So this looks like this is gonna be another one of those groundbreaking movies all because (((they))) want it to be. What I want to know however, is how factually accurate is this movie? Is it a "we wuz tha wons dat brawt whitey out tha stone age" as they cue to insert hundreds of black women into a timeline in which they never exsisted tier story? or is it grounded in some truth.
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If they did what the movie claims to do, good for them.
Science > your identity politics
It starts out with those women then stitches to various nazi scientists brought over from Germany who insist they won't work with women and then they start doing real science.
There were black women working at NASA
The did the modern equivalent of file clerks and data entry
This tbhq. Your little Sup Forums is nice and stuff, but if this story is true then they achieved more than most of us ever will.
>fat negresse
>allowed to go to space
>true story
Top cuck
sometimes niggers are intelligent, decent human beings
We wuz space pioneers and sheeeit!
So this is like that Cuba Gooding Jr. movie of him becomming a Navy diver, but instead:
>3 women
>become file clerks
>their only additional effort over the usual female hires to easy as fuck jobs is some people don't like them and say mean things
>no actual danger
>no physical hurdles to endure/overcome
>no exceptional intellectual prowess necessary
>muh woman power + muh black power
Gay as fuck.
Next make a movie about the first black female bus driver.
Their struggle was so deep!
Fuck off.
History that you were never told:
Stalin and the Soviet Union were actually black, from African-American origin.
Yes, the first people in space were actually black, but American whitey pretended that the Soviets were white, while trying to suppress the Soviets (Blacks) from being the first in space.
Educate yourself.
Blacks have a rich culture that has contributed to society for many generations.
Pic related.
t. Tyrone Jenkins
These women were "computers." The engineers would crunch a bunch of equations down to tedious calculations and then hand them off to these ladies, who would do routine, 0 thought required work and give the results back to the engineers. They were just glorified slide rules, but these movie is going to make it seem like they came up with general relativity.
history rebooty
They don't LOOK like Nazi scientists
here is an actual hidden figure
Just google how these """"blacks"""" really looked like...
>Nazi scientists
That's a myth
No nazi scientists were ever involved with any american government activities.
t. Snopes
>featuring Pepe the Frog as Black Woman #3
This were important but not irreplaceable. Had it not been them most other people would have been capable of doing these calculations.
Especially because they had the entire equation done for them they just need to replace the values
The president gave her a medal of freedom, and even then a bunch of Sup Forumstards got butthurt over her getting one
They really captured that nigger bitch attitude that everyone finds so endearing.
>Sup Forumstard revisioning
Bets sitting on an imageboard discussing HABBENINGS good for them. They have my utmost respect not that they even need cause nasa and sheit
Why are the dutch sucks sacks of crap?
You seem butthurt that a black women can beat you at calculus user...user you can't even count the calories in your burger
>Wow so black
This. Back then part of "programming" meant pushing punchcards into a machine.
These women did exist and they were never given the credit for their work. I'm sorry you are triggered
Nice demoralizing tactic:
Become a scientist all you want, goy. We'll just tell the public you're the devil and hand all the glory off to shaniqua for her mastery of the multiplication table.
At least they're gonna get bleached by all the hunky white engineers
> Anonymous (ID: fvwAUqha) 12/19/16(Mon)17:46:03 No.103556833▶
>sometimes niggers are intelligent, decent human beings
> Anonymous (ID: y7M7Ku4A) 12/19/16(Mon)17:46:37 No.103556934▶
>We wuz space pioneers and sheeeit!
> Anonymous (ID: 0QH9FGjG) 12/19/16(Mon)17:48:52 No.103557309▶
> (OP)
>So this is like that Cuba Gooding Jr. movie of him becomming a Navy diver, but instead:
>>become file clerks
>>their only additional effort over the usual female hires to easy as fuck jobs is some people don't like them and say mean things
>>no actual danger
>>no physical hurdles to endure/overcome
>>no exceptional intellectual prowess necessary
>>muh woman power + muh black power
>Gay as fuck.
>Next make a movie about the first black female bus driver.
>Their struggle was so deep!
People hate on blacks for chimping out
get good black helping american and science progress Sup Forums chimps out fuck i would rather have them women here then you user. Your butthurt over seeing some accomplish something you can not accept your genes are weaker faggot and kill yourself, enjoy 7/11
>People hate on blacks for chimping out
>get good black helping american and science progress Sup Forums chimps out fuck i would rather have them women here then you user
Damned if you do, damned if you don't.
I was giving these women credit sperg
but the thing is the story won't be true and they will claim that neil armstrong wan't the first man on moon but it was a black woman instead
>they will claim that neil armstrong wan't the first man on moon but it was a black woman instead
Damn this board is full of retards
this is a true story and these women were national treasures
They didn't help science progress any more than a normal secretary, they were manual workers. There were women who were creatively active, but not these three baboons.
true stories we wuz kangs chapter 6.
we invent da jive programin language den whitey stole it called it java
we invent onyx os den whitey stole it called it unix
we invent scsi den whitey stole it called it master slave
>these three baboons.
why so rude
Google isn't saying her boyfriend is the gorilla
>My friend's not a gorilla
but damn, she looks like one tho
they were computers, they did the grunt math the engineers couldn't be bothered with. So a little more then a secretary
The woman it's based on is like 15/16ths white. This is literally a WE WUZ movie.
>They didn't help science progress any more than a normal secretary, they were manual workers.
Man, there goes that stormtard revisionism again. One of the ladies, Catherine Johnson (don't know who the other two are based on) calculated spaceflight trajectory for NASA.
When NASA used electronic computers for the first time to calculate John Glenn's orbit around Earth, she was told to the verify the computer's numbers because Glenn asked for her personally, and refused to fly unless she verified the calculations.
I find it interesting the whenever a black person does something, Sup Forumstards try to do everything in their power to discredit it, even if it makes them look like complete fools in the process. Then again, many people on Sup Forums are so mentally stunted that they literally get angry when a black girl has the possibility of being smarter than the "aryan" guy on Sup Forums with a 180 IQ and no career.
>Actual scientist who actually did real pioneering work on an cutting edge space program
>Attacked, degraded, abused and forced out because of a fucking shirt
>Some irrelevant secretaries, typists and data entry clerks
>"We must celebrate these wonderful black womyn for everything that they've given us - worship their sweaty taints and make movies about them because they are true goddesses who walk amongst us!"
Daily reminder that black women have the most misplaced sense of pride and superiority on the planet. They're the smuggest loudmouths on the planet (endless whinging about muh black feminism, muh queens, etc), but the only black woman to ever achieve anything of any note whatsoever at any point in history was Condoleezza Rice.
They were never paid to do their jobs? That's appalling!
Or are you saying that being black and being able to do arithmetic is some sort of magnificent accomplishment deserving of an entire week of the History curriculum?
Seems pretty racist if you to think it's that hard for blacks to do simple math.
Pic related headed whatever endeavors they DID do, even though it wasn't too much.
>But she was black doee
>They're the smuggest loudmouths on the planet
This is true. Why are they always so loud and aggressive?
Yes, someone already corrected me saying they put in numbers in calculation templates, so they were more than secretaries. It's funny that you jump to associate this kind of work with the possibility of blacks having IQs of 180.
does anyone else remember the thread with an user who claimed to be a producer on this film?
>inb4 check 4plebs due to phoneposting
>When NASA used electronic computers for the first time to calculate John Glenn's orbit around Earth, she was told to the verify the computer's numbers because Glenn asked for her personally, and refused to fly unless she verified the calculations.
Then why was she never mentioned at any of John Glenn's books?
Ah, Mi hermano Dominicano. Ella es negra.
Usted, de todas las personas, debe saber que el color de la piel no determina la raza. Pero el problema es que estás ocupado siendo un tío Tomas para un grupo de gente que te que te llamará un nigger debido a su bandera.
>Next make a movie about the first black female bus driver.
Desu that'd be more exciting than this one.
It's also funny that they were basically doing grunt work so crude and basic that it was delegated to a bunch of non-scientist women.
Of those three women in the film, only one was a college graduate. One was a high school teacher and the other was a secretary and bookkeeper.
The reason that these women were "hidden" was because they frankly didn't do very much.
No you mean "science"
One quadroon who crunched numbers =/= they wuz assronots
you have to go back
I heard there was another astronaut, louis armstrong by name, but due to the colour of the moon sky he was easy to miss on the pictures
We all know the Saturn V was made by the Nazis.
This just confirm Germans were black until 1980.
Because muh evil white patriarchy.
>lists triangles
I meant shapes, not triangles
Holy fug.
>being black and being able to do arithmetic is some sort of magnificent accomplishment
That's exactly right, they want to meme nogs into something smarter so they make it flashy and embellished the truth a bit so that maybe a tryone or two will stop being niggers
The cock sure attitude it will give the simple 80 IQ dindu and pissing off Whitey is just icing on the cake
Are Mathematicians calculators?
>literally darkest photo of her in existence.
Listen, man. I love my country as much as you think you do, but lets not forget that most Dominican immigrants in the US are remnants of the great exodus of the 70s/80s, which consist of largely uneducated manual laborers who sit in the tri-state area playing dominoes, complaining that the presidente just "doesn't taste" the same while implying that they might ONE DAY go back to DR to retire.
Nevermind that the PLD can be said to have been founded because the PRD was leaning too far left, under the leadership of Gomez (prolly Haitian mane), a doubtful Dominican at best. During the times that the PRD was in power, the country suffered the greatest economic disasters of our history.
The independence we celebrate is not against the's against the Haitians. Think about that. The joy, every 27th of February, of celebrating the division between DR from the Republic of Haiti.
tldr; Skin color is a thing, real Dominicans stay in DR, this movie is pure fantasy to tell African-Americans that they've achieved something of value. Prove me wrong.
This entire thing is fucking ridiculous, completely the wrong tone and the content is suspicious as hell.
Correct. It was the same in England with Bletchley Park code breaking operations. Essentially math grunt work that was repetitive and tedious following specific instructions given to them by the actual codebreakers.
Most Dominicans would leave DR if they could.
>Nevermind that the PLD can be said to have been founded because the PRD was leaning too far left, under the leadership of Gomez (prolly Haitian mane), a doubtful Dominican at best. During the times that the PRD was in power, the country suffered the greatest economic disasters of our history.
The independence we celebrate is not against the's against the Haitians. Think about that. The joy, every 27th of February, of celebrating the division between DR from the Republic of Haiti.
Don't know what you're jabbering about but fuck Haiti yeah
>tldr; Skin color is a thing, real Dominicans stay in DR, this movie is pure fantasy to tell African-Americans that they've achieved something of value. Prove me wrong.
African Americans have achieved shit before they went full retard after the 70s.
I seriously don't know what you're trying to achieve by shucking and jiving for WNs.
There was a brief interview on National Public Radio with one of the woman who is quite old over 90. She said she was just doing her job and she wasn't sure what the fuss was about.
That won't stop the SJWs from trying to make symbols out of them.
It's just annoying they need to put the stereotypical black women in this to make it funny. OH NO SHE DIDNT HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA... fkn annoying
>Katherine Johnson
>summa cum laude, mathematics and foreign language during undergrad
>graduate degree in mathematics
>catching shit from 300 lb "muh WHITE POWER" neckbeards
The fact that you classify analytical geometry as "number crunching" is a testament to the fact you guys don't know anything more than what you were taught in high school.
Just some annoying oscar bait shit, who cares
So she turned white after studying mathematics or she studied mathematics because she turned white?
>vast majority of engineers are male
>vast majority of engineers are white
>space program consisted of only a few thousand people
>rocket engineers require at least 115 IQ
>chance that a nigger has an IQ of 115 is approximately 1 in 48
I don't even need to look into the background of these women. The sheer unlikelihood that they contributed anything significant to the space program is enough for me to dismiss this film as hollywood blackwashing.
I think you might have spent a considerable amount of time in the states, man. Have you been to DR, lately? There is no need to do a course in white apologetics to see that our founding fathers were NOT black. Our upper class is white.
In DR there isn't too much hate based on skin color (besides Haitians) due to our mixed population. In the states, there was not much mixing of the races. MOST of the blacks over there are "Haitians". Pure black.
I understand that your life in the US is more comfortable, etc etc. but pushing the black agenda in the US is akin to pushing the Haitian agenda in DR. Its like an American expat in Denmark criticizing the US healthcare system.
I rebel against it.
>analytical geometry as "number crunching"
Fun fact, when it comes to orbital mechanics it does come down to 'number crunching', most systems of differential equations can only be solved numerically. It was the same with the Manhattan project, they had rooms and rooms full of IBM tallying machines carrying out a predetermined set of steps programmed on punch cards
This is the actual main character from the movie, a blue eyed 1/64 groid, whose actual work was being a human Excel spreadsheet.
holy shit i just finished the trailer
The tone is all wrong... it's half comedy half tyler perry half period drama. Which audience are they trying to target here?
>Which audience are they trying to target here?
The WE WUZ and nu-male
You're not wrong. Before electronics, "computers" were people who did mathematics. Most computers were not doing analysis, they were doing rote calculations such as populating tables of values. During WW2, most computers were women, as most of the men were drafted into the war effort.
>It was the local DMV clerks, not the nazis that took us to the moon.
Hey now
i want janelle monae to rub her pussy all across me and make me drink her puke
Actually... everybody was black. You are black. Look down.
but seriously get the fuck out of my country ASAP
>It was the local DMV clerks that took us to the moon
>astronauts had to pick a number and wait for 10 years
>coming soon to a theater near you
The same as saying you couldn't have done it without electricians, concrete workers, truck drivers, metal workers, farmers that raised the food the people at NASA ate, or the thousand other links in the chain that make many of the greatest achievements of society possible.
Thanks society!