I really hate to go Alex Jones here, but where is the security that would almost HAVE to be present at an event like this after the ambassador was shot? Is it just shitty security or something fishy?
I really hate to go Alex Jones here...
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He was security. Or at least pretended to be. Thats how he could get so close without trouble
He was the security. Special ops police officer in Ankara
Nigga that dude WAS the security. He was a turkish special ops that was assigned to protect him.
but what about after the shooting? He had enough time to make a while.....speech?.....make a facebook post, and order something from the Chipotle app, and all without any kind of response.
The security offered to the Russian ambassador was compromised. You can't just assume it is this one guy.
fucking animals
The thing is nobody expected this guy to be assasinated so there was no real security except this guy so when he killed him it took a while for the cops to come in and kill him.
nuke them
alex jones ane trump are 33rd degree masons along with dave chapelle, and it seems kayne was just initiated into the 33rd.
lets not forget the ultimate goal of the masons is to get political zionism and islam to destroy eachother so america can get that entire arabian penisula. the jews think they have america as slaves, but really they'll get a real holocaust, ahe the american flag will fly from egypt to iran, from yemen to turkey, and probably over Europe as well as they seek to destroy christianity.
Trump is pushing down Iran for Israel, and will make america great again in the process, but ultimatley mecca and jerusalem will destroy eachother because they can't figure out the bible and the quran is about how they kill eachother
I can see that
it's funny because he's talking about fiction
Alex Jones is the mouthpiece of an ex-spy master known as Steve Pieczenik. Look up Steve Pieczenik's background.
Dude, hate it to break it to you but Trumps family have always been connected to the kikes. They only recently moved to America from Bavaria with their kike relatives and friends
>serbs are behind all this trying to manipulate other countries to remove kebab for them
It's going to mighty secure when Assad is running the show again.
all of Pol had his Khazar heritage carefully mapped out... and then moot turned on paid shilling script and retired. The rest is now known as WW3
Kind of hard to keep security away from an ambasador. Nothing fishy.
he's from turkish special forces/police. his documents are on twitter already
Why would the serbs want to miss out on all the fun?
you're not breaking anything new to me.
trump is part of the Royal Priesthood the Masons have, he hasn't always been connected with jews, he has always been handling jews.
Trump is going to push and manipulate things so Israel and the Saudis destroy eachother, guaranteed.
everything is going right along to plan. the destruction if Islam and Zionism is all a part of the plan for a NWO.
its time to make america great again boys.
we part of the masons now
He is the hero we need not the one we deserve.
the shooter was designated to be the russian ambassodor's bodyguard a week ago. the turks say there's a connection between the shooter and gulen.
this election is one giant jew meme to make people believe in the seat of the presidency.
Trump will pull a Napoleon and turn around to declare himself emperor
it was always part of the plan to get people to sacrifice our children, and burn them at the stake for it.
the tweet with a picture of his documents. he's from turkish special forces. twitter.com