I dumped my girlfriend who wanted to marry

I rejected proposing to my girlfriend of 5 years. Both her and my family hate me for it.

> girlfriend for 5 years wanted to marry
> both family subconsciously pushed the idea.
> I changed my mind wanting the single life and dumped her
> her family despises me, my family are disappointed
> girlfriend now is a wreck blaming me for not wanting to settle down.

Why did I dump her. Because she's a fucking slag who was with 3 guys before me.

Sorry I that I got higher standards to wanting an untouched girl.

>date a girl for five years
>suddenly go full edge


You did the right thing my friend.

It took you five years to figure that out?

You're a retard

Enjoy that HPV OP.

Good luck finding a pure women in the western world



May you be as fortunate as me my European brother, may you find yourself a nice, untouched, traditional aryan girl! I say you made the right choice.


that's why I'm taking OP to Thailand to find his pure maiden

Wow. You wasted 5 years of her life while you didn't respect her enough to marry her and you probably knew soon enough that she wanted this to be serious.

You're a dick OP.

>Muslim detected
Go back to your sand castle and your camel need a jerk off in order to start moving.

sometimes this board is more autistic than /r9k/

Statistically, you probably dodged a bullet. Not a reason to celebrate - these are dark times.

Honestly kind of stupid, OP. If you're in a relationship with someone for five years and both of you are generally happy after all that time, then that is a person you should probably marry.

Every girl you meet now is going to have had at least twice as many partners as your ex-gf. The longer you wait to settle down, the more that number will rise. I don't think it's wrong to want a virgin bride - life just rarely gives us the things we want. If virginity is more important to you than chemistry, affection, and support, then you're going to have to go out of your way to find women who fit that particular model. Which probably means you're best options are East Asian farm women.

They're pure, but they are not attractive, borderline illiterate, and will likely appreciate you if you are a good husband but never truly love you, at least not how most people in the West expect to be loved by their spouses.

You wasted quite a lot of your own time to make a point and an example to other people, I hope it was worth it.

3 girls isn't that many...depending on how old you are (probably 18+ given marriage).
Anyone got stats?

Anyway I doubt you'll find better.

Ignore the generic Sup Forums comments. Their opinions mean absolutely nothing. You need to do what is best for yourself, your family and friends may think they know what is best for you but only you do.

Good job wasting 5 years. You should've dumped her the second you knew she was with others.


>dating a roast for 5 years


>things that did happen

go outside for once you autists.

You are gonna regret it.
So she was with 3 guys before you? Thats basicly being a virgin by britt standards.


I'm pretty sure a majority of the people that browse this board also go on /r9k/

If you have so high standards why did you even stay with her for 5 years. You should have let her go as soon as you heard she was fucked by 3 other guys. I mean in the end you fucked that used pussy. You should have gotten a fresh one while you are younger not wait fucking 5 years and lower your chances to get untouched pussy, retard.

> be 'british'
>happily with gf
>both families want the marriage (arranged)
>after 5 years gf hits puberty

Enrichment complete

OP is retarded.
You were just too afraid to marry her and this is just a stupid excuse.
You don't even have to justify this, but you still found a reason. And who doesn't fucking sleep with more than one person? I have slept with tens of prostitutes until I discovered tinder.

You showed her! Now your 30 year old self is totally going to bag that perfect 18 year old virgin you always wanted

Good on you mate. Settle for nothing less than the best. All the people 'disappointed' in you are only so because of their own selfish interests.

Sounds like you're insecure about her being with 3 guys. Have you been with as many, or more partners?

If so this is retarded, if not; understandable.

It's going to suck but just cheat on her once. It'll help alleviate the pain from your insecurity. Not once for each partner, but once just to prove your security in a perverse way.

>Do not brag
>Do not tell
>Do not make a hobby out of it

What does that matter? You can fuck whores any day of the week. Why marry one?

Marriage is too risky for a man to waste it on used goods.


well done Abdulah. why marry with ur girlfriend for 5 years when u can fly to Syria and buy a newone under 12 for a couple of goats

>she wanted marriage so he was obligated to
>a fucking leaf
As expected

You are a fucking retard.

You did the right thing OP.

Modern society cant expect men to "man up" to used goods that on average dont wanna be/would make terrible mothers or housewives.

The concept of marriage has already been ruined by getting the state involved plus pandering to the mentally ill so its time for the average joes to face the reality of things.

Enjoy your single life and get ripped if you arent already and only date girls under 20 until you find the one exception to the rule that will be worth marrying

Post MFW this is why I'm not marrying my girlfriend whom I have a child with.

Which means I'm trapped but luckily not via Marriage.
Weeeew lad.

If you ever once think you'll get access to a woman's vagina 'for free', you've already lost.

Enjoy your fake rape accusation.

Becoming a muslim was the best decision I ever made in my life. Too bad a few nutjobs ruin the reputation for all of us. I got my pure muslim wife and she's absolutely stunning. I did train her with my previous western degeneracy though so now she's a perfect lady in public and a nasty slut in private for me.

Nice job lad, if you are going to marry make it someone you won't be ashamed of for the rest of your life.

I want /r9k/ to leave.

I'm 25 retard. My virgin Aryan is out there. I got time.

>1 post by this ID
look at all these (you)'s for such pleb tier bait

You did nothing wrong, mate.
If she is enough whore to be with 3 scumbags before you, there is no problem about that.

and why is that related to my post? just wondering

Should've filled her full of boy batter first.
Make her a real familial disgrace and destroy any social standing her family if at all once had.

You'll probably regret it.

You are an autistic psychpath if this is real.

That's where you're wrong kiddo. One more failed relationship and it's all over for you.

>3 guys before me
u did good boy, made pappy proud.

>fuck a used slag for 5 years
You're as degenerate as she is. Kill yourself.

Virgins are nothing special, it's about how you connect with each other. I was with my ex for 5 years when we broke up and she was a virgin. She put on weight, got lazy, hardly wanted to do anything fun ever. I told her and she broke up with me.

Fucking a girl with a better body, better in bed, and is a lot more fun to be around now, so it's all good.

Ayy brah, I'm 25 and a few months ago my gf of 3 years threatened to leave me if I didn't propose. I told her that I wasn't ready and she left. Don't regret my decision at all, although I do miss having sex whenever I like. I feel like marriage before 30 for a guy is a mistake but that's just my opinion.

>1 post by this ID

It's obvious bait, but 'kay, here's my answer:

If you seriously believe someone will want your old ass while you had -maybe- your girl, you're a fool.
If you think you will get a britt virgin pussy, you're a fool.
If you fucked her 5 fucking years while knowing she had been with others and wanted to be the first, you're a fool.

TL;DR You're a fool

You are a retard and a shame to the white race. Settling down and having a daily is the ducking point

Did she tell you about her previous partners, or did you ask? If she was so insensitive and she told you, that shows how little she cares about loyalty, and you probably made the right choice.

Translation: I am desperate so i would totally settle for used goods and you are fool if you wouldnt do the same!

>finding a pure woman at this day and age

I'm sorry anglo but the dream is dead, you will stay alone

>girlfriend for 5 years
>3 guys before me.

I'm a little confused. How'd you not already know? How you been with her for 5 years and she had 3 before you?

If you are not in your mid 30s yet (I'm guessing you are around 24?), you will have a while to wait until you actually become marketable again.

Enjoy figuring things out for the next 10years, but overall, I think it's a good move. See pic related.

you did good OP

I don't

The board I do use, /vp/ isn't any less autistic, though

It gets easier to get young girls the older you get.


OP if she was a good girl you should of married her and had a family. And if you spent five years with her and she wasn't you are dumb for wasting that much time.

wow tons of betas in Romania apparently. I don't know about your country's laws but in both the US and UK marriage is literally 100% in favor of women. It does literally nothing positive and lots of negative for men.

Gets a bit awkward once they're in the same class at school as your daughter, though.

>you dodge he bullet and are fine
>everyone else is butt mad and angry
i dont see the problem, they are salty you avoided problems and walked scot free

basically this

You have been with a girl already so you are almost as much of a slut as her, Abdullah

So what.

Not political.


Yeah but then she can make sure your daughter is doing her homework so it is worth it.

ONE post by OP. You fucking losers are arguing in a bait thread.

Yeah, obligated to let her know and/or dump her. It's just being a decent human being.

Well done OP, 5 years of free pussy and a "fuck you goodbye". She deserved that for being a whore and a potential golddigger.
Well played.

The best modern Western women deserve is living together without marriage, and even that is with a severly restrictive contract that works absolutely in your favor.

They destroyed Western civilization and must be treated with extreme caution.

At least Asian women will actually take care of you whilst leeching off your money.


>white knight scandanavians

Fuck off. OP did good. dating is one thing. marriage pressure is another. 5 years isnt THAT much. not enough to ruin your life


based mexibro, prolly knows from experience

nice fanfic

yeah, he just dumped her when it was getting to that point.

Is the blizzard fucking with your head or something?

I'm happily married and have two kids Hans, don't be jelly.

fuck off nobody cares faggot


But he probably knew since the beginning and he waited 5 FUCKING YEARS.

Pretty edgy bud

Also, this is pure autism. You're supposed to talk about these things. You're supposed to know about how you feel about each others. After like, 1 year top. Some of you people are so fucked up. I hope this is just bait kek.

This makes me hard af

Roasties btfo
Sluts btfo
femishits btfo

White knights of Plebbit! We ride to Sup Forums on this day, for a vagina hath been scorned!

Better late then never man
Dont fall for the roasties lies

gj idiot

Are you fucking stupid? You can have a partnership agreement without handing her your financial testes.

This, if you cared at all you would have done this sooner.

Sup Forums rotted your brain.

7/10, triggered a healthy amount of spergouts and white knighting

You made the right decision desu. I would never marry a non virgin

>Because she's a fucking slag who was with 3 guys before me.

fucking lol,
I think you're a retarded chav fuck. that's what you are.

those are improper standards and also, if you knew about this anyway, why the fuck would you stay with her for 5 years if you can't even stand the fact she had 3 partners before you?

that's also unreasonable on top of dumping for "that".

either top bait or top autism

yea with some used up slut who could not bang chads anymore so she settled for provider.

I'm a sexist desu and I'm proud of it kek. But OP is being a little bitch and proving himself no better than roasties in some way. If we're no better than them, then the feminists are right.
Pretty sure almost everything on Sup Forums is fake at this point. I just accept that it's just an excuse to have discussions heh.

Who cares, you're Brits. Your women are either pakis or look like the giants from Fraggle Rock.

why? Just tell that it was a panick attack or something. You had 5 years to realize that, so take responsability.