No matter how many retarded protests arise against this fact, we shall stand strong.
Enjoy fighting the religicucks that frequent our intellectually superior board.
Enjoy watching them squirm in pain as they get absolutely Butt hurt.
Enjoy laughing at their pathetic attempts at indoctrinating our superior selves.
If they want a parent figure so much then let us be their new new masters.
Daily reminder that Sup Forums is an Atheist Board
Not only you fedora tippers are small, loud minority in Sup Forums, you're also fastest shrinking religion in real life. Not only that, you we're small minority before your numbers started getting lower.
How does it feel to be pathetic?
Laugh brothers! Laugh because the monkey as spoken!
How does it feel to be proud of your ignorance?
>fight the jew
>christianity is the greatest historical enemy of the jew
>let's fight christianity
You have learned nothing, newfag.
daily reminder that naturalism is in itself a contradiction
there is no natural means for creating the universe
Dawkins is "culturally Christian" and he's been getting shit on by SJW's for no reason.
>Implying that there are no other religions besides Christcuckery and Jewellery.
You have learned nothing monkey, go back to your cave.
That's not an argument against what I said.
It is unavoidable to be shaped by the culture that you were born in, even if that culture is highly influenced by religion.
Dawkins is an atheist all the way.
All religions are my enemies.
Do you like it like this better?
Your inter-religious quarrels are mere comedy to me.
You're just doing the kikes' job for them, you fucking anglo.
Modern atheism was a Jewish invention to destroy Christianity and the western civilization.
Jesus, that's some strong cringe
You are trying too hard.
Accept your new master and good crops shall come to you monkey.
Daily reminder that Atheist Alliance is literally fighting to force refugees into the west
>being this cucked and liberal
That is their quarrels. I have no agreement with their bullshit way of thinking.
Daily reminder that most religions wish for the apocalypse, if it happens you will die too.
not a religion tho
Despite not being atheist, I can say that they are my brothers in faith.
Sup Forums is the Sup Forums detention centre for stormfront refugees
you're literally a minority on this board as well as the planet
Psalms 34:8 Taste and see that the LORD is good. Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in him!
>see that the LORD is good
Or he will throw a bitchfit, hehehe.
it gets me every time