleansing. Upto a few percent is cute, after that they become annoying, after that they become the enemy.
Dysgenic races with highly identifiable genotypes (blacks) will generally adopt their own culture for a sense of identity in a world they don't fit in, it's very hard to mix a high percentage of blacks among whites without multiculturalism (if we could genetically engineer them to have average IQ it would be different).
Racism is good. Im dutch indo and plan on only marrying a mixed girl.
I will not contaminate
PS. without jews it would also be much easier to fit blacks in with whites, jews massively amplify blacks genetic disadvantages with their academic and political influence.
We might very well be able to uplift a high percentage of blacks in society without jews fucking it up, hard to say at this point.
>Multiculturalism leads to genocide
Because the host culture (white) isn't tolerant enough. Remember, it's never the people of color's fault.
To a liberal it also means everything you say is wrong
Because racists are wrong
And you are a racist
So you are wrong
Because we said so
Fuck you
"Race" as a concept is debunked by the very existence of the Netherlands. You guys literally push back the oceans to avoid uniting with Germany, even though Tacitus described you all as the same, 2000 years ago. If you two can't integrate, what reason is there to call an Englishman and a Russian the same group?
I'm pragmatic when it comes to this issue, here's why:
1. in-group sticking together against the out-group is human nature
2. so-called racism is a symptom of failed policies that does not acknowledge the above truth, even moreso when r-selected subhumans clash against native K-selected masterrace
3. there's a reason we have discrete countries with clear-cut borders, ideologies and preferences, that is what makes us rich both materially and culturally, however mixing aliens never ends well
it's not