Republican members, this message is for you.
Be the heroes America needs. Vote your conscience, not what those silly voters want.
>we will rise
>we are fucked
that was quick
God damn this thread is salty and I love it
Is there a live update to who's voted and who they're voting for?
>salt on the roads
>salt on the internet
It's gonna be a great winter
270towin has a map. Nothings up yet though even though some of those people are saying Tennessee voted already
Indiana is up now.
Cool. I don't see many salt threads.
I always wonder how early man got enough sodium, and I wonder where wild animals get it from. Also, the notion that salt was so precious that some men were paid with salt, thus the term salary, is fascinating.
And the remarkable fact that we cannot live without salt, which is composed of sodium and clorine, two of the most dangerous and deadly elements there are. I personally think the medical and nutrtional warnings are not based on science; our bodies strictly regulate the amount of sodium in our blood and cells or we would get sick and die. The fascinating thing about that is that our blood sodium content is very close to that of sea water, which could be a leftover from our early days before we came onto land.
I'm really excited for this thread.
Can you shoot these people for treason? Can we still do that?
Your march is at an end, snowflake.
I'm not really up to date on the subject but I assume it was considered so precious of a resource that it was even used as a main bartering point like money is today was because of drying foods to preserve them.
I "don't" think, that "he" knows quite what "quotation marks" "mean"
The loop just got 10 years longer
keep em coming gents. these limp wristed faggots are the TRUE patriots.
>drying foods to preserve them.
that's another topic we seldom discuss. using salt or smoke to "cure" meat is amazing, as well as using various spices and sugar.
Sadly this thread is being overrun by trolls.
Replying to all these faggots.
Smoking too.
Less salt needed (if any), change flavor just by changing wood/s.
How can you do this electors.
Checked, nice thread. Keep up the good work.
>The electors dahnald.
>Mostly women are upset
Actually hilarious
they also have a duty to respect the votes that the people made
they don't have a duty to be traitors and violate the wishes of the people just because their meme candidate didn't win
Let's build a wall with all that salt.
Roman legions were paid in it. Hence 'SALary'.
>Laws put in place when the Constitution didn't have them
>Violating said laws is violating the Constitution
No, it's just exercising the electoral college's right to not vote the way they're advised to and in some states with those laws it's punishable by a fine. These people have no concept of federal law.
That thing will feel less safe with its purple-haired head on a spike.
kek, currently playing this.
If only people did what I want!
>Right side of history
I still don't even know what the fuck this is supposed to mean.
>wrong/right side of history
it's a meme
In its own way, /ck/ is more dysfunctional than Sup Forums. I'd be surprised to see a serious discussion of salt there.
Their proudest achievement in the last year or so was to start calling pizza "zah".
But back to the thread topic. I'd love to have a smokehouse, even a community one, and a larder. Nobody I know has a larder.
It's cute how it's all these special lot less people from the YouTube making public statements like that. All lined up and everything like I'm at a party with them or a video game or something.
>zomg! there's mark dice what's he saying!
>rah rah electors Trump yay
>teehee oh Newt! Wow Newt is here!
>rah rah electors swap alligator
>did he just reference the alligator rapists?
fuck Christ can you imagine if republicans were crying as much as the liberals are? MSM would be calling on them to fuck off and fall in line
>defend democracy
>by not following the democratic process that has been in place for over 200 years
sometimes I forget how fucking stupid these twitter femenists are
Is this not bribery?
>but back to my off topic discussion not about politics or news
>All these brainwashed white "women"
Many such cases!
>an icon of the ruinous powers
truly a demoncrat
no it's stupidity
>Bill Clinton was not legitimate.
A small fine of various gunshot wounds after people rebel. There's no way trying to prevent democracy could end badly.
>The fascinating thing about that is that our blood sodium content is very close to that of sea water, which could be a leftover from our early days before we came onto land.
I don't think this is true, since the salt in our blood is composed of sodium chloride while I believe the ocean salt is composed of sodium sulfate.
Here liberals just say majority is not society, they are. True democracy is when chosen ones vote only.
>>The electors dahnald.
deal me in
There's a book on the history of salt that I was interested in reading. I'd recommend it.
It's not true, modern democracy if not everyone has the ability to vote, but it is indeed better than actual democracy.
pft, if only hillary had balls...
>And for when there is Walmart does what sixteen until popcorn brings to San Jose
Get your fucking spambot off of Sup Forums
sodium and chloride are relatively benign and nonreactive bro. Your thinking of them in elemental form is misleading. Na/Cl concentrations in cells/blood vary pretty wildly, notably during action potentials.
WTF is Trendolizerâ„¢?
>notably during action potentials.
Fuck. Now I wish I hadn't dropped out in 8th grade.
The Internet equivalent of those faggots who toss bags of coupons from stores you don't shop at in your driveway every Monday.
Why do liberals love Hamilton all of the sudden?
They don't, they just want the electors to be to smart too vote for Trump.
How is it b8?
The post you responded to was the bait.
>Help us oh electoral college for thee be blesseth by the lord god for he made thee the savior of humanity, Amen.
The mental gymnastics that these people do, holy shit.
Is this the new-
>Pigs in a blanket! Fry em like bacon!
>Oh god, he just ran through the crowd with his car! Somebody call the police!
I like this one
This is a good tweet
the one on the right side of the pic is perfect. is there a vid?
I don't think I ever had a history textbook that mentioned individual electors.
>left, right, it's all the same dood. We're all fucked either way haha
Goddamn, when will this insane rethoric stop? I mean, democracy? The right's entire gripe with the left is that they have been tossing democracy out of the window at every oppertunity. Importing millions of hostile immigrants who all vote left? Check. Murdering, exiling, and proscecuting right wing politicians? Check. Openly supporting revolutionaries and terrorists? Check. Trying to ban news sources that are literally politically incorrect? Check.
And all without even an iota of democratic intervention. No votes, no referendums, no thing. And they've been doing some of this shit for decades. On top of the regular slander, such as calling everyone who doesn't agree with them "white supremacists". Well, that makes you leftist cunts commies, and I know which of those killed more people. It's the commies.
shhhhh, it's a secret
>implying the electors don't want traitor trump
I voted for trump and now I think hes a traitor but many people (including electors) still have confidence in him (which is ok) they don't automatically hate him just because you do
Fucking liberal morons
Another victim of the mainstream media shilling
The fire rises