Make no mistake, Russia. If you fuck with our NATO allies I personally will fly over there to kill you.
Make no mistake, Russia. If you fuck with our NATO allies I personally will fly over there to kill you
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Good goy. Defend ISIS oil sales, goy
>US soldiers deploy
>get cucked by society
>get cucked by government
>get cucked by their loved ones
yeah no, until Trump is prez fuck the current military
I hope usa gets nuked. I will laugh so hard.
Fuck usa.
>implying you can do that
Keep it up, kiddo
Why would we be fighting the Russians?
teh haxxored r erections!
Traitors like you deserve the firing line.
>traitors like you
You cucks literally favor a foreign country to your own.
Cry some more you little bitch, I love harassing homeless vets ;)
Nic3 on3.
t. cuck
only women and womanly men fall for appeals to emotion
>tfw in army and thinking of trying to fight a land war in Slavland
USMC 0203 here
No one in the fucking Corps is gonna go fight Russia over some shitty irradiated sliver in Ukraine. USMC voted for Trump 3 to 1. You're absolutely out of your mind, and really do not understand how much of the armed services have grown to dislike NATO.
So you're definitely not a vet or currently serving, just some shitty troll. The only people actually worth protecting in the world are these fags , the UK, Canada, and NZ. The rest of Europe, NATO, SK, Japan, can fuck right off.
ALWAYS a fucking leaf
day of the rake when
Nice bait, faggot.
Soldiers are just cucks that likes to take orders
0331. This.
Not if Trump has anything to say about it.
the overpressure from a nuclear blast will likely blow our hat right off
Turkey needs to be kicked out of NATO. Once Russia is our ally we will have no need for the unstable Turkroach regime in our treaty
Fuck turkey, those roaches are helping ISIS kill Americans.
Fighting a land war in Asia? Classic blunder.
>implying leafs can withstand nuclear fall out
You're not t*rks
>America gets nuked
>Heavily armed radiated spill over your boarders
>As radiation sickness progresses, and burger supplies near depletion
>Leafs are rounded up and ground into a soylent green style burger replacement
>dying for middle Eastern muslims
Americucks, everyone
Turkey is NOT your friend, turkey is NOT your home. Turkey helps ISIS and the Muslim brotherhood, the same assholes who killed thousands of americans.
no you wont you fat sharting fuck
Fuck Roaches and Erdogan. Let Putin retake Tsargrad.
Someone have to wipe out the armed arm of the jew.
wow, you're dumb
pls die for us amerika-kun :3
Shut up alphabet nobody cares. Russia is bros.
FUCK you cuck. Stop sucking roach dick
>USMC voted for Trump 3 to 1
what do you think that turns to when you only count the actual "war fighters"?
Is there anyone who actually like the US?
>CTR claiming to be Military
>fight against an actual army
my sides
USA is the real terrorist
turkey buys oil from isis to fund terrorism. obama wont bomb oil truck convoys because oil fires are bad for envoirnment. Trump will sort it all out not to worry.
Same here. Nothing personal I just want to shoot someone. Some of your women are nice as well hope you don't mind me trying some of the local "delicacies"
please come save me the russians are coming
Simple demographics, black marines always voted for Hillary, Hispanic ones it was split 50/50.
You only want to protect that trap named Anzu dont you cuckboi
Sorry about the time we bombed your uncles' hovel in goatfuckistan Muhammad.
>When Jews post on Sup Forums
>fighting for that cockroach that posts dead American Marines on Sup Forums all day
Russia, please turn Anatolia into Fallout 5.
To hell with Turkey. I hope Russia rolls them hard.
Their people ? Yes.
Their state ? No.
Muche like us btw.
same fag, same proxy.
I really hope both of you die in a war soon.
Lol, good luck getting raped by Russians when they roll over your borders. Probably shouldn't have spent all that money on moronic social problems and spent a little on military defense, top kek.
I can't wait till you European leeches are finally forced to defend yourselves. Or become a new Russian state. Both are fine options with me.
I'm gonna be one salty notherfucker if I get recalled from the IRR to in yet another bulkshit war, especially one statted by obongo to spite Trump.
I'd rather remove kebab with Russia or not have anything to do with them.
>muh Russian boogymen
Go get killed somewhere, you useless fuck.
This, fuck Turkey, not even a real NATO ally. They don't deserve to be members.
keep talking like that and we will kick your pale ass out of NATO, cucklord.
Why the fuck should I risk my life to defend filthy roaches? As far as I'm concerned all Muslims are a threat to the United states
Navy GSM this guy gets it
Seeing in the news how much americans can't handle driving in winter, I'm not optimistic.
Russians are our allies
I unironically wish that they hadn't joined NATO just so that we would be able to kill them all if WW3 happens
>s-so are we pals Russia?
Russia gunna rape your boi pucci and give you ptsd.
No we won't
Americans will not support a war with Russia
is no one else going to acknowledge this sublime fucking get?
>defending t*rkroaches
>dying for t*rkroaches
Good goyim!
Army 11B. I only know one guy in my company (approx 120 dudes) who was willing to admit he voted for Hillary. We eat that kissing the American flag shit up. Half of us have it tattooed all over us.
Russian troll
Big words from the anonymous internet boy
I wish there was some kind of CIA/CTRbot filter
i dont think murica is in any position to get involved
You always tend to find a way
The UK would be part of the Caliphate
>""""""NATO allies"""""
An honest enemy is better than a fake friend
Don't try it. Russia has the high ground.
t. 11% islamic
>Implying the Russians aren't all a bunch of lying two faced little shits.
Putin has been exposed as a pussy.
Fuck you, Turkey killed thier ambassator and giver terrorist weapons
he's basically confirmed to be a russian hacker just by the fact that he sounds like an Alt Right dweeb
yeah all the gay,diverse, trans and women "soldiers" can go first
not moving a finger for fucking turkey
go away cuck
Lets see how willing they really are for their 'rights'
The white goys who want to invade Russia are the best goys.
Good goy do what the sjw libtards want
Good goy kill your fellow white man
Good goy die for the Jews.
ever since the end of the cold war NATO has become evil
too bad you don't understand that
the balance of power is too thrown off
when that happens the one with the monopoly on power will exert their influence with no restrictions
Ever been to Turkey? Any US service member that has and still wants to defend Turkey must be some special kind of retarded and should be euthanized for his own safety.
Russia wont do shit. They know their place.
That would be the day, britbong executes all it's muslims then goes on a glorious crusade with murica and ruskies.
If I had a genie I'd wish for this.
My countries are on that list!
dude you're fucking gay I bet you play airsoft
But, 360 degree difference is the same as 0 degre- Oh god he admitted it himself...
Russian US Alliance to crusade in Europe when?