What is wrong with young white women?
What is wrong with young white women?
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Nothing is wrong with them.
They do it to scare Mommy and Daddy. At Age 35 they will life alone with their 12 Cats. Not my Problem
That's a lot of shit.
Holy shit!
>What is wrong with young white women?
party culture
what? is she passed out or what?
Coz it's horse shit.
Now that is one big pile of shit.
She's already got that drug addict face.
What is it about coal burners and having shitty, uneven skin and dead glares?
>that shitty run down apartment
>is she passed out or what?
She went instantly shitless.
To *weak* young white please.
As much for the males.
You can see that she's broken..... so sad.
Fuck me how long was she holding that in for? I wish i could drop brown bombers like that.
Man that's a lot of shit.
many such cases
What do I need to eat to get a massive dump like that?
They're fucked up.
It's a development problem.
They're on drugs at such an early age their judgment is distorted. It's fun or hip or whatever but it's coercion and rape.
When they finally clean up, guess who's gone and guess who's the newest member of the single moms club.
But she works really hard...kek.
Yep. I've dated a wide variety of women and they really aren't that different at the core. But the party culture in America is just too big of an influence and makes all but the most '''prudish''' American women unmarriable. I married a foreigner and it's great. She sees the way girls here act and is shocked
I'll tell you what's wrong with them.
You didn't teach your daughters how to live. You left them no directions. The state cucked you. The state cucked you so hard you're afraid to open your mouth, even when at home with your family.
>implying girls poop
Damn, what did that white bitch ate?
Effects men too. Everyone near me just wants to drink and snort xanax and coke. Shit is fucked.
We truly are living in the days of the Weimar Republic.
The people at the party shitted on her because she passed out
I would still be down for fuqqqq desu family
thats more shit than i do in a week. my diets fucked man
Rape Camps in Congo
Cannibal Niggers in Liberia
Arab Men fleeing like the Pussies they are from defending their Country
Female Genital Mutilation
Nig Nogs in the USA who couldnt even survive without Welfare
One Drunk Bitch that Shit herself
Whoa ! Whats wrong with White Women
Cucked men raise whore daughters.
We even have that shit here, all these idiots just want to keep drinking and fucking EVERY FUCKING WEEKEND.
And people wonder why I only go on traditional festivals.
I would clean her up and fuc
A little shit don't scare me boner
White women take the sides of the degenerates you mentioned and actively support the destruction of the west. By comparison they are worse since they should know better
>German flag
Holy shit a real live blood line native German.
The only reason I know this is because scat fetish used to be the staple of your peoples.
Goddamn that's a bigger pile than i've made this month so far.
what are women eating these days?
>that hivemind
shitlets detected
>The only reason I know this is because scat fetish used to be the staple of your peoples
nice meme
>all this shit talk
>used to be
Me neither American brother
Maybe ist because i live in the Rural Areas. But we really dont have These Problems. There are one or two of These Retardbitches around cause divorce of their Parents fucked them up, but nobody emulates them
status: voided
That has to be fake.
Someone else must've shit on her. That's an incredible amount.
>the shitty cooking stereo that probably has bits of fried chicken flour and grease stuck in the speaker protection
>can't score to save his life
>blames it on women
Get laid or a serious gf. Neither is rocket science. As a matter of fact, it's never been easier in the history of man to get with a decent chick. Just stop being a sperglord.
What's the story behind this?
here's your (you), nobody here has bred or would ever abandon their children but nice try
she's probably been up for 4 days on good meth and that's like the last weeks shit built up inside
Are you real ? Honestly. Does that work ???
This honestly made me hard.
All that shit in the world and white bitches in the US still complain about how awful their lives are here.
They're coddled from birth to death, handed the whole fucking world on a silver platter, and they still bitch and moan and eat like a fucking horse. I don't give a shit what Sup Forums thinks, white women are literally trash.
Honestly thats just impressive
i love you guys, pol
we need to form real life action groups to create 1) irl support groups and 2) irl advocacy groups to change our awful world
>it's never been easier in the history of man to get with a decent chick
>with a decent chick
its never been easier to get laid yes but dont pretend that "decent" chicks are widely available thing in this day and age.
That's really impressive desu
Part of the joke was that the German people have been replaced by shitskins my good spurdo man.
looks like some healthy poopies. what's the issue?
You re pretty much spot on. But since i only date Farmers Daughters it actually works out for me. We dont have These Problems here.
Shes is not even fat
how is this shit even possible?
she poopied herself or someone made poopies on her, either being pretty icky
did someone take shit on her or is that all from one night?
Media and lack of fatherly figures, I.E. communism. They're always seeking some sort of entertainment. Women are no longer humble. They don't know how to be humble.
I have a problem. I can attract girls, I can even get dates, even laid, but how do I keep them?
>Cute girls 18-22 (except one Chinese girl who was horrible in bed, and I regret mixing) makes out with me but we don't ever fuck
>BBW or older women at bars I can easily lay and have (even with regrets on some)
>The cute young ones always seem to lose interest and fade away, either just drop off the radar or I find them cheating.
How do I fix this? These cute younger ones seem really interested in me at first, but then they lose interest really quick. What do?
Go to bed Francis
Yes my son
my guess is a girl got really drunk, passed out in her dorm hall, and shit herself. I've seen it happen before. I was at a house party my freshman year at college and there was a real drunk girl at a party who did it
>chubby bitch
>trying to get fucked by the resident of the townhome who's a sprinter and is /fit/ as fuck
>he politely pushes off her advances all night and tries to keep it from getting awkward
>she gets gradually more drunk
>eventually she's fucking hammered and needs to puke
>sprinterbro helps her up to the bathroom
>she starts crying her eyes out and hurling everywhere and gets puke all over the back of the toilet seat and floor
>every time she heaves, she farts loud as shit
>we can all hear her downstairs and are laughing our asses off
>eventually sprinterbro comes down and gets his roommate, the girl shit herself and passed out and now they need to get her out of her pants and clean it up
that had to have been the worst night ever for that girl.
too much poo for a women... it is probably a trap.
that has to be the most embarassing photo ever fucking created.
>How do I fix this? These cute younger ones seem really interested in me at first, but then they lose interest really quick. What do?
Are you interesting?
It really depends on what pool you're dating. If it's cock carousel chicks you can't keep them because they don't want you and you're not mysterious/layered enough to keep them guessing.
But if that's your dating pool you're a fucking retard for trying to make them stay anyway.
If it's actually girls with potential you're lacking something. Do you have anything to say? Can you carry a conversation, have a social life? Be the head of the family figure they're unconsciously looking for?
If you ever hear you remind them of their dad (in a good way, not in a condescending way), you're on the right track.
fucking lel
>mother walks in on her 18yo daughter being ganbanged by two guys
>entire coment section dedicated how strong and independent their daughter is
>father is the ultimate cuck, actually supports his "adult" daughters decesion
Its shit like this, once we as a society where disgusted by this type of shit, now its expected of you to offer those boys a bottle of water who knows, they might be dehydrated from all the action while kissing youre daughter in a forhead for being strong and independet.
Lol I graduated from that university. I can recognize those dorms easily
thats Lakewood you fuckin' poof
technically he raped her
The girl goes to my university. Was surprised to see this photo show up here.
What sort of foreigner? As an American, I believe your statement very accurate. I want foreign pussy as a wife if I decide to ever marry.
post pics, is she hot?
Was it in Reese?? Or Humes?
>decent chick
top lel