Erdogan already scared ....

pls no bully


rolling for Erdogan to get BTFO

Putin confirmed for turbocuck

turkbros finna get fucked up, F

-- slightly dissapointed

He got in one little putsch and his mom got scared.

No happening?
fukcing againg?

I'm now thoroughly convinced that Putin isn't the man he makes himself out to be. Let the world know you can kill Russian military and ambassadors with impunity.

Will Putin reclaim Constantinople before Christmas? It's really the best present he could give

No wonder it came to this.
The world can't afford a major conflict.
Only leftist retards think that a war against Russia is going to do some good.

the fuck did you retards expect? if abdullah the londoner shot an American ambassador would we invade the UK? fucking morons

not to mention the potential for covert agendas.

Should ISIS just start killing Americans in countries they hate just so we invade those countries for them? finish your call of dooty game then kys

People really expected an incoming WW3 lmao. Nobody would want to start a war unless they assasinated Putin himself.

What's he going to do? You can be a badass but still use common sense. Turkey is a NATO country. He can't do anything. The worst he could do is send them a strongly worded letter. Anything else would not end well for him. Even though Turkey started it. In 2015. His hands are tied. It's tough being a leader and forced to inaction.

i hope u dont take pol seriously. its full of autistic manchild and transgenders who masturbates to anime

He knows Trump is about to get in the Syria shit is over for the US and hes hanging out there on his own now.

ahahahaha that pathetic little slav

The UK doesn't shoot our aircraft down. Thier police don't go rogue and kill ambassadors. Two totally different situations. There's a point to where you can say that this isn't reasonable or necessary, and then there's a point where you can say that for all of the talk, this country won't do shit, so long as you make earphone call to them after the fact.


Are you retarded?

The turkish police killed the guy. What were you expecting to happen?

>oh too bad you killed the guy who assassinated our ambassador, we're still going to have to invade your country.

>some random chinese tourist shoots a mayor
>time to invade china

>Strategic opponents
>The west

Soo...CIA False flag confirmed?

>Nobody would want to start a war

If there is any chance of 2 nuclear countries going against each other, they will likely avoid war because it's just not worth the risk. Never in the history of the world have 2 nuclear powers been in direct conflict. There's a reason for that.

>muh "Trump will not be able to handle putin" memes
Top Fucking Kek

>not realizing this is a cia false flag
>attacking a roach just like planned
this place is in a bad shape

Achmed pls, go sodomize another german boy and leave geopolitics to non sub-humans

also LOL @ thinking Putin is going to war over some dumbshit ambassador. This is what happens when you don't enforce the age rule on Sup Forums and you let a bunch of little 15 year old high schoolers run around

This situation seems very similar to the helicopter fiasco from a while back.

This sort of brazen false flag attack has Gülen movement written all over it.

Why would Turkey provoke Russia into a war when they could just ride it out and get into the eurozone.

Do what both of us always do. Coup time, baby. Lets be honest, after January, no one will stop him from wrecking thier shit. I get the point though. Like Obama threatening consequences for the whole Russian hack bullshit, what's he gonna do? Nothing.

Rolling for Turkey to get btfo

More like obvious cia false flag blown the fuck out.

Do you understand warfare? Did you think he'd launch everything he had at Turkey? Russia subverts, manipulates, and confuses the enemy to win. Flexing when you're not stronger than your enemy isn't intimidating.

It's so obvious it hurts.

Its winter break for them. It's going to be like summer of the next two weeks.

>gunman stormed into a building

There is video evidence that disproves this

Already addressed this.

>This is what happens when you don't enforce the age rule on Sup Forums and you let a bunch of little 15 year old high schoolers run around
>unironically writing LOL @
underagefag detected

t. Former employee of CTR

Yeah, I'm leaning towards this option.