I weep for Great Britain

England. My country. My home. The beacon of western civilization. A shining light in the darkness of the world.

We gave the world so much and now we can't even save ourselves.

Is there any hope lads? Are we doomed to wither away into nothingness like Rome before us?


Other urls found in this thread:

amazon.com/Churchill-Hitler-Unnecessary-War-Britain/dp/0307405168/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1482014437&sr=8-1&keywords=pat buchanan the unnecessary war

Hope is not lost but it is going to require people to actually start taking to the streets to make your voices heard. They will call you racist. You have to stop caring about that word. You have to care more about the future than the opinions of a bunch of cucks.

It's just depressing when the people calling you a racist, a populist and all sorts of other names are the very people you're trying to save: your fellow countrymen.

Politics and protests won't help to save Europe. We need a massive war to fix our white nations and that's the only way we can take back our countries. The elites need to be removed because they are against us.

Yeah, bantz aside we're probably done for.

Nick Griffin actually seems pretty optimistic though.

It's over for us.

Why don't you just fuck off.

Your only purpose here seems to be making everyone depressed and hate Britain.

>Politics and protests won't help to save Europe

Exactly. These are both controlled. It's why they will say "make yourself heard at the polls!" then on give you the options that benefit them.

In all honesty, I can't look at either TV or mass media without drowning in an avalanche of poz almost instantly.

I went on the BBC website the other day and the main banner photo was a British woman next to some negro being hailed in a dance competition.

Why the fuck did the eternal kraut have to pull the trigger on European civilization lads?

Nah you're fucked. But dont worry, we'll join you in hell

good riddance

I don't really blame the BBC. It makes sense to me.

It's the same with all the non-whites appearing in historical pieces.

Why wouldn't you want to have the new British believe that they're the old British, once the old British are gone?

this is all our own fault but mistakes can be corrected

Pedophile protectors and enablers; "We didn't do anything about it because it was pakis and we wanted to look politically correct."

Response "God damned political correctness, Yes that explains everything. You're free to go"

Look at all the New British.

I can't wait for them to grow up and replace us.

That is not a bad thing from foreigners to tweet at the labour party. We can't be arrested for it and the message will be seen by normies in the UK.

Red pill time!

There will be no mass exterminations.

There will be no mass deportations.

There will be no native baby boom.

It is over.

*I meant the text in the OP image.

why did that fat cowardly spastic with downs, churchill decide to help uncy joe and da joos destroy the entire continent?

Fuck that, they're going into the firepit too

The 2nd wouldn't have happened without the 1st.

>being THIS uninformed about the world

Next you'll tell me jesus was a Jew and Israel is our greatest ally, right?



It's true

You really think there will be mass exterminations or mass deportations? Never happening.

Maximum bluepill.

Shove them all in the crematory, who cares about the lethal injection when you have to burn their bodies anyway?

>being this hopeless
i get the feeling this defeating is why we're here in the first place britian.
There are ways of fixing it.
that don't involve mass exterminations
have some creativity


National Socialism was a product of German defeat in WW1 (Versailles) and the Weimar era.

To point to the end of a chain of events (WW2) and claim it was the beginning of the end is max bluepill.

You think Germany was at fault for WW1 bro.

churchill was one of the biggest fucktards of the last 100 years. yet for some reason the dopey brits revere him as a god, despite almost single handedly destroying what was left of your empire by forcing a war against a nation which historical documents show were desperate to avoid one. Then gives up land of your supposed alies to the communists, then whinge about it. face it, this guy was a total joke, obese, bankrupt, a coward, a complete loser. A true british hero or what? and you wonder why your society is circling the drain

>There are ways of fixing it.

There's three ().

None of them will happen.

There will be no great uprising in Europe. Any attempt will be beaten down savagely and quickly. National Action didn't even get 100 members before they were destroyed, then within the week Muslims can march one-thousand strong demanding a caliphate of Britain.

You can't beat a system that does that. It's the end. And the narrative wheels keep spinning even on Sup Forums. I look forward to the day I hear someone say "if we didn't fight in World War Two we'd be speaking German now!" in Arabic rather than English.

And say a single Patriotic European country does rise up, you watch and see how fast they are beaten down and countless natives are killed, with more immigrants thrown in to the ruins to replace them.

And on the off-change the entirety of Europe does so at once? America will invade and fun the "rebels".

There are no options other than to hope it happens without too much bloodshed, which is probably what the politicians are hoping for as well.

cheer up, the majority is on our side, they just keep it quiet

the austrians only made the ultimatum to serbia after getting the OK from the germans. then the germans invaded belgium.

this vid fills me with such sadness


Absolutely. The German foreign minister with the support of the Kaiser expressly pressured Austria-Hungary to turn the July Crisis into a full scale war. Germany refused to guarantee Belgian neutrality. It was Germany post-Bismarck that dismantled Bismarcks web of alliances that prevented a major conflict from breaking out. Germany was the first to declare war on another major European nation.

Learn about these things instead of shilling because you think nazis looked cool.

Only because we have an ageing population. The coming generations (who we should really be concerned about, not pure 1-1 numbers) are all against us.

And let's just, for the sake of argument, let's say you're right. There's no way for them to speak up without losing their head.

Why wouldn't you hate Britain? This country in 2016 is absolute cancer.

We send people to prison for tweeting. Its now illegal to deny any aspect of the holocaust.

Fuck this disgusting country and its sheeplike population who are too glued to their TV screens to see what is happening around them.

Once the over 60's die off we are in for absolute hell on earth. They are the only remotely nationalistic/right wing group in this country.

I'm not German but I really recommend watching this documentary, otherwise you won't understand around 30% of the posts on this board.

>Germany was the first to declare war on another major European nation.

Russia declared general mobilisation against Germany first. This is what forced Germany's hand.

King of Cucks, Nicholas II and his disastrous decisions are more to blame than Wilhelm II.

>a populist

Doesn't that refer to the leader who's trying to be popular? If it's just members of the public who want their leaders to do things that they see as beneficial, that's a pretty pointless term.

Why is being a populist leader a bad thing? Isn't the point of a democratic republic that the government can't just do whatever it wants and tell the public to deal with it without being punished by the system? What we're seeing here is that democratic republics can actually function as intended.

Are they only in favor of the government being beholden to the will of the people until the will of the people no longer aligns with what THEY want? I'm pretty sure that there's a good word for people who betray their principles according to their own convenience. What was that again? Oh right, I believe that the word was "hypocrite".

>Hitler was a populist!

Godwin's Law is looked down upon for good reason. It allows people to dismiss ideas without actually fleshing out why people should be against it. Not to mention that people who invoke it generally don't know shit about either Nazi Germany or what's actually going on in whatever situation they're discussing.

>There's no way for them to speak up without losing their head.
true, but the pressure is building

how do those numbers look if you remove immigrants/shitskins?

how do we test the validity of the poll?

> The coming generations (who we should really be concerned about, not pure 1-1 numbers) are all against us.
even the most cucked generation on your chart is 27% with us

did you see that phone poll on some faggy show with owen cuck? 95% said multiculturalism has failed and immigration needs to be stopped

Actually m8 Germany intended to declare war even if their demand for Russian to demobilize was obeyed. Germany had already mobilized as had Austria-Hungary. Germany had pressured AH to escalate the July Crisis weeks before Russia did anything.

Read some fucking books you nonce.

Nice Jack reference, Boss! Reminder he literally did nothing wrong!

Our only hope is a modern version of this, that is some how able to promote British nationalism and unify our divided multicultural society and remove all who place Race, Religion or another Country above the pursuit of a Great Britain.


I disagree in the strongest possible terms.

>they wuz gonna invade everybody anyway

Okay. I'm convinced.

>we gave the world so much
>fights Hitler
fuck off Anglo

>did you see that phone poll on some faggy show with owen cuck? 95% said multiculturalism has failed and immigration needs to be stopped

So what? Please name me a single party with a chance of ever winning who will enforce mass deportations or put in place policies to stop the impending minority status and replacement of the native White British in their own country.

Its not going to happen. It doesn't matter if you stop all immigration its too late, the demographic chance is already happening through the ageing White population and high non-white birthrates.

Unless they are physically removed we are finished in the next few decades, and no political party or civil service, or police or army is ever going to remove them.

Wake up. Its over.

>remove immigrants/shitskins?

You can't so why even think about it? There are not going to be death camps, mass-exterminations or deportations. They are not the ones going anywhere - we are.

This isn't like when the left say "this is how it is without white people" because the non-whites aren't going anywhere, so they are correct to cast a projection based on no whites since we're the ones vanishing.

>even the most cucked generation on your chart is 27% with us

Don't worry, they'll come around and by the time they reach the next age bracket it will drop down to 15% or so.

> 95% said multiculturalism has failed
Yes. It has. But they're here now and they have government backing so why even bother debating whether it's failed or not when the situation is that we have it in the first place (until eventually Islam takes over and we're mono-cultural again).

>and immigration needs to be stopped
It might NEED to be, but it wont. And even if it does the new British are the ones that are breeding, so whether we stop immigration (we wont) from the third world or not doesn't even matter.

>thinking Democracy will exist in the future

Think bigger.

Fuck off ARYAN.

Hitler worshipped MOLOCH.

>Amid the excitement of the election the exultant columns of the National Socialist Party filed past their leader in the pagan homage of a torchlight procession through the streets of Berlin. It had been a long struggle, difficult for foreigners, especially those who had not known the pangs of defeat, to comprehend. Adolf Hitler had at last arrived. But he was not alone. He had called from the depths of defeat the dark and savage furies latent in the most numerous, most serviceable, ruthless, contradictory, and ill-starred race in Europe. He had conjured up the fearful idol of an all-devouring Moloch of which he was the priest and incarnation. It is not within my scope to describe the inconceivable brutality and villainy by which this apparatus of hatred and tyranny had been fashioned and was now to be perfected. It is necessary, for the purpose of this account, only to present to the reader the new and fearful fact which had broken upon the still unwitting world: GERMANY UNDER HITLER, AND GERMANY ARMING.

I was thinking about how it would be possible to fix this. I don't think it can be done, barring genocide or mass deportation (which is now impossible, it's most certainly reached critical mass). The only viable alternative is to partition off parts of the country most effected (London and it's like) and declare them new countries, then plan ahead for several generations and when it becomes Mad Max tier, invade them and reclaim the land.

>Our only hope is a modern version of this

It will be instantly banned and liquidated. Just like National Action was before they even got 100 members.

Or rallied against until no one even bothers to join in the first place, like the BNP.

Why would the media, government, and police, ever allow for even a tiny group of such a kind to exist?

Yeah we should have surrendered to germany and let them dismantle our nation, how dare the ETERNAL ANGLO defend themselves

Just memeing tbvqh. He could have been worse a la HH Holmes.

>Hitler worshipped MOLOCH.

According to fucking Churchill. Hitler gave the Halt Order at Dunkirk. He could've destroyed our entire forces but he let them go because he didn't want a war with Britain and how does Churchill repay him? By supporting Communism and implying Hitler worships a Babylonian God of child sacrifice.

Churchill signed the Atlanic Charter while Hitler wanted the British Empire to continue. Hitler was literally more of a friend to us than Churchill was.

Islamic death squads who are allowed to function while the government, police, and media turn a blind eye? I mean, they've already allowed Rotherham and many other places to occur, and it's really not an issue to them if it's thousands of girls getting raped or hundreds of men getting killed (women will be raped and put in to sexual slavery, children will be converted via adoption, as what is stated to do in the Koran).

>Wake up. Its over.
that's just what the kikes want us to think

you aren't a kike are you?

>You can't so why even think about it?
well that's where you are wrong kiddo

don't forget the predicted civil war in europe that starts around 2020

>and let them dismantle our nation

Can you honestly say that you'd rather what is happening now rather than what we allegedly fought against?

I don't. I'd rather us be "speaking German right now!" than on the road to speaking Arabic.

No I'm not a fucking kike, I just have a brain and eyes and can see that the only way to solve this is by physically removing the segment of our population who are going to replace us, and nobody is ever going to do that. Nor would it even be possible anymore with the huge numbers of them.

The only possible solutions are putting in place policies to keep the remaining 90% White British areas of the country, 90%+ White British. Ethnostates within the state.

>that's just what the kikes want us to think

Newsflash: it's not the Jews having the kids, planting the bombs, raping our women, taking our place. You can make an argument that "the Jews let them in!" but what does that even matter now they're here?

>don't forget the predicted civil war in europe that starts around 2020

Bullshit. And even if it did occur what makes you think you'll be the good side to the international establishment, and be aided by the world. Get the fuck out. We'd be the evil whities killing those poor minorities again, so in comes American guns and vehicles to kill all those who dared defend their homeland.

You're as childish as the left with their "We're the Star Wars Rebels watch out Empire Trump!" romanticism of fiction and confusing it with reality. You are not in Lord of the Rings.

>forcing a war against a nation which historical documents show were desperate to avoid one
Hohol history lessons.

>The only possible solutions are putting in place policies to keep the remaining 90% White British areas of the country, 90%+ White British. Ethnostates within the state.

In what world would that be possible?

Is anyone else planning on learning Polish for when the great escape starts?

I seriously have been thinking about it. Large scale White flight from the entire country is inevitable when there is nowhere left to run.

Only allowing White British people to live and move into the area and encouraging those living in them to have more children through financial aides.

Its more possible than removing large numbers of people.

>The beacon of western civilization.

Tres drole Nigel...London était un trou a rat durant le 19e siecle quand s'était 100% blanc...


Isn't the labour party bleeding seats and pretty much destined to fade into history at this point?

It sounds like pressure is moving towards throwing the Muslims out of the country. Once a large underground movement rises to the surface, it doesn't take decades for it to act.

Rappel quotidien que le UK serait un énorme shit hole sans les mudslimes...


>Are we doomed to wither away
Only if you refuse to take up arms and kill the enemies of the crown.

No because alleged "conservatives" are also in favour of such a conversion.

>It sounds like pressure is moving towards throwing the Muslims out of the country.

No it isnt.

>Once a large underground movement rises to the surface

It wont! National Action were disbanded at less than 100 members, and the BNP are a laughing stock.

It is not going to happen!

Get it through your stupid skull.

Your unwillingness to face reality is how we ended up in this position in the first place, though coming from another direction.

That was good thanks

>Only if you refuse to take up arms and kill the enemies of the crown.

Shut your fucking mouth, yank. You'll be the first country to bomb the shit out of a European country that fights back.

nothing will change until the traitors in office/media are removed

don't know how many times this has to be said
crying on Sup Forums isnt going to save anyone.

Personne dans ce vid n'as un Q.I. en haut de 100...


You'd have to be stupid think that the open borders combined with the migrant crisis didn't factor into Brexit.

I would take up arms against my own country if they tried to stop you.

My blood may have sought independence, but I am still an Anglo.

All the population who don't normally bother with politics - the corporate flunkies too busy, the lads down the pub, the chads and stacies, the manual labourers, the fast food workers & the factory workers, the painters, the brickies, the plumbers, the checkout guys down tesco, the warehouse workers, the workies & the builders, and so on. They're our hope.

Included are the plebs who are usually too busy with their drink culture and their reality tv shows but seem to make up at least 50% of our population. They don't get involved in politics whatsoever, try to change the conversation when it comes up, and they certainly never vote. They put an appearance of being friendly with different cultures & nice. Those people are the ones who would rise up and go apeshit when the country truly starts tipping into the ocean.

Think about us, sitting here hopeless, miserable. We're like the captain of the titanic when he just realised he'd hit the iceberg, or churchill when he just heard germany had invaded poland. Those chads and brickies & alcoholic geordie shore watches, who we so ignore & frown upon in distaste, will be the spitfires & the lifeboards to our ww2 & titanic situation that is Britain. For those guys, who normally never get involved and go through their lives on autopilot, are the ones who would jump up like lions and stop their country getting cucked.


amazon.com/Churchill-Hitler-Unnecessary-War-Britain/dp/0307405168/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1482014437&sr=8-1&keywords=pat buchanan the unnecessary war

You're wrong, Britain has a tendency to produce individuals capable of the seemingly impossible. Mark my words.

If we could get hold of guns we could kill obvious Muslims. Those in religious dress. If enough of us did it, no public message, no media, just targeted killings, we could eventually make a difference.

What do you think

>nothing will change until the traitors in office/media are removed

By whom? How?

>crying on Sup Forums isnt going to save anyone.

Neither is anything else. Anything that could be done would be fought back against with a severity the likes of which you've never seen before for such a minor act.

There is nothing that can be done. NOTHING.

Luckily that was only for the old people who'll be dead soon. To everyone under 30 open borders are great and they welcomed the "refugees".

>I would take up arms against my own country if they tried to stop you.

No you wouldn't. You'd get wrapped into the "they need freedom!" boner America always gets when it needs to start bombing places.

>or churchill when he just heard germany had invaded poland

Il était probablement trop saoul pour s'en rendre compte...


Well when British men that aren't defeatist cucks such as yourself take action, I hope you will come to your senses.

Gen Z would like to have a word with you.

Combine that with people's tendency to move away from idealism as they gain real world experience and think on their beliefs...

>You're wrong, Britain has a tendency to produce individuals capable of the seemingly impossible. Mark my words.



>when the country truly starts tipping into the ocean.

It's been in the ocean for decades.

That those demanded the death of Salman Rushdie (for Satanic Verses) were given gentle platforms of understanding.

Also you're an idiot for thinking those people would actually do anything.




Because they don't see them as problems.

then you get what you get
enjoy it.

lmao I love cringing at people on Jezza. It's a freak show and Jeremy knows it. Holy shit I feel sorry for that old guy.

As someone who has a working class job (lorry driver) and regularly interacts with the sort of people you're talking about (through work, my reasonably small town, etc.) I think you're half right, and I want to give you some hope.

The thing is, those very people you mentioned are now starting to be politically engaged.

I hear a lot more of them talking positively about leaving the EU now. The Referendum really politicised your average person. I've heard a lot of "too many bloody foreigners" sentiments, too.

Even the people I speak to who are fine with most immigration (Poles, Indians etc.) really despise Muslims.

The real divide right now, I think, is urban vs. rural. And the more of an enclave London becomes, the worse it'll be.

>If we could get hold of guns

Not going to happen.

Besides, the only people who sell guns to whites are police honeypots.

And when such a thing makes the news it will just make people all the more sympathetic to Muslims. A few thousand will probably convert.

Rappel quotidien que pendant que vous donner des centaines de livres a chaque mois a vos Pakies, vos enfants crevent de faim...


Nobody here wants to help me remove kebab?

Seriously if I had a gun I could kill several robed goatfuckers and not get caught
Avoid areas with CCTV
Drive a nondescript car
Have no link to the area or victim

If twenty of us did it and killed five each it might actually start something

ha ha, fucking polak sat on his german clay. smigly is probably a hero of yours for starting a fight he couldnt finish, then fucking running away to the uk like a pussy while the poles were utterly rekt

You're gonna get arrested talking like that.

Potato niggers managed to get weapons, I'm sure you guys could manage.

You can't even defend your own country. What makes you think you can defend ours?

No, Trump is not going to do shit. Neither will Brexit, neither will le Pen or anything else.

>Gen Z would like to have a word with you.

The ones going to schools even more Marxist and Multicultural than when we did?

Newsflash; they wont want to do anything of the sort you're describing as to them Muhammed and Trey'quon are their friends, not foreigners.
