>unproductive, parasitic
>genetically inferior, virgin
>high school level education or lower
what do these three things have in common?
>unproductive, parasitic
>genetically inferior, virgin
>high school level education or lower
what do these three things have in common?
>tfw college educated neet
I bet you have debt too.
Why don't you just kill yourself?
Do the world a favor.
>tfw NEET with a PHD
>tfw mom would probably od on pain medication if I weren't around to care for her 24/7
>tfw too ashamed to admit to a date that I cook and clean like a woman for a living
>what do these three things have in common?
>what do these three things have in common?
They're required in order for Psychopaths/Capitalists to have someone to feel superior to.
>unproductive, parasitic
>high school level education or lower
>tfw i still get pussy
Hush, puritan. You're conviction is better spent elsewhere than squabbling with your brothers.
also capables of the occult KeK Magick arts
He wouldnt do anyone favors by killing himself while in debt. Because the people who ALREADY loaned him the money are in a bit of a pinch
First work off all that debt
Oh yes goyim make sure you pay back your debts. With interest! Heh heh
>Oh yes goyim make sure you pay back your debts. With interest! Heh heh
The less you pay it, the higher the interest gets for the next guy
Good goy. Sexual promiscuity is what the cool kids do. Be sure to fuck plenty of women so everyone is nice and experienced.
>the higher the interest gets for the next guy
Good, school loans shouldn't be a thing.
If you can't succeed in high school then just get a real job instead of studying sociology.
neets are hurt children of the jewish socialism system, shaming won't work, propose a real solution or gtfo.
>Stealing things is ok if they're bad for some people
Worse than a standard Sup Forums/Anti-Feminist NEET, is a Nu-Male cuck NEET who's in a Matriarchal relationship.
pic related
>muh libtardarianism
Kill yourself, stealing is necessary for society to function.
Those loans are already given with stolen money.
This wouldn't be so bad if it weren't for the inevitable
>it's just not working out, I don't feel the way I used to about you
>Those loans are already given with stolen money.
lol no it isn't.
>Kill yourself, stealing is necessary for society to function.
t. disgusting degenerate nigger.
>tfw spend all day watching movies, playing video games and masturbating while you chumps go to work to pay for my lifestyle
feels good man