>TED talks
>Georgia secretary of state says cyberattacks traced to U.S. Department of Homeland Security addresses
The eternal yid at it again
Unlike every other race, white men actually made good use of that historical affirmative action.
Wait I can't tell if I'm supposed to be mad or proud.
>world history is affirmative action for whites
>claiming that undeserving whites were just handed their success by some higher entity/group
>be the product of the 3rd civilization
>previously enslaved by brown people
>conquer the world through tech superiority
The American mindset is beyond retarded.
Almost like they're genetically superior. Wow!
>taking TED seriously
Aren't they the ones who had that fat acceptance lady speak?
>Kimmel Family History. German and Jewish (Ashkenazic):
Not even funny at this point
>if you invent something and then benefit from that invention, you are privileged
Sure sure the white men in Poland Ukraine Slovakia and Czechia Slovenia they all had it very good.
>you don't deserve anything
>we want to hurt you
>we want to suffer more
>you need to do as you're told
Damn, TED got infiltrated by SJWs badly.
>Invent, built and create everything for the last 500 years
>Affirmative action
No, shut the hell up you stupid Marxists.
>TED Talk
> A jew complaining about privilege
I am honestly starting to hate them Sup Forums
he sound a little homo .
>white rich man, calling other white men privileged.
You can't make this shit up.
Of course.
So who was the authority that gave us affirmative action?
>Other white men
Then who gave *them* affirmative action?
leave us out of this cancer
So are you.
I love how these people ignore individuality in favor of demographic arguments whenever it suits them. Its the equivalent of me saying that all black people commit crime. No some individual blacks commit crime just like some individual whites have rich privileged families. Some white kid in a trailer park with meth addicted parents isn't as privileged as a black kid with normal parents.
Also when people have discussions about the effects of affirmative action, they are discussing the merits of it and weather or not it helps the individuals and society as a whole. They aren't arguing over who has the most privilege points or some other non sense.
kimmel is a german name, you filthy krauts have to ruin everything
As if names are the only thing the kikes have stolen from us...
t. ground zero of all modern degeneracy
this guy is jewish. His wikipedia entry is strangely absent of any mention of parents and their ethnic background so I had to do some digging which wasn't too hard but still. I think wikipedia is or will soon be starting to omit the ethnic background of jews specifically as a tactic to obfuscate their intentions.
>We wanted him to find his own interests,” Michael says, “but we also wanted him to have a strong moral compass.” The Kimmels are secular Jews; “we don’t have the religious faith that serves as a quick shorthand to determine right and wrong.”
>The Kimmels are secular Jews
>“we don’t have the religious faith that serves as a quick shorthand to determine right and wrong.”
I'm all for equal treatment. For everyone. In fact, I'd love to see women receive draft letters, and immigrants to have to sit on the waiting list for 8 years before they can rent a house.
Or to see black people give snooty lectures about how black people have received unfair advantages. Just sayin'.
some people are more tribal than others
good luck selling individualism to the black community
>good luck selling individualism to the black community
True, I don't think most people can wrap their heads around any of this stuff anyway. Most people are either in "I hate dem niggers" mode or "More black in jail = racism" mode.
>They still haven't made it there.
Checked. Kek confirms.
>I love how these people ignore individuality in favor of demographic arguments whenever it suits them.
Yeah, I have noticed that, too. Overall leftists seem to commit HUGE flaws of reasoning. In fact, they seem to have no real notion of certain concepts. For instance, when have you ever seen a leftist mention culture in any other context than some individual thing they liked? Maybe a theatre play, or some foreign dish?
Similarly, they don't really seem to understand the subtle difference between the individual and the group. They think those two are the same, so when you insult the group, they treat it as if you walked up to someone and personally offended them. Conversely, they don't see a difference between adressing crimes "white people" committed as a group (though there was no such thing as modern racial identity back then, making the entire point moot) and adressing individual white people for those crimes.
Lenin called it "Kto Ktogo" which roughly means "Who, whom", as in "Who is dominating whom".