is this rape?
Is this rape?
no penetration. she never said no
She was asking for it.
It's spelled "ape".
No, because she is black :^)
he is a manlett, so obviously
No, but it is sexual assault
It's sexual assault.
Ask Trump, he knows all about it.
>"little short white dick"
>Being rejected by a nigger
You sure admire big cocks, black ones too.
Is that not the most autistic social interaction you have ever seen?
Those people have no idea how to act.
Is her only method of turning down a man to start dancing and slowly walking away?
Autistic people tend to react poorly to hard rejections m8, better to not risk getting sedated by a manlet wop.
>is this rape?
No, it's just sad.
When will they learn?
It's a lot of things: Annoying, cringy and creepy, but everybody at this (((party))) seems do be equally shitfaced. But as far as rape goes? No, sexual harassment at best.
No, that's just a rare sighting of typical Sup Forumslack outside of his mommy'S basement
That redhead tho
Nah, definitely sexual harassment tho.
>Sup Forumsack
>outside basement
no such thing
Why would this be rape? She barely touches him. She politely removes his arm. That's maybe technically assault, but nobody wold call it rape.
dude i know my eye goes to her more
Yes it is, what a fucking hive.
Kill yourself... the exact quote was the LET you do what ever you want... grab em by the pussy... faggot... woman are stupid as fuck, if your rich or a celebrity they throw themselves at you.
"they" damn I am a shitty typist.
I would say its a dude being a drunk asshole, but not rape or sexual assault. if a chick did the same thing what would it be? nothing... same deal...
Probably in some cultures but that's the club scene, it's where you start at the bottom of society and try to reach higher.
Sexual assault, rape, battery, prostitution...those are the norm, petty.
It's the place where thieves want to rape prostitutes and the prostitutes want to rape investment fraud.
Gotta work your way mobility, yo.
That black chick could beat his silly manlet ass any day.
It's fucking pathetic and a cringe fest to watch
Brendan Frasier has really fallen a long ways
wow, that was the cringiest thing of the day
you really need to be careful how you talk about me..,, i dont appreciate it. tone down the disrespect, i dont know where you're from but where i am from, we dont tolerate that. dont even reply to this, just keep your mouth shut. consider yourself warned.
He seems retarded. Or very high and drunk, what is the same thing.
All this rejection is how paedophiles are made/ Girls everytime you say 'No' you are endanegring lil kids so just think about that
thank god I don't socialize
Fucking manlet, kek.
bsclly she dnt wanna b rude so she trys to giv him th message w/o killin th vibe
No, it means get fit or i will not suck your dick
Holy kek
If I was that short I would have killed myself already.
Must be difficult to get pussy when you're so fucking short.
I want that fucking ass
man this board really is full of sad virgins
When will they ever learn
You've redeemed yourself from cuckery Swede
i er sku fine nok sverige
No, just Mexicans
>muh dik bix nood
This is the correct answer. It is not rape since there is no penetration. However, the legal definition of sexual assault includes unwanted groping.
He looks like one of those 3rd gen subhuman "italians" whos granpa fell off the boat 60 years ago
I bet he's called Tony and thinks meatballs go with spaghetti
fuck off faggot. everyone in that pool area and you as well are degenerates
btw, you dont have to be rich and famous to get girls climbing all over you, just remotely attractive
meh, i bet you hes an L.A. type kike