This is the currently the top post (past 24hrs) on /r/The_Donald
These people aren't like us & never have been. If you you are from there. Please fuckoff you utter shit-eater.
This is the currently the top post (past 24hrs) on /r/The_Donald
These people aren't like us & never have been. If you you are from there. Please fuckoff you utter shit-eater.
They're the new cuckservatives.
That's because you're mentally ill. Only shut it nazi weebs are your friends.
I thought most people voted for trump because they WANTED mass deportations. I know I do
Ha ha, at least 50% of pol is those people. You lost. We won. Welcome to the new age.
Yeah, I thought this post was pretty gay. I'll never stand with libs. Also, gay marriage should be outlawed. The only thing I disagree with Trump on.
They are broadcasting to the rest of leddit that they are the sensible ones. Extremely hard concept I know.
The image says mass deportations of US citizens, not just mass deportations
/r/the_donald is basically facebook
it says CITIZENS, idiot
I'm pretty sure everyone is fine with deporting illegal Immigrants because they are not CITIZENS nor are they allowed to be here
it fulfilled its purpose to get trump elected
i say we let it rot
>tfw no one is my friend
It's not up to you or anyone on /pol. You have no power.
The_Donald is a hive of braindead (((civic nationalism))), where "I'm a transgendered, wheelchair-bound Latino tattoo artist and I voted Trump!" diversity circlejerk posts get thousands of upvotes.
>Sup Forums is just now realizing that by using their propaganda machine to recruit normies they are now infested by normies
What a surprise
I'll be your friend
no homo
>US citizens
They're trying to be a virus on Reddit and actively transforming into the host in the process. It'd be funny if it weren't so pathetic.
I'm pretty sure people just want Mexicans deported. Nobody actually cares if they are here legally or not.
trump literally never said he wanted to deport citizens
just illegals leeching off the back of the hard-working taxpaying citizen
that's where you're wrong you idiot retard. fucktoads like you are why it was so razor-thin close for Trump and not a landslide for him like it woulda been. get fucked
we already know about virtue signaling. it is something only faggots do
Imagine how stupid a person has to be to believe that something like that would work.
>this post on Reddit isn't literally Hitler
>better post on Sup Forums
I typically like Britbongs but why are like 15% of you so autistic
Fuck off alt lite scum!!
>/r/The_Donald is not your friend
yeah no shit but they make for amazing pawns.
it´s so easy to get at least 1000 of them fired up to attack/boycott some sjw as long as he said something bad about Trump
it is truly an amazing thing
Seems reasonable desu.
Except marriage, which the state should not get involved in.
You literally have to autism to care about something like that.
>Invade my country bro, just make sure you filled out all the paperwork and got everything correctly approved. No line jumping! That is what matters to me. Correct paperwork.
Promoting unity and bipartisanship? In MY edgy universe? Honestly, how dare they.
Why being a faggot is normalised now. Am I the only one who just feels like puking when I see two men kissing? Is this hate irrational? Fuck off reddit.
You should run for some type of office on that platform and see how fast you get laughed out of America
Seriously. Thats where they get all their images, the fucking pizels man.
They also regurgitate the same fucking thing over and over. The Centipede joke makes me gag when I see it.
fuck off reddit. traitors die first.
you're retarded as all hell faggot.
I remember what life was like before open faggotry, transgenders, genderfluidqueers, and all the rest of this garbage. If only we knew how good we had it back then.
Anybody who supports homosexuality is an enemy of humanity. Fact.
I hope you die leddit niggers.
>25k upboats
Nah the majority of Sup Forums agrees with that
Stormfags think Sup Forums is their safe space, it's hilarious
who gives a fuck wether spics are legal or illegal? they should all be deported you civic cuck
And how were the 1940's, grandpa?
>safe space
nice meme
Yeah I feel kinda angry just by seeing faggy shit on facebook and it must be really hard for normal rational people in the USA to experience faggotry on the streets everyday. In my neighbourhood if you do gay shit on the street with you buttfuck partner chances are you are going to get beaten. Pic related sadly.
You mean the 90's?
>Ellen Degenerate get's a fucking presidential medial for coming out as homo in the 90's
To give the nu-righters a line of common ground:
Yes, we want, first and foremost, that our laws be enforced. Obviously. We're a sovereign nation and have the right to decide who comes and who goes.
However, It should also be obvious that the POINT of deciding who is allowed in is so that we can choose to only allow the best people into the country.
This means more european white people and less third world niggers.
It's obviously better
It is the opposite of the chans. I milquetoast echo chamber
>/r/The_Donald is not your friend
No shit.
>ever visiting leddit in the first place
>not already gay as aids
>muh teenage years
America's been increasingly fag tolerant since at least the late 60's you nostalgic tard. Plenty of people were openly being degenerates in the 90's; sucking dick for heroin, listening to some of the worst music in human history, frosting their tips...
>posting on reddit
>giving a shit about the upboat box
you have to go back
traitors/useful idiots
get rid of them and the other problems will disappear
So if a democrat is elected
And gives amnesty to millions of non-whites
A republican/conservative cannot remove that? Or revoke that?
Fuck you. I hate Reddit, but I agree with this. Deport illegals all you want. But if you fags even attempt to start deporting actual citizens (never gonna happen) or start fucking around with lynching and that kind of nonsense, you are gonna have some serious problems. Good thing is that Trump doesn't represent basement dwelling retard trolls. Don't start fucking with people like me, a Hispanic die-hard Trump supporter fighting these battles in enemy territory (NY art scene). You fags should be supporting us while you stay in your little internet and user safe space. I'm on Facebook talking this shit with my full name on display.
Swamp = Hillary, Podesta, Soros, Saudi Arabian influence, Mainstream media collusion. So many retards who thought that meant he was going to pick people off the street to run the country.
>not shilling trump to liberals and communists irl