Why did Putin's face change so dramatically over the last 10 years? What does a guy like him even get out of plastic surgery? He was already handsome. Did the real Putin get whacked and this guy is a clone or something?
Why did Putin's face change so dramatically over the last 10 years...
If you have infinite money, why not do it?
People trust more beautiful people by default, too
he doesn't want to look like a frail old grandpa
i honestly can't tell a difference
you wear makeup on tv no matter who you are because it makes you more pleasant. notice how mike pence looks really pleasant during planned speeches but looks more rough when he's talked to upon leaving a plane
That's not plastic surgery, that's smugness
He's wearing make-up in the second image, but not in the first.
classic FSB tactics. They have about 50 agents who look like each other. Since nobody will stop the president of Russia, they use him for falseflag muslim suicide bombings. Sometimes the target is heavy garded with Police who know the real Putin, they have to use the real Putin to get it done.
Probably a little bit of botox
He looks pretty qt right now tbqh like when he was in his youth.
Look at the cheeks. This is him mid-2000s, compare it to him today. It's like he's morphing into a Mongol - cheeks getting bigger, eyes smaller and narrower. Makes no sense to me.
It's more than make up. He drastically changed his cheeks.
home alone
It's not that, it's cosmetics. Plain old public image. Costs you nothing and boosts popularity 2-4%
he's 15 years older
kek he looks like those hollywood freaks who had too much facelifts. Those plastic surgery eyes are very distinctive
Hello??? Do you know anything about politics?
Left is real.
Right is double used for media events where security may be compromised.
shouldn't have done it. looks like shit
Then look at his jaw. That doesn't happen with age. It's half an inch wider on both sides. Looks like a shit load of botox that he didn't need. He looked way more KGB-badass esque with the gaunt face and intense eyes.
yes, but he has less wrinkles.
Botox doesn't change the shape of your jaw. It's a paralytic used to stop wrinkles.
I totally forgot how he looked without those botched botox eyes. So much better and so much more badass.
Berlusconi teached him some of his tricks
probably some botox + jaluronic acid + young pussy applied directly to the face
Then is 2016 Putin a body double?
I don't see why he considered it in the first place. His political persona is the ex-military badass, so it seems overly vain and unmanly to get botox while in office
Heavy alcohol use can change your head shape.
I agree. He does look worse now, but he does look less threatening as well. Psychological tactics are basically all hes got. Hes like the last living monarch of an empire using Machiavellian lies and deceit to win power and influence.
i will concede that he looks infinitely more cuddly and kind with the puffy cheeks and squinty eyes.
Botox injections to hide his age, everyone knows it here in Russia.
>manlet with infinite money
>hasn't gotten limb lengthening surgery yet
What did Putin mean by this?
Hot day vs cold day.
you're immobile for like 6 months or something crazy with that surgery
Don't you think people would be asking questions if he was in a wheelchair or didn't appear in public for that long?
>not letting yourself age into an image of an old seasoned patriarch
>using plastic surgery to try to conserve your looks
Pootin wtf you are doing
lol or showed up to a public event 12 inches taller suddenly
Some cosmetics surgery and procedures. It's quite visible he did some around his eyes.
It's Russia. They could just execute anyone who started asking questions.
No. He's clearly had botox to de-wrinkle his face. It just wouldn't explain an "altered jaw".
Personally I think his jaw is the same, and these things can look different due to perspectives and camera tricks. Changing a lens and focus of a camera can make things look different (like how in porn they can make a moderately-big penis look like it's 12 inches). What I'm saying is that it could just be a coincidence based on the two photos OP used to compare.
I think he just had botox and a facelift. And it's a shame, because he looked better before. Oh well.
>what is aging and makeup
Lol you guys are retarded
Why is Obama always shaking hands like a cuck?
He didnt appear periodixally leading up to rumors he was dead
Also , he hasnt regular pleb doctors keep in mind.
Because saying "cyka blyat" all the time deformes your face
>My brain gets spitroasted by CNN and BCC regularly
>Thicker face
>Less wrinckles than 15 years ago
Botox is his closest friend.
I guess we know why him and Trump get along. They both like to ruin their face.
Before picture is just shitty photography.
Nice autism you got there you fucking idiot
God forbid Putin puts a little fat on his face.
Fuck off shills