He is just too fat to bleed, the blood cant come out because of all the fat
Blood doesn't explode out of gunshot wounds like in the movies. Unless you're using ammo that's going to leave a big exit wound, than it literally just punches a hole in wherever you shot him and leaks out.
hurr durr every murder must look like the 100 animes i watch every day
But there was blood.
it's pooling under him you stupid burger
Blood is in the body cavity.
Ever gone deer hunting? I have seen deer skinned that never spill a drop.
shot from behind
lol what the fuck
gunshots don't work like in video games. you don't gush blood everywhere
captcha: schoolbus blood
Not this bullshit again. Every fucking time. Crisis actor! False flag! I really wish that you retards would hang yourselves.
Obama said it was some 400 lb guy in the midwest.
its not a video game
a blood pool doesnt form, you can bleed internally (filling lungs and chest cavity) along with many other ways
only in movies and games do they always bleed out. It heavily depends how they are killed how they bleed.
Unfortunately not fake. You can see where a bullit came out of the front of his shirt. He was not wearing Kevlar. Wtf over?
>masonic hanged man symbolism
The news is full of this faked theatrical shit.
There's totally blood on the floor, but there needs to more blood to be good art, you FAGGOT!
>No blood
Dude, the ambassador is wearing a shirt, sweater and suit.
That pic was taken 10 sec after he was shot.
Do you think he just spews out blood?
This happened in front of many random people. If someone went over and positioned his legs or whatever, we would know.
this kamerad is richtig
>He hasn't spent hundreds of hours on /gifs/ watching murders so he can spot a false flag
OP is retarded
how are you this retarded? it was a 9mm and there's a layer of fat and 3 layers of clothes to bleed through. the clothing probably caught most of it
>masonic hanged man symbolism
Let's say, yes, the Masons totally did that on purpose when no one was looking.
Then what?
The Hanged Man is not a negative or 'evil' card. It's more of a a symbol of self sacrifice and enlightenment.
Good catch, user. This whole things looks staged.
shouldnt the fat like protect him?
Bleeding could be pooling up under him/absorbing into cloths. Also internal bleeding...
Shit in real life isn't like the movies. Fuck yourself
Is this the /k/ 9mm meme?
It's always prudent to question this things first, otherwise the warmongers jump to fast.
Also he was shot in the back. He's lying on the bullet wound.
You need a break from Hollywood produced movies.
"OMG! we forgot to put blood to the emabajador, some users from Sup Forums discovered us
shut it down!"
He's wearing clothes and it's not a large enough caliber to totally shred him. Watch his shirt collar during the shooting. You can see his shit getting fucked up in real time.
fat ppl leak a lot of yellowish and red, so it must be yellow and red.
hey drained the blood before shooting?
Nah his high cholesterol clogged the bullet wounds.
even in anime they have blood, becuase guess what?
you have like 3 litters of blood stupid shit.
any bulletshoot bleed like hell. You die becuase of a the bleeding, not becuase of the bullet dmg. only a bullet to the head or a vital point can kkill you intantly.
You have HD pictures and video? wtf???? killed bu his own turkys guard?
why didnt russian assigned a russian guard? are you saying that the russians are fucking retards?
he tried to flee while being shoot by the police, have you seen the amount of bullet holes in the full picture? He ended as a human strainer
are you fucking ratrdted? you come from under a rock? or you are just stupid?
shoot your self in the torax, and see if you dont bleed you fuckin dog
What's is this, CTR shilling for Turkey?
having been shot so many times so quickly, basically killed instantly, one should also account for his heart stopping and not pumping any blood out.
life isnt like cod
Testing if I am banned
This is what beaners actually belive.
All cops use Hollow Point ammunition that doesn't create an exit wound.
That's not the shooter. The skin tone is different and there is no chain hanging from the painting frame.
nope. wearing a big black coat such as he is there's a good chance you WON'T see any blood, not from a little pistol.
>Testing if I am banned
in the extended image.
Did any of you insufferable cunts see how many shots were fired in the video? Like 5 or 6. THERE SHOULD BE BLOOD IF YOU WANNA CONVINCE SOMEONE SOMEONE DIED
Top 10 anime death scenes
fat people dont bleed that much the fat closes up the wound
Holy fucking shit, all of you guys are fucking restarted. He was obviously shot in the head with a 22lr round, because the guy who shot him is actually a Mossad agent trying to cause more instability to the Middle East so greater Israel can be achieved.
people who post dumb shit like this are as bad as paid shills.
>9mm do not make people bleed.
shilling intensifies.
t. shlomo goldensteinberg
God fucking damn it do we have to explain how guns and blood spatter work to you inbred morons EVERY fucking time someone gets shot on camera?
People who get shot through the heart do not bleed very much. No pump.
the whole thing was recorded you know, from his speach to death.
Still checks out
apparently Sup Forums doesn't know how real life differs from movies and gaemz
Just go buy a prostate massager and be happy in your euphoric daze and leave the conspiracies and politicikin to Sarah Godqueen Palin
Silly mexicana. wtf is a torax
>I was joking
Fake blood.
Looks like that is part of his coat
Turn off the vidya and Pedowood movies. People don't explode and have blood spraying everywhere when they get shot. We have this thread every fucking shooting.
That's fake blood. hurr hurr I'm a tinfoil retard who thinks real life is like in the movies.
This is fake. He's not dead. His muscles are tense.
t. Doctor scientist expert
thats swamp gas
if he was dead he'd have an erection.
idiot bullets are so hot because they move so fast that people get set on fire when theyre shot
its like Christopher Nolans batman during the bank robbery
Why is the spring sticking out of the magazine on the ground like that? Did some deadeye shoot him in the gun?
>shot from the back
>glasses magically land ten feet behind him instead of falling forward
They still think we're fucking stupid.
>Believing the (((humans have blood))) meme.