Until about 20 years ago, tattoos were still considered to be the preserve of degenerates, criminals and hedonistic rockstars.
Now, almost all western youths are buying into the tattoo meme
Why did the Jews push tattoos so much?
Until about 20 years ago, tattoos were still considered to be the preserve of degenerates, criminals and hedonistic rockstars.
Now, almost all western youths are buying into the tattoo meme
Why did the Jews push tattoos so much?
Century of the Self on youtube.
>Ima special snowflake and my tats have meaning
keeps them out of heaven
Tattoos have become so ubiquitous that today's youths aren't interested in them. Growing up and seeing their moms and grandmas with tattoos is a surefire way to make kids think something's uncool.
Scarification is what will be big with the next generation.
just over the last couple of years neck tattoos have come into fashion. nothing makes you look like a criminal more than a neck tattoo. im not a fan at all.
Maybe you're this angry because you're a childlish brat whose parents still keep control over your life decisions.
I banged a chick with a huge scarification design on her thigh last night. It was kinda brutal.
>now, almost all western youths are buying into the tattoo meme
What? No they are not.
It's because people won't be able to tell who is a criminal and who isn't anymore. The same with why they want to kill all Whites or mix them.
Come on Australia. By the way every one of you that has come to live here has tattoos like crazy. Nice one penal colony.
Tattoos and piercings are essentially a masochistic means of coping for people with personality disorders and for people experiencing external stressors.
The prevalence of tattoos will increase as the distribution of wealth continues to change, and as the societal consequences of this become more affecting.
There is nothing wrong with tattoos you roonigger. Tattoos has existed since the beginning of mankind. Nothing wrong, there's no hidden jewish tricks in the ink.
can we al agree that tatoos on thighs are the shittiest of them all? especially on females
>if your parents don't control your life this means you necessarily like tattoos
try again Rafael
>look at me , I an average person like everyone else but have too big of a ego to admit it so I let the inker do a design out of his catalog, in order for me to "express myself" and "show my uniqueness" just like one third of the population.
Tatoos are so prevalent ,tjey lost all edge.Now they are the marker of a average bluepilled normie. It has became cool NOT to have tats
You're giving them too much credit.
It's like how people started dressing like greasers when Grease came out or how people think they're mods. They see some footballer or "singer" with a tattoo and they want one because it's cool and following trends makes one socially acceptable.
It's a fad. Only in five years time, they can't just drop off their ruined skin in a charity shop.
yeah, but tatoos are not transitory as a hairstyle or a bunch of clothes
Definitely it's a trend, but it still takes a certain personality (and personality disorder) to pursue it.
its taints the blood. you cant donate blood if u have enough tattoos
To expose emotionality in the culture even more. People who are emotionally unstable feel the sudden need to express something and tattoos serve this purpose. This is a sign of the decay of an orderly and modest culture
It's been pushed as it makes people easier to identify and track.
No need to used DNA samples, finger prints or dental records.
They're way more accepted that's for sure, but i know maybe 1 or 2 people with tattoos. You're exaggerating
Saw a chick last night with two lines tattooed across her back. It pissed me off because I couldn't read it and it's clearly intended for attention.
Tattoos on thighs are literally cancer
tl;dr individualism?
b-but people are having fun!
we must fight it
>skinnyfat attentionwhore "i'm so random" roastie
goes directly into the trash