ACTUAL French military traditions
The French have 4 155mm CAESAR howitzers deployed in Iraq since September which fired >1000 shells on Mosul.

"Caedite eos. Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius."
-Arnaud Amalric, during the siege of Béziers on July 22, 1209.(

More than 800 years have passed and the tradition still stands. How can Brits even compete?

French gunner here.

If what I hear is true, they get something like a dozen firemissions a day.
In fact, they are shooting so much they may have to rotate the guns due to excessive wear.

they can't

If they wanted to blow up muslims, they could have just targeted downtown paris

Top Kek

This is just a rehearsal before that, don't worry.

Muslims are on the suburbs. Greek prostitutes around the Madeleine tho.

They should also blow up the center of Paris and kill all the leftists

is joining ffl good idea
will i get to remove kebab

Yeah, those are pretty neat lightweight things (iirc, Russian arty is either heavier or has smaller calibre), I wonder how they hold up under extensive use.

All in due time. London needs saving too.

>will i get to remove kebab
It's growing more likely by the day.
If you manage to join you WILL get deployed though, that's for sure.

>ACTUAL French military traditions
>to suck muslim dick
>They still do it

> I wonder how they hold up under extensive use
From what I hear, shooting as much everyday at maximum charge is doing a number on the tubes.
They'll have to get new ones from mainland France pretty soon.
From what I hear, they are quite appreciated by the higher ups in the coalition because they shoot further and with more precision than the paladins there.
Only regret is that there aren't more of them deployed, but some politician in the assembly got butthurt that it was done without their consent and that froze the idea of sending reinforcements.
A shame really, they were planning to deploy LRMs too.

Wow french people are badass. Too bad half their country is niggers and arabs.

I think they are competing with usa for most niggers.

You can add Sweden and Germany soon


>I think they are competing with usa for most niggers.
Nowhere close.. Yet.

'sup Pajeet

elect le pen and im in
d-deus v-v-vult

The French army has many military traditions.
If you ever get a chance to visit les Invalides in Paris go see the church you'll see all the flags captured by the French army, it's impressive.

Anyway, they've lost a lot of power over politics since the Algerian putsch.


Good old times eh

Better aiming for the surburbs at night.

Surrendering is a tradition for the french.

'sup, repressed Englishman

>Mfw a potato nigger insult our armed forces yet he doesn't even have an army

>not reading Latin
>not looking it up

Starving like a nigger because you can't even defend you potatoes from a bunc of anglo is a tradition for irish.