What went wrong?


>This is for a Leppo!

What Leppo did he mean with this?


IMF Chief Christine Lagarde found guilty of negligence

What's his endgame?

Sadly, we will never know.

he's kind of cute desu o3o

definitely not his trigger discipline

Best line I heard was the Hillary Clinton quote heard round the world - " at this point what difference does it make?"

Was this Obama's doing? He did warn Russia that he will do something because of the supposed election hacks.

>What went wrong?

>no doubles

Islam didn't leave the stone age.

Will we have a new crusades?

he was not a fan of shit art.


He didn't check 'em

This is basically the "they think we are evil, but no, it is they who are evil" face Mudslimes make every time they're on camera.

kek that's what came to mind first when I saw him

Ryan started the fire

>dead russian
>dead turk

absolutely nothing went wrong


Travolta did it better.

Someone has made disco edits of this, right?

Best one so far

nigga please

Foreign intervention in Syria

A choice between secular dictators or murderous Islamists is always the scenario in the Middle East
