>this triggers the italian
This triggers the italian
Even your passport is black
No, I do believe in IUS SANGUINIS and I believe that every person that have part of our heritage has the right to come back here when they want.
I personally know some italo argentinians and some italoamerican that I have helped to obtain citizenship here.
Kek How is your ass going with all the rapefugee hanz?
>eligible for Argentinian passport
>mfw all the argies on Sup Forums have disgusting arab skin
Yes, like your womens see
Hey that's me as well
T. Argie
she's literally from south america
Sorry user, the few black that are in my country are from africa or come from huehueland and you say they are from Argentina so it doesn't matter, she is FRENCH.
Your entire country is black, Tyrone.
Sure Mike, yours is not multi culti you fag. It's not full of POO, Mexicans, Dindus, Sandniggers, Kikes and all the shit of the rest of the world.
1. check the IDs
2. majority of blacks in Argentina come from Haiti
3. a lot of "white" Argentinians have obvious black features dating back to when there were black slaves in the country
4. a lot of "white" Argentinians are swarthy as fuck by European standards due to native blood
5. she has the French nationality but she was born and lives in south America
>all shitskin countries
>so triggered
That's the best you got?
Y-you too...
Argentina white!!!!!
>tfw the first post is also the best post
Lol you sound mad Tyrone. You should probably walk away from the computer and cool down.
Aren't Irish passports ridiculously easy to get or something? I feel like I should have some form of EU citizenship in addition to my American, what could I pursue?
>tfw literally hacking and shitposting at the same time
>mfw shitskins got triggered harder than italians
You sound mad Rakeem
France is white and based
What does that shit even mean Tyrone? I don't understand spicspeak
no I'm not, I'm just establishing facts, and as I said earlier I'm actually eligible for argie nationality since my paternal grandparents were argies and my father has the nationality.
I'm going to get an Italian passport.
Pretty sure i'm eligible. My dad had an Italian passport, his parents were Italian immigrants. That means I have Italian heritage.
>3. a lot of "white" Argentinians have obvious black features
Have you ever seen a mixed shit, don't you see the shitty mixed white Americans with their dindus? Those mixed products doesn't look at all like us faggot.
>dating back to when there were black slaves in the country
Not a single black in my town (400.000 habitants live here), we have slaves yes but not dindu slaves, they were Indigenas slaves, learn the difrence you faggot, not even Bs.As. had much black slaves like it happend in USA, if this have been the case then we would have dindus like them today and the very few that were here all migrate to huehue for some reason.
>Indigenas=/=Black africans
They are both shit but not the same shit user and still Indigenas>Blacks dindus
Sure m8, go suck your girlfriend's blackbull dick.
Excuse me user but there were a lot of blacks in Argentina in the past until they were put in first line in the war against Paraguay actually, and the last remnants were basically fucked into becoming white as official policy, you don't even know the history of your own country.
Yeah dude, whatevs
He said his grandparents are argentinian themselves, maybe they are shitskins from bolivia and he believes everybody is a mutt like him.
Or he's a plain nigger from senegal projecting
>argie trying to have intelligent conversation but instead just jumbles up memes into an incoherent mess
No my grandparents are pure Europeans who arrived in Argentina in 1870 and came back to France in 1960, I'm just talking from my experience there.
Why? Please come. Free shipping if you bring a Ford falcon.
>Ford Falcon
>this triggers the italian
Why? And if you go in italy bring some seƱoritas with you
I think were the only 2 that got the "ford falcon" gag. Anyways, seriously, come to italy.
I will soon, my GF has family in Italy.
I wish i could get the Italian passport but i hear it's almost impossible to get it and i already have german passport thanks to my grandmother so why bother.
In that case you don't even need an italian passport. Go to Bavaria then, it has a better job market, and the coffie is not shitty anymore thanks to the italian immigrants.
>Only speaks native language
American education
Are you saying argies have european heritage?
We love you uncle Italy.
Unlike dad
you are descended from galicians peasants, dumbfuck, deal with it.