Brit/pol/ - Miliband edition

>Theresa May hits out at EU leaders over refusal to negotiate amnesty for European citizens already living in the UK

>MPs may as well stop asking Theresa May about Brexit. They’re wasting their time

>No-confidence vote in first minister fails

>Strikes show contempt says Downing St

>EU will push Britain to the 'CLIFF EDGE' - Ex-trade chief reveals SHOCK Juncker plan

>Would Britain have joined euro & Schengen? Tim Farron makes LUDICROUS ‘hard Remain’ claim

>UK Football Federations Fined £50,000 By FIFA for Players Wearing Poppies Honouring Military Heroes

>UPDATE: Russian Ambassador Assassinated in Turkey

>Union leader says No 10 demonising working people in strikes row

>Liz Truss on a sticky wicket over prisons

>Fallon confirms British-made cluster bombs have been used by Saudis

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First for YKTD is a faggot

imperium desu

Imperial Leather

whats for /tea/ lads?


Russo-Turkish war in February 2017.


Joe Owens youtube channel terminated by DAFTIES

I hope you die from cancer

Not even attractive.


>UPDATE: Russian Ambassador Assassinated in Turkey
wwIII when?

>No-confidence vote in first minister fails

Fucking slack hawed inbred Unionists.


For every funny picture of Ed Millaband posted I will claim another white slag to take back to the curry house with me.

WWIII means rapefugees

>impyling you wouldn't poz it

Thank fuck we're finally getting some happenings this place was beginning to be a massive bore

Go away Martin, you can't bring down Stormont that Easily



have milimemes gone too far?


Please take Thrace, Sergei. Sick of cucks saying T*rkey is European.

get subscribed to his vimeo channel chap

Reeks of David Miliband's interfering to be honest

>STILL no reuploads of his old videos
He didn't backup did he?

Is it time to range-ban this unfunny yellow-fever creep?

Turkish gunman reminds me of young gordon brown.

I think it's something about the hair, and the bombastic style (later adopted when Brown was SAVING THE UNION.)

why do all happenings feel so stage-managed and 'hollywood' now? Is nothing real anymore or do I just need to get out more?


It's two different people

Stop pretending you don't have anglo blood flowing through your veins, Paddy, and become a unionist yourself.

Don't let the banter of the past distort your view of the UK.

Pick one
>Irish citizenship
Based C I V I C

What did Ed mean by this?

You mean saving the world

i don't think this will have massive repercussions
society is so dull to religiously motivated murder and from what I can gather the civil war in Syria is about to be over

Course he didn't he's an old fart why would he waste money on hard drives he's not daft

Time for the UK and Russia to team up and retake Constantinople

bit rude desu


brits out desu senpai

>retake constantinople
>implying it should be given to the greeks
they won't even pay denbts

Doxx and castrate him

>Time for the UK and Russia to team up
Literally not a chance

Typical that when a happening happens the political illiterates flood back in


Oh fuck off you boring cunt.

is she one of us?

I'd say the LARPing fantasists are at least as boring.

Autism. Not even once. Gas the autists! Mental health war now!


He is right though, as much as I hate to say it, this country is run by crypto-kikes. I don't think you're politically illiterate though lad :)

Press F to pay respects

>Tony Blair was in despair. ‘I cannot believe what Gordon has done,’ he exclaimed in disbelief. For the first time, he sensed the depth of Brown’s jealousy and fury.

>Unless they acted as a team, he warned the Chancellor, ‘we’re dead. You’ll ruin the Government.’

>the explosive dispute centred around whether Britain would join the euro. Blair had pledged that it would, subject to a referendum, only to be contradicted by Brown’s spokesman.
>When he heard of Blair’s plan to throw a high-profile party at No 10 for pop stars, actors and London’s ‘luvvies’, the Treasury rapidly arranged a rival celebrity party at No 11 — to be held the day before.
>By October 1997, Brown was brazenly ignoring the most senior officials in Blair’s office. Meanwhile, the PM’s spin-doctors were spreading unflattering stories about the volcanic Chancellor.
>Alastair Campbell said it was time for Brown ‘to get a grip on his psychological flaws’.
>Enraged, the Chancellor then refused to discuss his Budget in advance with the PM — showing his contempt by talking about it first to the Guardian.
>But in the run-up to the 2001 election, he warned Brown that he’d have to stop all the vitriol if he ever wanted to succeed him as PM. The Chancellor snarled back that if he were fired, there’d be war.
>Mistakenly admitting his weakness, Blair backed down, fearing his rival’s considerable support in the party.

>First, the Chancellor told a journalist that the Prime Minister was about to stand down.
>Then he raged at Blair to his face: ‘You’re a c**p Prime Minister and it’s time you moved over and let someone better do the job.’
>Instead of courageously removing Brown, he dithered for four days, trying instead to summon up the courage to give him the Foreign Office. Finally, he called Brown and said: ‘I assume you want to carry on as Chancellor.’

TONY BLAIR WAS KEKED BY BIG GORDO. (Metaphorically. I mean Cherie Blair? Nobody would, not even David Blunkett.)

No, that came earlier.


>And stay off those silly forums, the moderators there, in this country, are working for Searchlight, Hope Not Hate

What did he mean by this?

That's fucking quality

I miss Millipede. Now all Labour's got is a wet blanket with zero bants.

Memes aside, I don't think anything will come of it.

I know this country isn't going to war and I'm also against LARPing, I'm just fed up with this cunt constantly criticising and attacking others.

Just sniffed my earphones

You still have a chance to save Ireland, William Fitzpatrick.

Join the Union, we can be brothers in arms, friends - maybe even equals.


I love Asian cities.... THey look so chill. It's hot and sweaty, neon signs everywhere, trees everywhere, it's messy, and lots of people are sat about eating cheap food
Looks so cool.

I don't mind it, keeps other equally annoying cunts in check.

Not even surprised, most politicians like this kinda shit and worse.

You mean SEA cities. Proper countries like Japan are actually based, SEA is India tier.

Oh, so this is why people don't like you

Bit late but


>>Alastair Campbell said it was time for Brown ‘to get a grip on his psychological flaws’.
Reckon they would SOMA him if they could

Fuck off to Asia then

>Rows over the building of nuclear power stations — vetoed by Brown — were succeeded by more rows over joining the euro. ‘He’s behaving outrageously,’ Blair told Mandelson. ‘This time he’s gone too far.’

>He considered making Jack Straw the Chancellor [FUCKING HELL TONY BLAIR, YOU REALLY WERE A CUNT, YOU ASSOCIATED WITH CUNTS AND YOU WERE A CUNT.], and later wondered if Alan Milburn could do the job. But, as usual, he dithered and retreated.

>Then, once again, the euro became a flashpoint, when Blair forbade Brown from ruling out the possibility of the UK joining the common currency. This time, staff cowered as the row flamed for two days.

>...Blair reconsidered and encouraged his principal private secretary, Jeremy Heywood, to negotiate a truce.

>It didn’t last long: Brown’s next move was to circulate to the Cabinet a 40-page paper that attacked competition in the NHS and foundation hospitals — both supported by the PM.

>‘That was an apocalyptic moment,’ Health Secretary Alan Milburn reflected. ‘Brown had distributed his paper without Blair’s knowledge. It was deliberate subterfuge.

>‘I had told Blair in 2001 to get rid of Gordon,’ Milburn said later, still feeling betrayed. ‘I got fed up with hearing: “Something must be done about Gordon.”

>‘I realised nothing would be done. He had tried to manage Gordon rather than pull the trigger. Brown blocked every reform. I was in a cul-de-sac and there was no way out.’

>Next, the Chancellor adamantly refused to help with a crisis in schools funding.

>education secretary Charles Clarke met Blair, Brown and Prescott and for 30 minutes a slanging match filled the Downing Street room as Brown steadfastly refused to sign off any additional money.

>‘Right, this is what we’re going to do,’ said Blair, readjusting his armour with an expressionless face. ‘If Gordon won’t approve it, then the permanent secretary will authorise it.’

>‘F*** off,’ screamed the Chancellor, and he stormed out of the room.

/ourguy/ desu.

You voted to have fags get away with child rape. Don't call other stupid.

>White Europe quite literally defines the borders of white Europe. EUROPEANS. Not some kike offshoot religion.
Turkey is in Europe.

>Christianity hasn't brought fantastic civilisation to areas of the globe that we exported it, because surprise surprise, no Europeans.
Yes it has. Of course it's limited by human factors. But all you have to do is compare Christian Nigeria to Muslim Sudan, Taiwan to China, South Korea to North Korea, Christian Singapore to Muslim Malaysia and Indonesia to understand that Christianity benefits every society, not just Europeans. It is THE best way of life ever devised by mankind.

ALL Europe and America need to do to uncuck themselves is Christianise again. It immediately solves the degeneracy problem. Makes society less attractive to jews and muslims if they are forced to learn about Christianity in schools and respect Christian law and culture. It imbues people with understanding of ethno-nationalism from reading the OT, but abolishes the irrational, manmade laws and jewry in the NT. Gives them a sense that there is something higher than utilitarianism and consumerism. It even tends to make people vote the right way. There is literally not one bad thing about Christianity.

spudposters cannot recover from this

Hey lads, I'm from 2024.

The separatists lost the civil war and the partitioning of Scotland is to be made official.


90% of the not bad things that Brown did were just petty ways of pissing off Blair.

>Asian girls

just fucking die

Quite true.

Though on the whole I think he'd have been a less shit PM than Blair had he been in since 97 or 2001, but more shit than Smith had Smith lived.

>not just taking the Taigs into the union by force

Keep em coming .Got yellow fever really bad and there is no cure

Get rekt

>It's hot and sweaty, neon signs everywhere, trees everywhere, it's messy, and lots of people are sat about eating cheap food

Literally nothing about that sounds remotely attractive

>Implying separatists are anything other than fat lesbians that couldn't stage a civil war for all the Irn Bru in Glasgow

Yeah, no.

Was 'she' executed?

Welcome to the imperium

this clip will appear in the next adam curtis documentary

>The overwhelming amount of European achievements could and would have happened without Christianity.
Pagan Europe collapsed absolutely. A clean break. Greece and Rome have no more direct link to modern Western civilisation than ancient Egypt, Babylon or Persia. Those ancient nations died and were replaced with modern Greeks and Italians. Their entire culture as alien to us as Pharoah's Egypt to the Arabs who live there today. That is what paganism brought them and that is what antiChristianity is bringing the West today. The inessential things that people complain about with Christianity, the unscientific mythology as opposed to the spiritual aspects, was 100% of the pagan religions. Paganism is something one would not even expect a child to believe, let alone civilised adults. Paganism is irrational and unscientific without the advanced spiritual and theological concepts of Christianity. It is not any more compatible with civilised society than islam, though for different reasons.

It was Christianity that was the unifying ideology of Europe. Christianity that unnaturally prolonged the life of the Eastern Roman Empire for another 1,000 years. The Christian kings who unified the nations of Europe for the first time. Christian monks who preserved, studied and developed the scholarship of antiquity during the Dark Ages. Christian Crusaders who united and defended Europe from real caliphates. The literal exact same time Europe was fully Christianised, the Dark Ages ended and Christian society gave birth to the modern Western civilisation with the Renaissance. Christians who laid the foundations for every single field of knowledge, science and technology known to man. The Christian empires that dominated the world. Just as Christianisation led to the end of the Dark Ages, it is secularisation that has ushered in the age of multiculturalism and white genocide. None of this is a coincidence.

>soulless drone like dog boilers
>but look how le skinny they are lmao

Settling for asian women is the hallmark of a beta who cant lock down a white woman


He's a wannabe normie civic cunt


>white """""""""""""women""""""""""""""
wew lad

Who /glad we're diverse/?

Yeah they can't get a loud, STD-filled, white-hating, man-hating, unintelligent, gossiping, Kardashian-watching white woman.


>It was Christianity that was the unifying ideology of Europe
Europe has never been unified you fucking christcuck mongoloid

Pagan europe didnt "collapse", christian rome collapsed

But lets just gloss over that part lmao

Reminder that christians are THIS deluded and self important


It's sad that there aren't any political 'giants' (to stretch the term) like this left for the parties to have actual disagreements, the closest comparison that springs to mind in recent Tory years (Even during their coalition with the Lib Dems which says a lot) was Boris Johnson criticising Saudi Arabia and then subsequently backing down after being trod on by May and realising just how much he goofed

We're the reason they didn't take it back like 200 years ago m8

It's merely containment, Trump hired the hombres to build the wall around those places.

LARPagans vs Christfags is literally the least productive argument possible on Sup Forums