Is pedophilia the greatest redpill?
Is pedophilia the greatest redpill?
Women are for babies, girls are for pleasure.
Can't slide the sticky asshole, islam is going down!
Anyone have the version with benis?
I only found the version with benis
Will share in exchange for tits
Not with 3D, no. 2D all the way.
Tbh in my ideal state you would be executed via firing squad for pedophilia
That's a man, baby!
im gonna need sauce on that pic
unless it has a penis then fuck off
So you need to rape defenseless children?
Literally save the future and slit your wrists lengthwise.
whats the artist called and does he only draw dicks?
Based leaf also checked
Yes. Girls are there to be loved, roasties are there to raise children
That's a boy, right?
If we were ever to have a day of culling I would plot an optimal path through sex registry addresses and hide mags of 7.62 along the way. Also some Gatorade and PBJ.
Murdering child rapists is hard work.
thanks ausbro.
mostly dicks. oh well
No it's not.
Pedophilia is the attraction to kids, kids who are not prepared to breed, which means the sex is exclusively for pleasure and it is degenerate behavior.
However being attracted to 14-15yo teenagers who are already developed is different, and thus it can be considered red-pilled.
Fuck off, feminist faggot.
Little girls are hot and they like sex. Sex with little girls, within a proper relationship, is good.
Fucking degenerates
Every pedophile should be tortured for one week straight and then executed
>mfw this thread
only a leaf
making drawings illegal is the trojan horse of controlled speech.
I'm a pedophile and even that pic seems a little young to me.
Hebephilia is the true redpill. Pedophiles are bluepilled cucks.
>being this butthurt about lolis
neo-Sup Forums is such a shit
>sex is exclusively for pleasure and it is degenerate behavior.
Why is sex for pleasure wrong? It feels good and bonds the couple.
She's 8 now but I don't know when that picture's from.
How young do you think is old enough?
This is correct.
Even degenerate niggers in prison are red pilled enough to cleanse to human race of child molesters.
They should get time off their sentence actually.
neo-Sup Forums confirmed for bluepilled fags
Kill yourself.
Pedophiles are subhuman trash that deserve to be gassed before the Jews. I think killing them in cold blood shouldn't even be a crime. Hell, it should merit an award if anything.
Well duh, 2d is fantasyland. Anyone that thinks someone's a pedophile for looking at hentai is a retard, that includes people that self identify as pedos for that reason.
sick freaks
Better yet, use pedophiles as test dummies for medicines and cars. Sorry pesos, you don't deserve to live.
i wonder what happened to ff. anyone remember him?
There is a difference between PEDOphilia and HEBOphilia. It's a difference that most people are unaware of. No excuse for PEDOphilia as far as I'm concerned.
Only the beginning.
I really really like this video
HEBEphilia is just a perfectly natural attraction to females capable of breeding and (((they))) are only against it because they want whites to wait until eggs are nice and dusty so all our children are autistic.
Do you have any reason besides the propaganda you've been fed?
He still comes around sometimes but I think he's abandoned this place because it's gone to shit.
>Why is smoking wrong? It feels good and helps american companies
>Why is drinking wrong? It feels good and creates social interaction
>Why is buttsex wrong? It feels good and bonds friendships
>Why is transgenderism wrong? It feels good and help kids to find themselves
Finally. I've been waiting almost two years to use this pic.
>he's abandoned this place
sad. i liked him.
This, teen chicks are fully developed by age 16 and you can't expect an ordinary man to simply look at them as a pure child
doesn't hebe start around at 11 or something. still pretty young my man.
And neither of it implies child abuse, but trying to argue on neo-Sup Forums is pointless, all these new redditors are capable of is parroting what others said.
The man deserves a fucking medal.
If I had nothing to lose, I would kill make it my mission in life to kill all child molestors. One a week would be good.
I always knew argentines were faggots.
It's part of human real behaviour, before being censored by moral-fags. So, yes. I'd enjoy cuddling, hugging, and having consensual sex with a little girl.
There are some pretty sexy 11-12 year olds these days. Some girls develop quickly.
Regardless I am fine with the current AoC of 16 since on the average most girls will be fully developed by that time.
Blame all this hormone induced shitty food causing kids to develop faster.
Pic related, chick from the high school I went to with bigger tits than most porn stars
Those are stupid comparisons because they're actually bad things.
He was pretty alright except that he thinks it's okay for girls to be sluts.
But only after marrying her first, right? You'd be an honorable man, right?
>make 3 examples
>hm... there is actually nothing wrong with these, let's add something objectively wrong
Way to go mate
Kill yourselves immediately.
I don't. Apparently Ephebophilia is the "primary or exclusive adult sexual interest in mid-to-late adolescents, generally ages 15 to 19."
Give me a single reason as to why I shouldn't be attracted to females that are capable of producing offspring. I have even conceded to the law as I happen to agree with it, so what is your problem?
Thanks for getting my bait. Everyone just ignores me, not that I don't know the reason why.
Why are martial arts instructors so often child molesters?
lol if you think hitler didnt fuck little boys after getting his meth and estrogen injections
>ITT: Self diagnosed pedophiles
who wouldn't baka
>There are some pretty sexy 11-12 year olds these days
Girls this age are LITERALLY CHILDREN you disgusting fucking cunt. What's wrong with a 20 year old girl? Why would you want a 5 ft child? Please hang yourself.
absolute madman.
Here is your (((((You))))).
>Draw animu girl
>Add diku
They are capable of ovulation and producing eggs to be fertilized, there is no biological reason to not be attracted to them. I have already conceded that not all girls will be developed enough to mate at this age and I support the age of consent remaining at 16. I have no problem with a 20 year old, but women should stop mating at 25.
Please point out what I have said that upsets you.
You're going to get banned tbqh
Keep crying, cuck.
hebephilia is the ultimate redpill.
>nothing wrong with children smoking and drinking
Leave it to a Hungarian to be retarded.
>dressed up like a skank with whore shoes
I wouldn't.
They give parents the illusion of equipping their child with confidence and physical ability, but maintain an authoritative role.
Note that the child molestor was gang raped in the ass and soiled himself.
This is the correct way to handle all child molestor. Personally, I would have used an reciprocating saw.
The biological reason is that they wouldn't survive childbirth because THEY'RE TINY FUCKING CHILDREN
>that femine benis
>implying pedophilia isn't about ass raping little boys 9 times out of 10.
Feminist detected.
and yet there are so many muslims in the world today...
Women of all ages are literally children.
Your death won't come soon enough.
>The biological reason is that they wouldn't survive childbirth
I have already addressed this grievance multiple times. Please read my posts.
While I support the age of consent being 16, I see no reason why an overdeveloped girl under the age of 16 shouldn't be allowed to mate.
>having pyshical contact with children on a daily basis without raising suspicions
Not rocket science user
>Got off with 5 years probation
I guess they can't officially give him a medal. Wish I could see this stuph on the news more often.
All of which are imbred and fucked up
>Taking morality lessons from shitskins
to me puberty is the clear demarcation line. anything before puberty is beyond unacceptable.
Doing gods work
Salt milk
Because its grim and their are billions of adult women available? And they're not mentally mature enough? And its disgusting
Nope. Marriage is for weak minds.
That's edgy, user.
Lera Bugorskaya is love. Lera Bugorskaya is life.