Brit/pol/ - Karen edition

Andy Murray wins bellend of the year award for his astonishingly charismatic personality because everything's better in Scotland.

>Tories considering forcing all public officials to swear an oath to Democracy™, Tolerance™ & Equality™

>Peer gets BTFO with a £5,000 fine and a possible 45 days in jail because of a dispute over an 80p rail fare

>Revenge of the Blairite Brother: David Miliband attacks Ed for keeping us out of Syria in 2013

>Morality on Sunday - Aleppo, Muslims Like Us, Green Energy and Police

>SNP: "If the United Kingdom doesn't stay in the single market, we will"

>"We Want Tony" - Media claims that Corbyn "walked out" of a Labour Christmas party after Blairite MPs started singing 'Things Can Only Get Better'

>Brexit stole Christmas, claim Lib Dems

Other urls found in this thread:

First for karenposting

Best edition

>bellend of the year award

5th for Wales is best country in the UK

Autism Edition


can we get a / edition soon?

NI > Scotland > Wales > England

Brit/pol/ Kosher Edition

Nige looked very very greasy on Fox & Friends this morning.

Wales=England>>Norn>>>>>>Scuckland desu

Also, Russians OUT

England>Wale=NI>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>literal dogshit>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Scotland

For the Belgian lad in the old thread:

Wales > Englel > Irish > Cuckland

Anyone who disagrees is an utter poofter and should fuck off.


Remove Poles

England & Wales > NI >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Scotland

>Wales anything other than Britain's appendix



>tfw too intelligent to take Brits seriously

Also ask an American vacationing in London anything I guess.

Preach it.

Independent Kingdom of England and Wales when?

looks about right tbqhwy

Why London? It's the worst place in the UK.

Your daily reminder that Muslims are not the greatest threat to the UK.
SNP voters are. They will tear this country in two, shit all over themselves and then spill into England.
Vote to undo Scottish devolution before it's too late!

Could have just gone to Detroit


Why did you chose to visit the worst part of the country?
Wales is poor and England is over run with Paki rape gangs, you will be getting rid of the best parts.

Why would you take a trip to England and visit the Caliphate? Venture out into somewhere with actual English people and it'll be a lot better.

Have fun in M&Ms World, tubby

You use weapons in your country to solve your conflicts, English society looks more intelligent.

Have you got to the point that the only way to get women is to continue to stuff you're lardarse face so much that they orbit you?

Didn't even see that tbqh, damn colour blindness.

Dw I know Cornwall is just a county. Anyone who says otherwise is an Englishman LARPing as a Celt.

The "Conservatives" are.
Without Westminster permission (which Cameron set a precedent of sorts by granting once before, and which May has already conditionally offered again.) the SNP are powerless to call another referendum as anything but a consultation, and even that would get clogged up in the courts over whether they've got the right to take what is in effect an official opinion poll instead of a binding vote. (Holyrood can't legislate on the constitution, but technically speaking they may be able to legislate for a non-binding referendum to build pressure, this was their plan in 2011 but the Edinburgh-Agreement headed off any conflict.)

Why didn't you go to Scotland?
>98% white
>Friendly locals
>Good food (seriously)
>Beautiful countryside
>Fantastic heritage
>Clean and safe cities (if you ignore Glasgow and Dundee)
Politics aside Scotland is the best part of the United kingdom, this can be proven by England getting better and better the further from London you get, although if you go past Inverness you've gone too far.

(reminder that SNP will tear this country in two and shit on the remains)


>Brit minority London
>Tartan communist Scotland
>Pro-EU IRA Northern Ireland
>Best parts

Nigga u cray

>Nothern accent

Yeah in Sup Forums terms but in the real world it's got the most shit to do and see and I'm with normalfag family so that's all that matters.

Because Scottish people are a meme. English are too but not as bad.

>losing land to the scotcucks and norns
Nah m8. We kick the scots out, send them to syria maybe, then annex the whole country into England and rename all the counties to proper English names. Those who approve of the union in NI will be allowed to stay, but the rest are being shipped off to syria with the scots. Then we annex the entirety of Ireland, give it to the Welsh, and finally we'll have the United Kingdom of England and Wales where both countries can actually contribute to the country instead of now where Wales is a net loss.

Annex Ireland also, it will be funny like potato.

>Wales > Englel

>Leave 53.4%
>Remain 46.6%
>Turnout: 73.0%

>Leave 52.5%
>Remain 47.5%
>Turnout: 71.7%


You dumb pikey go to the Cotswolds or something

Repeat after me britons.

>Jews are horrible people
>The holocaust didn't happen
>Israel rightfully belongs under the English crown or as the independent christian state of Jerusalem

Yes but Wales was a large net beneficiary of EU funding, so that makes all the difference imo. Plus lets not forget Wales is 96% white.

>Isle of Man TT
Nice edition mang

Don't worry Ivan, this plan will come into action in 2033 when the Scots team up with the remnants of the EU in Brussels to drag us back into the EU eventhough it's just Belgium, Germany, and Turkey left in it. The resulting conflict will escalate to the use of nukes within weeks, but fortunately for us the Germans have been raped and replaced by arabs so their missiles are shit, miss England, and hit the potato niggers. Ireland will be an irradiated wasteland when we carry out the annexing of Scotland and NI

The Cotswolds is the most English and most beautiful part of this country, I love living here.

Cucktland's 96% white too big deal, plus Wales has even less of a population their votes mattered even less than scotcucks.

Bah, Crusader, we know that your arrows are but a trick.
But we, the students of Mohammed have discovered your gunpowder!



It's a funny story, Ahmed.

Are they actually firing shells out of that? Or is that damage all caused by a regular cannonball?

>t. 87% white

t. England's most irrelevant county

Reminder that anti-Welsh posters are pakis
Reminder that anti-English posters are welfare scots

>British Cycling found its former technical director Shane Sutton guilty of using sexist language towards cyclist Jess Varnish - despite clearing him of eight of nine charges against him, BBC Sport can reveal.

'Sexist language' included:
>saying "go and have a baby"
>saying "Sheilas"
>daring to question a womans' body weight (pretty fucking important in Olympic training)
>saying women are difficult (proven by the nonsense case)

I'm not from NI tho senpai

>saying 'bird'

can someone post a link tot he full anti semitism law

>holiday in London

They're on the flag.

What the fuck is wrong with scotland anyway? Why are they determined to be cucks?


Not an argument is also not an argument

This Brexit statement is very very low energy.

>ordered my parents gift on Amazon
>tfw it won't arrive if my particular postal workers go on strike

Their entire history is getting raped by superior civilisations
First Vikings, then Romans, then English

The Scottish identity is fundamentally
>complain about the English
>pretend a Mel Gibson movie is a historical documentary
>vegetate in heroin and alcohol induced comas, waking only to buy chips or vote for people named after fish

Corbyn was so boring that Sky News cut away from his speech.

They are a different country with a different national identity, and have essentially voted separately from the rest of the country since universal suffrage.

First they voted unionist to protect them from Labour socialists who'd centralize power in London
Then they voted Labour because the unionists merged with the tories in one of the worst political decisions in history, starting a steady decline until their implosion under Thatcher.
Then they voted SNP because Labour in Scotland had become fat and lazy, with most Labour politicians in Scotland aspiring to nothing more than to get on a plane to London.

This has been made much easier by the fact many of the bonds of Britishness have been destroyed by the Thatcher-Major-Blair administrations, both through explicitly economic means and through econo-cultural means like immigration (Scotland doesn't have the same immigration problem as England, leading to divergence, for example.)

Just got called racist at GCHQ lads

US President-elect Donald Trump on Friday (16 December) reiterated his promise to build "safe zones" in war-torn Syria to present them as a way to stem the tide of civilians into Europe. But President Barack Obama said the idea would be a tough challenge to enforce because of Russia and Iran.

"We're going to try and patch that up and we're going to try and help people," Trump told his supporters during a rally in Florida. "We're going to build safe zones. We're going to get the Gulf States to pay for the safe zones."


Who dared? Bite his hand

Ah shit, forgot about the strike. Been sat in all day waiting for a delivery and they haven't been (despite it saying it's out for delivery), are they mugging me off?

tell us what happened lad

How many fucking Karen editions have we had? Wish that smug little cartoon shit would piss away off.

The whole post office isn't on strike just a small number of them.

I should add that this is a sort of "subconscious narrative" to the proceedings. Obviously lots of Scots believe they're much more left-wing, and Labour's dominance of the political culture for long enough steered the situation that way, but that's something more surface-level. (Most Scots have similarly "right wing" views to the rest of the UK, which isn't surprising given the press is almost all UK owned, they get the UK-wide BBC news before their own half-hour "And today a man in Ullapool found a lost cat..." a thon.)

Almost got into a crash outside GCHQ this morning. Was driving back from work and some cunt pulled out a side lane while I was doing 40 past the junction. If it wasn't for my spidey senses and the fact the lane to my right clear, I'd have smashed into his drivers side door and turned him into dog food. Honked my horn at him, so I'm sure he understood the full extent of my rage.

>tfw you don't live in Bath

Memes are funnier stop making sense

>tfw too intelligent to be right-wing

Britcucks. The only absolute joke in Europe. Got invaded by everyone during ancient and medieval times, later lost their most valuable colony to an idiot general with a peasant army, and their second most valuable colony to a starved pooloo who defeated the Brits with frowns and sitting down.

Later had to beg their former colony for help in WW1
Later had to beg their former colony for help in WW2
>honk honk rule brittania

Joke country situated on a clown island.


The state of these threads

> I'm going to asda m8's....anyone want anyfink?

Can't we do both?

>reeeee people will give that bait post (You)s

Bath is a shithole.

This white blond girl no longer represents the majority of Britain. FIX IT


Name somewhere in England you like. A city.

Are you that KGB agent that snuck into London and poisoned Litvinvenko?

The thing is, you faggots will be pleased with your self declared "victory" for the disgusting fetish of cartoon paedophilla, you will feel accepted because you have come together with the other sick fucks of this board and united against the voice of decency.

But then in about 16-18 hours time you will have to turn off your computers and move your considerable weight down to the job centre. You will of course still be claiming you sickening victories via your mobile phones and then the half drunk chav sitting next to you in the dole office will spot your image folder as you're scrolling through your collection to find the most apt paedophillic cartoon to match the tone of your post.

You will hear him mutter to his equally drunk, probably high mate

"this sick fuck next to me is looking at cartoon porn"

You will realise then that even those who society deams the worst of us, junkie dole heads, have someone even they can look down on

the anime posters of Brit/pol/

Top fucking kek

>tfw too intelligent to be intelligent


>smug little cartoon shit

get us a 2 pint of whole milk, I think the one I'm drinking is a little bit off and while I'm definitely still going to drink it, I do feel a bit uneasy about it and that maybe I'll regret it when I shit my guts out later. cheers lad, I'll get a quid for you when you get back