Sup Forums BTFo by Commander in Chief!
Sup Forums BTFo by Commander in Chief!
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hooray! good thing all those brown countries are thriving paradises.
he's right
white people are dying out, and that's a good thing
it's natural selection
survival of the fittest
men should get a tan
women should be pale
Nice bait
Why do they need to come to white countries to be the fittest then?
America won't exist.
The fuck? Did Obama just admit that America is going to die by becoming "browner"?
Nice and brown
why did white people need to come steal the land from the native americans?
Hell No! I'm pale, as my Mother and Father before me, from my life of ease. I love my pallor and my childrens'. We pay people to work outside.
Survival of the muhdickest.
Yes, completely natural, hehe *rubs nose*
Why did Native Americans allow the land that they had no formal claim to to be "stolen"?
>not also ending the welfare state subsidizing brown birthrates
Trump was only the first step to demographic reversal.
why are whites letting minorities take over "white" countries?
your great grandpa wasn't pale
he had leathery brown skin from working in some shitty coal mine to provide for his sons
unless yer a lily wristed yella belly
They bought that land for some dumb shiny necklaces retard.
what a retarded thread, are you proud of yourselves?
I fucking hope so, Brown-shirts were best shirts.
the most attractive men have always been swarthy as fuck
you can't beat them
get a tan
its the only way to beat the jew
if whites are too weak to defend themselves from dying out, why should anyone care about preserving the "white race"? why should the weakest members of a species be kept alive?
das racist
get a tan brahs
>I there's this sea of vindictive brown chomping at the bit to dethrone you forever and disenfranchise your kids at every possible turn but we just gotta give them American values lmao
white skin literally came from genetic mutations from inbreeding, white people all have defective genes, their bodies can't make melanin which is why they're so pale and weak
You realize this board has ids right?
It makes identifying troll posts so simple that a leaf could do it
Who are the browners?
Toché, leaf
So Trump supporters are stupid for thinking this, but at the same time correct?
>Implying there wont be a race war
Latin americans have the fastest dropping birthrates beyond whites. Not even joking Obongo is just mongering like usual
Lower taxes & take away welfare
White birth rates will go up & Brown birth rates will go down
Right now Whites are paying higher taxes so Brown people can have more babies, lets hope Trump does something about this
They were conquering and pillaging for centuries before the europeans even showed up, they got beat at their own game
Funny how that doesn't apply to anyone other than white people. You're making an argument for why we should've exterminated every group we've come across instead of handing them gibs like a bunch of stupid assholes.
The Obamas are getting browner.
One generation away from failing the "paper bag test" the elite "Black" sororities use to keep the darkies out of the pledges.
My bet is Malia will hook up with a Jewish lesbian when she is back at the set with Lena Dunham.
>by virtue of birth rates
Ignoring that fact that shitskins die way more often than whites. If you stopped immigration right now, and cut tons of shitskin funding, then used that money to fund programs for white families, America would be great again.
t. nigger
This, Obama does not seem to be very familiar with brown countries.
>Americucks still closing their eyes and pretending europe is worse off
Kek, gonna enjoy watching your country burn and fall
they're stupid for caring, they're stupid because their white fragility makes them feel so threatened by minorities
why are whites so afraid of having to compete with minorites? I thought whites were the best at everything, so more brown people shouldn't be a problem?
ethno masochism is hell of a drug
Because we're on the wrong side of history. Of course. With only ratchet conservatives to oppose them, none of their progress can ever be reversed.
There is, for instance, no possibility that the vote will ever again be reserved to whites, let alone white men, let alone settled white homeowning men.
And of course, once people have gotten into a country, there is no way to ever remove them or put pressure on them to leave on their own. Even if the voting majority starts to consider having let them in to have been a traitorous act undertaken with the intention of devaluing their labor and disenfranchising them.
It's absolutely unthinkable that jews might be prevented from holding positions of disproportionate influence within the legal system, banking system, regulatory bureaucracy, educational system, and privileged media with special allocations of broadcast rights and special access to government officials.
The right will never control enough state legislatures to amend the constitution without agreement from the left.
History only moves one way: ever leftward and always against the best interests of the strongest and most capable people, who will forever accept it until they have been wiped out of existence.
Also, Hillary is certain to win the election. It's ridiculous to even consider a Trump victory.
Imagine hate-fucking his daughter... Amazing
hahaha leaf.
niggers just fuck and reproduce but still are worthless.
quality over quantity you cucked faggot.
He's right
fuck off phonefag
Damn Straight!
There was no native Americans in Canada just native Canadians and French people so who cares?
>America will be a browner country
>Please majority, gib more welfare to minorities so the minority can overtake the majority
They wouldn't have a chance to become the majority if the system wasn't rigged in their favor to keep squirting out minorities.
No, he said it's inevitable, and the best thing to do is to try to pamper/educate the future to make it work, considering that minority dropout rates have plummeted and a net number of illegals have left in past years, things are fine
Also Asians have some of the highest legal immigration rates and highest birth rates, interesting because Asians back home have drastically lower rates, China and Japan are ageing fast
America's legal immigration has been a big boon, a massively disproportionate amount of patents are made by immigrants and skilled workers have been a huge driver in the massive expansion of futuristic economies like biotech and software, helping the US increase it's stranglehold on the global economy while the old-world rapidly ages
>Falling crime rate despite "bad demographic changes" that only fringe nazis care about
>Assimilating new immigrants well, immigrants hold a higher opinion of the US than whites born here according to PEW poll
>Steady economy despite best fantasies of angry foreigners
>Almost everyone is okay with immigration and legal immigrants hold a huge number of patents and startups, increasing entrepreneurship
>A system that cherrypicks the best because it's so difficult to get in
Ah yes, the centuries-old burn and a fall fantasy. I think you'll be angry and disappointment all your life waiting for your assburgers country-wars role-playing fantasies to pan out. You'll die crying and resentful
>"whites need to create a better future for shit skins who belong to a different species than them"
I guess genocide is fair game, then, leaf. After all, it's survival of the fittest.
The country will get browner and collapse like Rhodesia collapsed into Zimbabwe if the brown people in the DNC have their way. Their lunatic members are already declaring how dey don't need whitey becuz we wuz kangz n sheeeit
one month left, nigger.