Why does Sup Forums hate dissent on its board?
Why does Sup Forums hate dissent on its board?
Other urls found in this thread:
Because fags doom nations
We hate Commies, not dissent.
Freedom for all people! Exept jew, tatar, niggers and belorussians, whom I hate. All in all I'm a humanist.(c)
Explains why Nazi Germany failed
Hold or express opinions that are at variance with those previously, commonly, or officially expressed.
Keyword; variance
>We hate Commies
speak for yourself
who cares but do you have more nice pics?
didnt even need to look at the flag
Thx for fucking my country retard
This raid is stale as fuck m8
This is now a commie thread.
I think Commies, Anarchists and other far left ideologies should be allowed here. It reminds me of the old days of Sup Forums and it will prevent Sup Forums from being the alt-right hugbox it has been for the past year.
2017 will the Year of the Leftists.
Also yes.
This is now a FUCKING LEAF thread
we like intelligent discourse but with liberals that's almost impossible. once they start chimping out what are you going to do?
All leftists need to be euthanized.
From what I've seen, the leftists on here try to engage in discourse, but all the regular denizens do here is chimp out and post memes rather than engage in debate.
Because they are autistic man children.
Well now that's very nice. We have as much right to speak as anyone else.
Haven't you ever heard of freedom of speech?
Communism makes me hungry.
Because we don't shadowban or download so the same
>Really makes you think
>Sup Forums BTFO!!1!
nonsense gets spammed to hell and back. Over half of the "dissent" is just piss poor trolling. That's not to say there arnt any smart posters with differing opinions.
Are you upset?
Get that low energy low res shit out of here.
As upset as a fascist rock blocking a commie river
You are the reason why I´m pro-choice!
newfags these days get indoctrinated into thinking internet is SRS BSNS
they don't do things for the lulz, they do them to bring a hollow sense of purpose to their otherwise meaningless lives. when you threaten that sense of purpose they chimp out and get defensive, circle jerking each other until they feel safe again
this kills the Sup Forums
I have to commend you for bumping this thread even though you refuse to engage in any fore of meaningful discussion
Haha lol I tought Swedes were intelligent people but turns out they are retards!
Yes. And a commie robots army.
National Socialism is the closest to Fair-Market Capitalism
Nice discourse, faggot.
It's a grand idea, but like most ideas, it doesn't work in the real world.
>Intelligent discussion
>With communists
I challenge you to find all the flaws in your ideology.
For real man
I'm just a socialist for trolling purposes. I don't actually believe in any far left rhetoric, I just do it to trigger Sup Forumsbabbies.
Sup Forums knows the truth. This renders all argument meaningless.
Just like it did between 1933-1939?
Because it's never a new or good argument. It's always the same tired, over played platitudes and cliches. On the rare occasion that a new argument that isn't shit appears, it usually gets a good response
Does that mean /leftypol/ threads are also the truth?
They are a part of Sup Forums and /pol is always right
Sup Forums stopped being fun when they started falling for their own memes
Fuck off Justin
That is an insignificant amount of time for a civilization. It's like saying a business wasn't a failure because it had profits for a few months before it went under.
Lmao, how funny that most of the commiefags never experienced communism.
Neither them or their parents.
>commie robots army
Enjoy the continuous maintenance.
Wow, those mental gymnastics!
>these triple duobs going unchecked
I predict either 2017 or 2018 will see the death of Sup Forums's relevancy.
It already peaked in November.
>imagine if we had strict gun laws
>/leftypol/ threads on Sup Forums
Are they a myth? each lefty thread i've seen are summed up by these two posts and nothing more
Sup Forums thrives on dissent.
Whoops, seems like you committed a fallacy there, bud.
But, i'll give you a pass for now and answer your argument:
1. Your analogy is incorrect, countries don't run like businesses.
2. The Third Reich rose up from nothing to the strongest country in Europe, and stayed there until 1941.
3. It never failed. It was destroyed by the jews and commies
How can commie waifus even compete?
Sup Forums is the capital of dissent.
Checks out
Romans had boylove and it wasn't their demise.
The Romans fell into decay when they abandoned their heroic virtues and accepted Christianity.
They couldn't repel those who attacked the edges of their empire and it withered away.
Sandnigger religious destroy great nations. Isn't it funny we are all for the most part against a sandnigger religion right now?
They were bigger back in 2012 before Sup Forums entered the public consciousness.
We also had devoted libertarian threads, black supremacist threads, Christian threads that weren't full of LARPers. It was pretty sweet before all these Johnny-come-lately Nazi Redditors came and ruined the place.
Imagine her being raped by Soviet soldiers. Showing her what a real man feels like.
They can't.
>has a rape fetish
Sasuga subhumans.
"Real Man"
Imagine how those patches must smell.
Have you jizzed on them lately, Nazicuck?
You seem upset.
I love how fucking admitted I was a troll a few posts ago who doesn't actually believe in Communism and non you niggers have even caught on.
Is Sup Forums really this easy to bait nowadays?
Go fuck yourself in the ass with a statue of Lenin, it may be big enough for a gaping asshole, faggot.
Not as upset as your parents.
That's a strange way to say non-existent
They appeared this summer, leftycuck
Why is a literal retard allowed to have such a fat ass?
DO NOT insult the Chuuni.
>3.33 mb
>Is Sup Forums really this easy to bait nowadays?
More likely we just have nothing better to do than shitpost.
Communists aren't even human fucking beings.
Sup Forums really is the new Sup Forums
A shame I can't post my loli folder.
Neither are fascists, leaf.
I remember seeing your comment posted in a /leftypol/ thread a couple of weeks ago when word got out that you were raiding us. We've engaged in conversation with you countless times and have dissected your bullshit ideology countless times only for the handful of people from your shit board to come back here and start up new threads saying the same things over and over again. It gets old after awhile. You are demented so it's counter-productive to engage you in a debate. Our time and energy is better used just shitposting at you, which is really what you bored faggots are here to do anyway.
If you are jew/globalist aligned what is there to debate? You are insane.
If you want to discuss the value of a planned economy and welfare system in a nationalist system you will find plenty of allies here. Lots of Natsocs after all.
I can't believe you typed all that out.
Natsocs are fucking faggots. Holy shit!
post anime girls stretching while picking up things
Oh don't worry, she'll wish I only insulted her after the bullying she's going to get from me
>Hello sir, what was your career before Communism?
I am a career pharmacist. I know a ton about medication and how to mix compounds to make new medicine.
>Welcome abroad, we need people like you. And what about you mr. Gommunist?
I am an artist, i hate to brag but i once weaved my used tampons into a tablecloth! Surely this will be a welcome and respected trait in a Communist/Anarchist society, right? We equality now, right?
Lol, why are commies so delusional?
> Natsocs are fucking faggots. Holy shit!
How is having your academic, media, judiciary and political systems dominated by jews working out for you? Do you really think you can go Galt from their influence?
Well considering the so called Master Race has been kept down by the Jews for millennia despite them outnumbering the Jews, I'd say my comfortable existence has been working out pretty good.
Now why don't you head on over to your coffee house and smoke some kush.
Commies are not dissidents, they are retards and should be exterminated.
Are you saying jews aren't the eternal victim? Reported for antisemitism
Here's a hint
I don't think they do. Sup Forums has become more lax lately about stuff like for example gay people and even atheism lately, because they realise it's not worth the hate. they just stay firm on actually important stuff like muslims
you mean kill subhumans and retards who contribute nothing to society