ask argentinians something: the ones present in this post will answer
Argie thread
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Looks comfy desu
When will you give back the rest of your country to us, Lesser Falklander?
Do you have some neat architecture or any historical buildings? Also what is the nature and fauna like?
How is buenos anyway? I learned spanish from an argie. How cold does it get there?
What's it like to be South America's Canada?
How did you honestly manage to fuck up the Falklands War this bad?
I can only attribute it to the general incompetence and lesser IQs of non-whites
its there in the middle
I've just come here looking for beautiful argentinian women.
If I moved there would I find the granddaughter of an SS Officer and have Aryan babies with her?
It's summer
Goes from 30°C to 40°C
You tell me leaf
Do you have an immigration problem and why aren't you shooting people at the border?
More like 26ºC to 35ºC
Why does Argentina get a core on the Falkland islands in 1836 in Victoria 2 when nobody cared or knew the islands existed until the 1980s? what the fuck Nintendo?
Yes (pic related). We have deserts, forests, rainforests, plains, grasslands and swamps so there's all kinds of stuff.
Cool if you're a foreigner or love the opportunities offered by such a densely populated, cosmopolitan city; complete and utter shit if you're not there as a tourist and can't stand the 'big city' issues (think about daily life in NY or Chicago). In the north and especially in the south it gets pretty cold at night. In the rest of the country, not so much.
that's some badass talk coming from *cough* a fucking leaf
Because we had to choose between a president that would keep the usual sub-saharan level of corruption, or our very own "Clinton". Sad but true.
In certain places (Bariloche, Villa General Belgrano, etc.) you'd have a shot, yes.
Why is this country allowed to exist?
Will you kill them all?
Why are most of you so uppity? I'm not saying all of you are, but for real like 80% of argetinians I met are so uppity and self-centered it's not funny.
Cool. Maybe I will immigrate. Don't worry, I'm white :^)
Was Peron a based fascist or a gay socialist faggot?
Do you know any good English books on Argentina's history that don't lie like most history books do?
People from inferior countries and cultures always see their superiors as uppity and self centred, thats why Americans see French people as cunts and French people see Swiss people as cunts etc etc
It's mostly (not saying 'only', but mostly) ppl from Buenos Aires that act that way.
I'm from one of the provinces but lived there for almost 6 years and it took me a while to accept certain things that in BA were considered perfectly normal and in the provinces would be considered quite insulting, selfish, dishonest, etc.
do you have any cool alyium structures in Argentinia?
post about constriction shooting the nigger, faggot
Are you white?
Peron rose to power by being part of the military. Then he opposed the military. The same process of using/discarding people was applied to the Church, leftists, unionists, fascists, nationalists, etc. Peron was a Peronist, and that's all he cared about. He did some 'good' things, but they are outweighed by all the crap he brought upon us.
Good question, I will look into that. Most history books are heavily bluepilled and I fear English books will be even worse.
Not really, I met german, american and british guys and while they could be considered "superior" they don't act like they are like supermodels in catwalk.
yep (in b4 muh white argentina meme)
gay socialist faggot
What happens in Patagonia?
That's good. I've always liked your country.
Why do you exist?
yes cause i am from buenos aires. if you see a provinciano saying that he is white dump him because thats a lie
buenos aires master race
Being overly nice and patient to someone you deem inferior is a type of condescendent behavior Its how I behave with my maids
Why is crime so comically bad?
Does anyone keep money in the bank?
Does anyone keep money at home in pesos?
This user makes a living, enjoys the beach (it's summer here).
Leo Di Caprio filmed the ending of The Revenant last year.
Murricans picture it as a place where you are constantly attacked by bears and struggle to survive in the wild (spoiler alert: there are no bears, not even in forested areas)
It's not?
I mean it's much worse than the 1990s.
But much better than our neighbours.
Maybe that has altered my perception.
Yes and yes.
We still hold the most dollars per capita in the world after the USA which is pretty insane.
You cam buy properties in dollars here, it's legal.
Reminds me of simcity
explain the argentina >white meme, I don't understand it
Forgot map
There are beavers, pumas and penguins though.
Hello my white friend
>be sicilian nigger
>arrive in flea infested ship
>make a few dirty pesos
>muh white heritage
>Yes and yes.
Absolutely amazing
Do you own a gun?
Chile & Argentinian unification when?
No, you need a license to own a gun.
I know a friend that has one.
Shut up Mohammed
Never. They hate us and we hate them.
I don't understand it either.
Sup Forums faggotry started by jealous Mexicans.
whenever islam ceases to exist and poo in loos take over the world
we used to be pretty white desu, but nowadays we are being invaded by our filthy latino neighbors (pic related) and the corrupt government doesn't give a fuck about it
Can I as a white person move into Southern Argentina? the climate looks comfy to me
>Not a single pair of light eyes
Damn we really are not white
>tfw green eyes but brown hair
Yes if you know anything about electronics, tourism, oil and gas, or sheep farming. Those are main jobs there.
argentino culiao
Worked in tourism before before I became a cop here. I know I have to have enough money if I were to make it in Argentina, maybe I should be a type of farmer or something. Or go finish my electrician apprenticeship.
Can you give an example of something he did that was bad?
Do you have any significant fascist movement there?
What is the general opinion of Americans among Argentinians? (Only asking because of my nationality)
why are most argies super faggots ?
Falklands soldier here
Based Socialist Fascist
''If it isn't Social, Isn't Fascist''
Southern argentina (aka Patagonia, although this is debatable) has a rich variety of climates and towns.
To the west, you get more rain, more forests and colder weather. To the east it's windy, dry and relatively cold. In both areas you can perfectly go to the beach/lake in the summer. And if you really go south, it gets *very* cold. Not Leaf cold, but cold.
Some towns are pretty white (for example, the small town of Trevelin is almost 100% inhabited by descendants of immigrants from Wales), some are not (the ones related to the oil industry, which requires a lot of low skilled workers).
Nice try ahmed
If Peron was so based, then why does it seem like all of his followers are faggots ruining your country now?
What happened with the Peronistas?
I will visit one day, I gather this city has some fine architecture
>Can you give an example of something he did that was bad?
Big government and gibmedats.
It's just as bad when a government claiming to be right-wing does it.
>Do you have any significant fascist movement there?
Kek no. There is no far right party at all.
The best we can hope for is some cuckservative like the one currently in power.
>What is the general opinion of Americans among Argentinians? (Only asking because of my nationality)
It's very good, Argies love American culture and products, you may only get some negative opinions about US foreign policy from a few assblasted leftists but even they love American movies, drink at Starbucks and buy Iphones.
Hi familia (:
>be British cuck
>give shitty home island to Muslims
>denies white man his rightful property
not really, but it has a landing spot
its a shithole mate
Quien mas odia a macri (:
El es el Clinton Argentino
Falklands are British you hispanic cunt.
of course , the architecture of Buenos Aires is GOAT
Nice, which part of Patagonia would be recommended for newcomers/tourists?
proxy fags can't spanish
im out
Ojala se atore con un pandulce y muera verdad (:
>not being uppity and self centred
Peronistas were always cancer.
Argentina was built by the Conservative, pro-free-market, British-allied Partido Autonomista Nacional which ruled between 1853 and 1913, men like Julio A. Roca built Argentina into a powerhouse, then the Peronists were handed the keys of a Camaro in 1945 and they crashed it like the children they are.
Tell me about the 1998 economic collapse. Was it really a fully-fledged breakdown of civilisation?
Squandered post-WWII fortune (when Europe needed lots of food and grain and shit we produce, remember?). He used the left wing movement to gain political momentum at a certain point, then discarded them and they turned against him, which led to the 'dirty war' (GIYF). Created the whole welfare system that let half the country live off the other half that actually works and pays taxes. And now you have to give them billions per year or they will loot and rape and kill because muh poverty. Peronist politicians will now conspire to overthrow anyone who is not a Peronist.
Are you from l'interior?
Quien gana el bailando hoy (:》>
where are you hiding Hitler?
Islas Malvinas or Falkland Islands?
Because we love nazis .they did nothing wrong (:
What are the best countries in Latin America in terms of stability, economy, employment, etc.?
40 is alright
Summer in Buenos Aires sucks monkey dick
go back to Sup Forums, faggot
Web don't want that ugly island .you can keep it (:
VIVA PERON! Arriba Argentina!
Half rainforest, half sierra. Impossible to invade. Its better to let them die by their own stupidity
why do you think that just because you live near the Falkland, its yours?
Soy una chica .pelotudon :)
I've been thinking for a while that South America in general, but perhaps Argentina especially, will take over Europe's current role as the world capital of tourism.
Buenos Aires looks like Paris a decade ago, that's just a fact. And, Paris is now beginning to look like a third world ghetto thanks to massive uncontrolled immigration, terrorism, and corruption on a perverse scale. I could see more and more tourists substituting a trip to Europe with a cheaper and safer trip to Argentina.
El faggoto murricano hace proxy